Saturday, August 31, 2024

TheXYGhost 313

She said that she dated many men in the past. This means that she accepts free meals from strangers. She sees the next one as a sucker.

Friday, August 30, 2024

TheXYGhost 312

She demands that you change to suit her needs but she will call you a jerk for telling her to change.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

TheXYGhost 311

Dating : When a woman accepts food, drinks, entertainment and more, from a man until she finds someone that will spend even more on her.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

TheXYGhost 310

Women, a nice car cost money. A good man is important to you. Pay for the first date.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

TheXYGhost 309

Remember women, it’s now customary to buy a man gift before you pay for the first date. Car accessories are a good start.

Monday, August 26, 2024

TheXYGhost 308

Women, are you wondering why good men are never around you anymore? Pay for the first date.

Men Have Been Doing This Since the Beginning of Time

From the beginning of time men have juggled their careers while providing and protecting their families. From prehistoric times where men woke up before sunrise to feed their livestock. Providing for and protecting their family, livestock and properties was his job. Men have done this for generations without fail.

Even in modern times before feminism, men provided and protected families even while attending college and beyond. Men did it all successfully.

In the past 50 years the modern woman boasts that she is better than the men of the past. While she avoids all the dangerous jobs that men still do she professes that she needs no man. She claims that she can multitask better than men as she puts her family on hold to the point that she freezes her eggs past her 40's.

It's amazing to see that modern women prove that they are incapable of creating, maintaining and supporting a family while creating their own careers. If they could, why would they freeze their own eggs while waiting on their success in their career?

I guess they cannot multitask as well as men can.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

"I Don't Get Approached"

Did it ever occur to this one to meet someone, at least half way?

Women wait for things to happen to them, never taking a step in any direction towards making their own life happen. With everything, women think that they have limited,and nearly zero responsibility to get what they want. They feel that if they do anything to make things happen, "it's not meant to be".

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I Still Can't Believe How Crazy This Is

After she dumped me to mary my best friend in high school back in 1980, she found me on Facebook 40 years later to see if I wanted to get back together with her.

Friday, August 23, 2024

They Still Want a Disney Prince

I just dont understand it. Why are women as old as 50 still looking for a Disney Prince to rescue them and sweep them off their feet? Grow up! You are not 13 anymore. Accept reality and stop believing in storybook fantasies.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Harder She Works on Herself, The Fewer Men Matches Her Standards

She works hard to raise her financial status, as a result of her hard work, she finds fewer men that are above her level.

She works even harder to collect college diplomas only to find that even fewer men have the degrees that she has and the financial status as well.

The more she improves herself, the less likely she will find a man with a higher status.

She will never find a man with equal or lesser value than she perceives herself. She has no ideas of sharing of strengths. Her endless pursuits of her personal status and the obsession of others blinds her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Love / Hate That Women Have For Being a Sex Object

Most women have a problem with being seen as a sex object by men, or so they claim, but do not have a problem with benefitting from, or even exploiting, their being seen as a sex object by a man.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #10

"Men get told every day where they rank, they get rejected all the time. Men known what they quote unquote 'qualify' for.

But women for the last 30 to 40 years have been told they can have it all whenever they want, no matter how they are. And they've been given an unrealistic expectation of their actual sexual marketplace value."

Monday, August 19, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #8

"When a woman and male feminists, can't present a cogent argument based in facts, statistics or logic they resort to Shame, Insult, Guilt and the Need to be right (S.I.G.N.Language)"

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #8

"When a woman and male feminists, can't present a cogent argument based in facts, statistics or logic they resort to Shame, Insult, Guilt and the Need to be right (S.I.G.N.Language)"

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #6

"Do not give to anybody based upon your level of attraction or interest. Do or give based upon their level of investment.

If she gives 1 you give 1, if she gives 2 you give 2.

Making women not earn you time is a great way to get stuck in the friend zone or losing attraction."

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #5

"Classy women don't lie. Weave is a lie, make-up is a lie, waist trainers are a lie, spanks are a lie, girdles are a lie. Stop lying.

You must dress like a woman: skirts, skirts and more skirts. Skirts and dresses.

Get rid of the flip-flops. Get rid of the sandals and dress like a grown up woman.

Get rid of the yoga pants and anything that shows your natural *ss. Get rid of things that show your midriff or your stomach.

We don't need to see all of that, that's for your man."

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #4

"So many modern women today cannot deliver the girlfriend experience. That's why you don't get the wife treatment. The girlfriend experience is respect, affection, support, peace and tranquility."

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #3

"Ask a woman what she wants from a man and she'll give you a thesaurus, a list, an encyclopedia.

Ask what she brings to the table and you can write it on the back of a postage stamp."

Monday, August 12, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #2

"A woman that's in high demand, her mindset is three main things: she's cooperative, she's smart, and she's agreeable. All three of those things must be there.

She must be smart, but a woman that's smart and disagreeable is not a woman that's in high demand, she's not a woman that's really wanted.

A woman who's smart and cooperative but not agreeable is kind of useless. Cause she'll only cooperate when she agrees.

A woman who's cooperative and agreeable but not smart is kinda like the blind leading the blind.

She must be smart, cooperative and agreeable."

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Kevin Samuels Quote #1

"A man wants a woman who is cooperative. fit, feminine, friendly, submissive, childless, and easy to get along"

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #8

"I allow manipulation to see where my enemy wants me to go, Then I use my mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrators." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Friday, August 9, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #8

"Teach a man to make $1,000 in an hour and he will find a way to make that 18 hours a day

Teach a woman the same and she will think that she only needs to work 2 hours a week." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #7

"My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with my sheer indefatigability, combine to make me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor" -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #6

"I can never think of a time where I had a problem and I called a woman and told her my problem and the problem went away. I'd call a girl I'd go, ‘I've got this issue, I need money, or someone is out to kill me or, I got stabbed' or whatever. And the girl said something that wasn't, just garbage. They cannot help your problems. Women are not combat ready." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #5

"Feminism is an ideology that can not be defended by feminists. The only people that can defend feminism are the men that subscribe to that garbage." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Monday, August 5, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #4

"Women don't need men in a physical sense because life is soft. But it's Bullshit. And it's bullshit because you still need men by proxy, one, and two, the second life gets difficult you very quickly learn how much you need men. But women will go, 'I'm an independent woman. I don't need no man because I have an OnlyFanss and men pay my OnlyFans and if anyone comes up to me, I'll call a male police officer. I don't need men/' Shut up you're a fucken idiot. Your whole life is based on men. Of course you need men. You just named your whole life is based on fucken men. The house you are living in was built by men. The car you are driving was designed by a man. Your whole life depends on men. And the second anything bad were to happen to you, the second you were physically threatened, or times would get hard, or a war would start, or famine, or riots. The first thing you do is find a big strongman, and shit yourself and throw the feminism out the window. Feminism goes out the window the minute the snow needs shoveling, or there's a broken down car, or there's a tire that needs changing. Then all that crap vanishes. It's garbage!" -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #3

"Men who live without self control are the kind of men who cry when their girlfriend cheats on them, ‘cause she certainly does, because she doesn't respect a little cry baby, and she's only with you because she's ugly as fuck and she has to settle for a little soy boy pussy like you." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #2

"If you name the biggest conquerors that you can possibly name from history, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, all of them, they all had100 wives, bunch of children, Big 'G', conquered the world. Normal! That is normal evolutionary biology. That's how men are designed to be." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Friday, August 2, 2024

Andrew Tate Quote #1

"There's not been, in the history of humanity, across any culture, any book, any story, any fable, there has never been, across the history of humanity, any respect in the name of a promiscuous female. Ever! Ever! There has never been a single female that has been celebrated for her promiscuity, ever in history. It's always been frowned upon. It's disgusting. Not a single woman who was celebrated for having multiple husbands. Female promiscuity has always been disgusting and frowned upon." -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Andrew Tate's 41 Tenets

1. Men have the divine imperative to become as capable, competent, and powerful as possible in this life.

2. I reserve my human right to hold my own beliefs, practice them as I see fit, and give people the same right to believe and act as they wish.

3. I prefer loving, rewarding, consensual relationships with beautiful, positive, virtuous, (feminine) women.

4. Men and women are different, each has their own unique and important strengths and abilities (skillsets).

5. Men have the sacred duty to protect and provide for the important people in their lives.

6. Men have the sacred duty to protect the innocence and sanctity of their children and reserve the right and responsibility to raise their children as they see best to ensure their long-term happiness, health and success.

7. Men have the sacred duty to raise strong, capable, and honorable sons.

8. Men have the sacred duty to raise kind, feminine, and virtuous daughters.

9. I utterly disprove violence within familiar and romantic relationships.

10. I support good and honest governments, and will obey their laws.

11. I prefer to conduct business dealings only with trusted and vetted brothers.

12. A man has the sacred duty to hold true to his word and do exactly what he says he will do.

13. A man's life is difficult, so he has the sacred duty to become strong to handle such difficulty.

14. Men are personally responsible for their actions and for the results they achieve in their lives.

15. I believe in emotional control and the vital need to become disciplined and professional in all things.

16. Men have the sacred duty to approach everything in life from a position of strength.

17. All men have the sacred duty to become men of upright and virtuous character and live above all possible reproach.

18. I believe it is incumbent upon me to ruthlessly identify my own weaknesses and limitations and work to overcome them and become more capable in all realms.

19. I seek to improve my personal freedom to think, act and live true to my masculine imperative in all ways.

20. Each man has a sacred duty to mold the physical body into the strongest, most resilient, and most capable version of itself.

21. Men have the sacred duty to rigorously mold themselves, both physically and mentally every day.

22. I have the sacred duty to only eat the highest quality foods possible.

23. I reserve the right to protect the sanctity of my bloodstream and make my own decisions about my own medical care and procedures.

24. I affirm the importance of endlessly improving my mental faculties through diligent work, study, and practice.

25. I believe in acquiring wealth and abundance in order to improve my life and do good to those I care about.

26. I believe in the merits of healthy competition and constantly encourage men to seek out the competition to improve themselves.

27. I believe masculine brotherhood is essential to men's mental health, happiness and success, and I relentlessly encourage men to meet together, work together, and train together.

28. I maintain the trust of my brothers through reverent silence regarding our most sacred and shared experiences.

29. I believe in honoring my ancestors and living in a way that would make most of them proud of me today.

30. I reserve the right to administer difficult rights of passage to our young men to allow them to earn the rank of manhood.

31. I affirm the importance and need of travel and adventure as men.

32. I seek to help men overcome poor mental health by embracing hard work, physical improvements, and shared masculine brotherhood.

33. I reserve the right to make the best choices I can at the time to protect myself and respect my mental health.

34. I do good in the world and seek to help those less fortunate.

35. I believe all men have the responsibility to lead and guide those they care about for greater prosperity, health, and happiness.

36. I choose to only interact with those who are respectful and civil to me, in return for my own respectfulness and civility.

37. I reserve the freedom to speak and refer to others as I believe is the best and most truthful.

38. I reserve the right to choose my company and include only those whom I believe is best for my health, happiness, and success.

39. I believe I have an imperative to only spend my time in a way that I determine is beneficial, uplifting, and empowering to myself and others.

40. I choose to only allow myself to be influenced by those whom I believe have my best interests in mind.

41. Each day I dedicate myself a new to creating the greatest possible positive impact on the world and doing the work necessary to achieve greater masculine excellence across all realms of human endeavor. -Andrew Tate Top "G"

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"You Are Not The Father!"

30 years and more than 5,000 episodes of the Maury Show and the phrase "You are not the father" hasn't told you anything yet?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Why I Am TheXYGhost

I've been deliberately single for 23 years now and in that time I had many women come to me implying they will leave their husbands to be with me. I had many more women (single moms divorcees etc) approach me and I push them all aside. Even at age 59 I was approached by this old 50-something bank manager who gave me her business card.

I'm not saying I'm the object of all female desire, I'm fat, bald, ugly and I'm nearly blind. I do admit, I have a big personality. I stay away from broads altogether.

I was married and 23 years ago my wife moved out and divorced me taking $250k out of the bank. She racked up $50k in credit card debt furnishing her new boyfriend's apartment. 4 lawyer friends told me that there was not much I could do and that contesting the divorce might get worse with false accusations etc.

American women hate men. They will say that they love men but they want to love as many as they can as they take those men's resources.

Ask any woman, "How many successful relationships have you been in?" And if her answer is more than one then you know that she is looking for yet another successful one. A successful relationship, to her, is when she takes, for herself, a profit. I tell those women, "I wish you many more successful relationships"

When a girl tells me that they like older men, I reply by saying, "There are many older men out there for you to choose. The world is your oyster.."

This is why I'm The XY Ghost (The Invisible Man)

Google my name. TheXYGhost

Monday, July 29, 2024

New First date Rules For Her

Non-virgins need to split the bill

Divorces need to pay the whole bill

Single moms need to pay for the whole date and a Rolex for each child he needs to take care of.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

TheXYGhost 279

Her : Provide for me because I'm 48 years old but I look 30.
TheXYGhost : You look 30 to a blind man.

Why I DO What I Do

I'm 60 years old, when I was 7 my babysitter gave me my first oral. When I was 14 and 15 I had affairs with 3 of my high school teachers. My first girlfriend left me for a 20 year old drug addict that I saw lying in the streets strung out 20 years later. I had 3 girlfriends that were pregnant but tests prove I was not the father. I had 2 of my ex's that had abortions behind my back. Although I was never formally charged, I had 3 girls that accused me of gRAPE. They spread rumors around the circle of people with whom I surrounded myself. Two of those girls I never even touched, the third one I have never had sex.

Two weeks before my wife served me my divorce papers, she blurted out, "the first time we had sex, you raped me". Did she mean to say that I raped her, and then she married me?

In my teens and into my twenties, I had a few girlfriends confide in me that their step dad was constantly molesting them. (And you want to marry a single mother). Female classmates in college and in high school told me similar stories. I never knew why those girls never reported this to the police. I later found out that young girls have gRAPE fantasies about their step-fathers. Sometimes these young girls blurt out their fantasies to invoke or manipulate a "rescue me" response from a boy with whom she's talking. (And you STILL want to marry a single mother)

I've dated movie starlets and had 3 women in my life that were singers. (2 well known at the time and 1 not so well known.) I was married in my late 30's and when she divorced me, stole $310,000 from my accounts. After my divorce 23 married women in my neighborhood started approaching me suggesting they will leave their man for me. 10 of those women had kids. One of those women divorced her husband, and when the divorce was final, she started coming around again. One time she sent her 12-year-old daughter to tell me, "you're my mommy's boyfriend." I'm not about to break up a family. When I showed my disinterest, they went to their husbands and told them I was hitting on them. In my teens I had 4 girlfriends of single mothers and their mom (3 of them) made advances towards me. When I turned them down, they told their daughter to leave me. One of the girl's I dated, her aunt hit on me and left it alone after that.

I've had several girlfriends in the past. When their best friend hit on me and I refused, they told my girlfriend that I hit on them. One of my girlfriends' best friends convinced my girlfriend to break up with me. When she did, that girl came up to me and asked if I could "give her a try".

I've dated a woman that had a net worth of $41 million back in the 1980's, she left me for a 55 year old man that was worth much more. He ended up dumping her a few months later and she begged me to come back to her.

My 61 year old sister had 3 kids from 3 different men and married and divorced 2 of them. From the age of 16, all of her boyfriends and husbands were alcoholic, drug addicts and violent criminals. Mind you that growing up, her and I were never surrounded by any drugs or alcohol.

My life has been a series of temporary hookups based on financial worth. I've watched my childhood friends, my classmates, coworkers and neighbors in the same storm. No love, just temporary conquest until something better comes along. I have only wanted one girlfriend, I'm ashamed that I've had so many.

I've been single for 22 years and even last month a 50+ year old female bank manager came over to my side of the bar to give me her business card. I am not a drinker of spirits but I have a coffee every afternoon at the bar of a nice restaurant near me. She overheard that I was single while I was talking to the bartender. She said, "I overheard that you are single. We are both in the same boat". The bartender was shocked when she saw this. She thought I was lying about my dating past. The only thing that was going through my mind when she handed me her card was, "we are not in the same boat, we are in the same storm"

I'm 60 years old, bald, ugly, fat and going blind. I'm not saying that I'm this "hot" commodity that every girl desires, I'm saying I know the modern feminist influenced woman so well, I can even predict with almost 60% accuracy, what they will say next and how they lie.

When I tell women my story, they almost always say one of the following.

"Not ALL women are like that!" "You hate women." "Who hurt you?" "You just pick the wrong women." "Where do you find these women?"

Saturday, July 27, 2024

TheXYGhost 278

I identify as a midget aboriginal gay man trapped in a Swedish lesbian’s body. Now am I allowed to hit a woman?

A Man Has Way More Love in His Heart Than Any Woman Has Ever Had.

A man will die to save his family A man will die to save friends A man will die to save a stranger A man will die for the betterment of society

And I'm not even talking about war.

How many men in Japan went on a suicide mission to clean up the reactors in Fukushima

How many men went to work cleaning up Chernobyl knowing they would die?

How many firemen run into a burning building to save strangers?

How many women risk their lives to do anything? They just stand outside a burning building screaming, "Somebody save my baby"

A man I once knew had a burnt face because as a baby his mother ran out of a burning house and left him as a 5 year old in the same room she ran from.

I cringe when I hear women say they don't need a man. I just wish men would go on a 1 week strike every year and do absolutely nothing. No work, TV nor buying, etc.

Friday, July 26, 2024

TheXYGhost 277

My next date with a hot woman will be paid for by that woman.

If Women Claim They Can Multitask, Then Why...

Women are incapable of juggling a career and a relationship at the same time, yet they say that they can multitask. Men have juggled their families and careers for meliniae.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

TheXYGhost 276

She wants an Alpha that services her every want, need and desire, when, where and how she wants for fear she may leave him.

The Female Collective Think and Act Alike

When I told the women in my life what my ex-wife did to me they would all turn around sooner or later to blame me and later spread rumors that I hated all women. It never ceased to amaze me. Why would every girl I talk to about my ex-wife immediately blame me then spread rumors that I hated all women when I talked about the actions of only one. This made no sense. I became more and more amazed at this phenomenon as time passed.

It got to the point where I would tell women the events of my divorce just to see them blame me for her bad behavior and tell me that I'm a woman hater.

They blamed me for choosing such a woman, and faulted me for "allowing" or "letting" her steal my money and cheat on me. Just imagine that your house was robbed and I blamed you for allowing and letting burglars rob you.

These same women would march on Washington DC if you were to say that even one woman was raped because she allowed it to happen.

I got tired of telling women what my ex did and started to lie about why I was no longer married. I told women that my ex-wife died. I thought there would be no questions after that. A simple, "I'm sorry for your loss", and maybe a question or 2 on what happened.

No way! I would get evil looks at some women telling me that I killed my-ex wife. Some would state their condolences and later on tell people that they knew that I killed my ex-wife. There was no escaping their accusations no matter what my story was.

At this time I called this phenomenon "The Female Collective" after The Borg Collective (an alien life form from the TV series Star Trek). It was like all the women I talked to saw all women, including themselves as faultless and were ready at a moment, without any investigation, to blame the man and exonerate any woman from any wrongdoing.

Any time they would hear a news story on how a woman, killed they would immediately fault the man the woman killed.

I see this line of thinking in politics. If you do not like the actions of Barack Hussein Obama, then you hate all black people. When President Donald J. Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and temporarily bans the immigration from 7 countries then he becomes the hater of all Mexicans, Muslims and immigrants. When Trump lashes out on one woman (Rosie O'Donal) they say that he hates all women.

What do we call this irrational action?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TheXYGhost 275

Women complain that men aren’t Chivalrous. They also complain when men say they don't act like ladies.

A woman will never;

1. Approach you. 2. Introduce herself to you. 3. Make the first move. 4. Open up with a "line". 5. Ask for a number. 6. Make the first call. 7. Suggest a date. 8. Set up a first date. 9. Initiate the first date. 10. Pick you up. 11. Hold open a door for you. 12. Buy you a gift. 13. Drive to the date. 14. Initiate conversations. 15. Maintain conversation. 16. Make you laugh. 17. Make you happy. 18. Pay for the date. 19. Drive you home. 20. Initiate the first kiss. 21. Initiate any communication after the first date. 22. Help you out. 23. Risk her life for you. 24. Protect you with her life. 25. Commit to you. 26. Buy you an engagement ring. 27. Get on one knee and propose marriage. 28. Pay for a wedding. 29. Buy you a house. 30. Buy you a car. 31. Buy you a wedding ring. 32. Initiate sex. 33. Perform better than your last 20 partners. 34. Work hard to support your expensive taste. 35. Work 2 and 3 jobs to support you.

But if you fail, in her eyes, any of the above things she will never do for you, she will initiate a new boyfriend (at that point she won't consider that cheating) initiate a divorce, take your home, kids, pension, 401 K, stock portfolio and force you to pay alimony, child support and the mortgage for the house she is living with your replacement as he tucks your kids in bed every night.

If you think she wronged you, remember this, you picked her, therefore you should have known that she was planning this for you. It's all your fault. You must have done something wrong, because she never is wrong.

In fact, she will initiate nothing with you except the divorce.

And you wonder why men are not begging to do that all over again.

Do you think that this has been done this way to break up families, confuse children and emasculate men and destroy their power?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TheXYGhost 274

Women, stop training your sons to be girls and I won’t train you to be a lady.

Summary of Today's Modern Woman

Today’s woman wants a man to be her personal slave.

Be my provider. Provide me food. Provide me shelter. Provide me clothes. Provide me protection. Provide me loads of attention. Provide me complements. Provide me entertainment. Provide me luxuries. Provide me travel. Provide me adventure. Provide me drama. Provide me jewelry. Provide me happiness. Provide me emotional care.

Make me feel special. Make me feel comfortable. Make me happy.

Commit to me the way I want you to commit to me but I will never commit to you.

Love me and honor me but I will never spend an ounce of effort to love you.

Love me. Protect me. Provide for me. Praise me. Fight for me even when I’m in the wrong. I will always measure, question and challenge your love for me but how dare you to ever do that to me.

Be taller than me. Be stronger than me. Be faster than me. Be richer than me.Be older than me. Be nice when I need you to be nice. Never be too nice. Be strong when I need you to be strong. Be sensitive when I want you to be sensitive.

Be my doctor. Be my lawyer. Be my therapist.

Listen to my problems and don’t try to solve them until I tell you my problems the way I would if I wanted you to solve them. Don’t tell me your problems because I will see you as weak and I will no longer respect you. I will use anything you say to shame and ridicule you in public. Dance and tiptoe around my anxieties and insecurities from my past toxic men I chose over guys like you. I like those “bad boys” If you have insecurities based on your past relationships, it’s your fault. You picked them. I will ignore, dismiss, laugh at and minimize your relationship concerns, because you should not complain. I want a leader. Lead me where I want to go.Lead me how I want to be lead.Lead me when I want to be lead.Never guide me where you want me to go.If you don’t lead me the way I demand, I will take the lead and leave you. I will never forgive your mistakes but you better forgive mine. If I raise my status with college degrees, income or attention, you should too or I will leave you. I will only accept you if you are 6 feet tall or taller. I will only accept you if you have a 6 figure salary or greater. I will only accept you if you have 6 pack abs. But you have to accept me no matter how I look, act or how much I make.

They say that relationships are hard work so you need to work hard to understand me and make me happy.

I don’t know what makes me happy, but you better find it for me.

I won’t cook for you, provide me a chef and a personal assistant.

I won’t clean for you, provide a maid for me.

If it’s a lot, it may not be enough.

If it’s more than others in the past have ever given me, that may not be enough.

If it’s more than what any woman received in history, that’s not enough.

Work more. Work better. Work faster. Work longer.

If you do everything I demand of you, then you are a weak man, if you don’t do as I demand I don’t want you.

You are not giving me enough attention, you love your job more than you love me.

If I lie to you, it’s your fault for believing me. If I swindle you, it’s your fault for trusting me. If I cheat on you it’s your fault for choosing me.

I will talk to you in encoded hints but you better know what I’m saying because communication is key. I will never tell you what I want from you but I will tell everyone that you are not giving me what I’m not asking for. You should always know.

I will seek out your weak points every chance I get and exploit them to see how tough you really are, because I can. If I am successful at manipulating you, you are too weak for me, so I’ll keep trying. If I cheat on you, you need to forgive my mistake. If I even think that you cheated on me, even in my dreams, I will divorce you and take everything you own.

Be good in bed, better than the 100 men before you even if they are no longer with me.

Take care of me and my two kids from my previous manservants that couldn’t please me.

Give me everything I want because I’m worth it. I will shame, insult, guilt, cry, manipulate, whine, complain and nag you to do what I need you to do but I will never ask you or do things on my own for you.

I’m allowed to hit you but if you even think of hitting me, I will have you arrested by lying that you assaulted me.

If you do everything I ask of you, you are a weak man and a sucker.

If you don’t please me and my kids, I will divorce you, take your home, take your pension and take everything you have and more. You will pay child support for children that I will withhold from you and you will pay me alimony just because I want that. This proves I’m independent and I don’t need a man.

Remember, I am the prize, get on one knee and present me an offering to bring this prize home to you. But others can take me away from you even after you commit to me.

I’m not like other girls.

Monday, July 22, 2024

TheXYGhost 001

Join TheXYGhost - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -- MGTOW Strong!

Private Support Group For Men Only Females are not allowed!

What happens here stays here!

Free Speech Spoken here!

TheXYGhost = The Missing Man

MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way MGHOW = Men Going His Own Way

Men Going Their Own Way means men who choose their own lifestyle. Whether it is by being a PUA's (Pick Up Artists), MRA's (Mens' Rights Activists), MRM's (Men's Rights Movement), one of the various stages of MGTOW, or a man maintaining his own family, we are here to help in any way we can.

Men excel at finding solutions to problems and implementing help. This is why we helped women in our past only to receive the proverbial kick in the groin in return. Please use this group to ask questions of all the men here for any reason you see fit. Questions on your personal life, business, financial, car, whatever. We are men, and unlike women we invent, fix, improve and help others.

We are men becoming ghosts in the family. Men are being ejected from the families by Delilahs that are supported by the Philistines of our times (Police, Family Courts, Social Justice Warriors, etc.) These modern day Philistines are willing to do whatever Delilah demands.

We realize that women hate men and for the most part, we are OK with that. We do not hate women in return, we will leave you to your devices and go our own way.

When audiences of women all over the country, time and time again over the past 20 years give Lorena Bobbitt standing ovations for sexually mutilating an unarmed man in his sleep as an act of revenge, we know it's hatred in their hearts. Women like man hating lesbian Gloria Steinem glorifies abortion to the tune of 58 million unborn children since 1972 (Row vs Wade) Donna Hylton who spends 27 years in prison for beating, torturing, raping and killing a 62 year old man, speaks for women's rights.

This is Not "The He-Man Woman Haters Club" But We Don't Want Any Women.

"As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens an other" Proverbs 27:17

Est. July 22, 2016

Sunday, July 21, 2024

TheXYGhost 272

When she says she can do better, she means she can find a richer man that will provide for her.

Proof That Men Are Sexy at Any Age

As sexy as 45 year old Tina Turner was back in the mid 1980's, no man in their 20's and 30's has ever drooled over her.

Sean Connery in his 60's had girls in their 20's, 30's and beyond who found him sexy.

I once talked to a 50 year old woman who said that when she was 16 she that 45 year old Ed Asner, who played Lou Grant on the 1970's TV show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Ed Asner was a short, frumpy, bald man. That woman said that she was turned on whenever Lou Grant yelled out for Mary

Can you imagine a 16 year old girl being attracted to a 45 year old, bald, short man. It happens.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

TheXYGhost 271

Happy wife, Happy life. Nothing in the world makes her happy.

Who Is Making Her Feel Safe Now?

Her: All I want is someone to make me feel safe.

TheXYGhost: Have you ever been safe in your life?

What or who has ever made you feel safe?

Will feeling safe mean you actually are safe?

What's threatening you at the moment?

Are you paranoid?

Friday, July 19, 2024

TheXYGhost 270

He overfills his kids plates so he can eat their leftovers. His wife drugged him before.

He Worked for 25 Years So She Can Save Her Money

After 25 years of marriage, she divorced him and had saved enough money to buy a house all in cash. He had to pay alimony because she made less than him.

There is "Our Money" and there is "My Money". She lived off her provider.

Don't be a provider!

Providers are servants.

Be a king and get treated well.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

TheXYGhost 269

He told me that his wife was more of a problem than his 4 daughters.

Dating Tip

Before you ask a girl on a date, ask her if she would go on a date with a man she does not like. If she says, "Yes", Don't ask her.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

TheXYGhost 268

Why do you think I’m gay when I’m single? Were you gay when you were single?

"Men Are Just Intimidated by a Strong, Independent Woman Like Me"

Men are not intimidated by women like you. That's a euphemism women like to use to manipulate others and themselves to feel superior to men. Men don't care about your success, you judge men by the power you think you have over him. You think you are superior to men that you out earn. They just walk away from you due to how you treat them. Then you pat yourself on the back by saying that men are intimidated by you.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

TheXYGhost 267

She is always looking for ways to prove you love her. Switch it up and see what happens.

Detecting Emotional Thinking in Guys and Females

How to detect emotional thinking;

1) They constantly change the subject or they add non-relevant subjects to the conversation especially when they disagree with you..

2) They tend to speak incredibly fast, once triggered.

3) They constantly interrupt you in conversations once a trigger word or phrase is mentioned.

4) They have an accusatory tone. (In their mind they hear a statement then they manipulate it to the most negative version of that statement then they accuse that person for their own interpretation of that statement)

5) They constantly protect their provider (the government) or collective. Children and women protect their providers. When a woman protects the government over her husband, she is looking to divorce that husband soon.

When someone speaks bad about President Obama, The emotional thinking will say, "You hate him because he's black" When someone speaks out about what their ex-wife did to them, the emotional thinking will say, "You hate all women." (Both of the above are examples of 4 and 5)

6) They consistently use the phrase, "I feel...". Like, "I feel that you are not telling the truth." or "I feel that he is a jerk".

7) They justify their actions by manipulating facts or statistics

These are traits of children and women. Men need to transform from a child's emotional thinking to thinking logical. Young boys raised by single mothers never grow to become logical men.

Monday, July 15, 2024

TheXYGhost 266

She agrees with everything you say until she marries you.

Do Women Really Want Kings or Servants? Servants?

A subject proves his worthiness to royalty. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not a servant that will invite a woman into my world the way she wants, how she wants when she wants and pay and provide for her every needs, wants and desires. Feminism made you females equal to men and its your turn to ask us out and entertain us properly or get turned down because you haven't proven yourselves worthy.

I have to ask you girls something; Do you want to walk around with a king or a servant? Its your choice. A servant serves and a king gets treated well. Its that simple.

Men can take rejection. Most men get rejected tens of thousands of times at work, in team sports, etc. We know its part of life. We know if we ask and get rejected, we are still OK with it. No is only a word to us. No real man preaches political correctness because we know that words can never harm us. It is the perception of women that men fear rejection because women fear rejection, this is why women throughout history almost never go after anything they really want. Men get the jobs they want because they go to 100's of interviews undaunted. You think a tiny "No" will shatter us? Its OK to think the way you want.

So what? We do not choose to communicate the way you want us to communicate. Tough. Again, men are not your servants.

If you want to dance, then dance and entertain us.

Compliments? Oh, OK, you look nice today. Well you had better put your best outfit together for us. If not, we don't connect. Maybe you need to re-think the jeans and business suits that looks so butch and un flattering. If men wanted to date a person in jeans, figure out the rest.

Men are not supposed to impress you or shower you with gifts at your doorstep. Get a servant for that. Men are taking charge but they are not taking charge the way you define it, by serving your needs, wants and desires.

I need to ask one final thing; how many years do you think you are entitled to full royal pampering? Because kids in their teens and 20's are dating. Why not you?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

TheXYGhost 265

Women don’t want families anymore. They want multiple sources of child support payments as they collect welfare.

Trading Your Disfunctional Family In for a New Disfunctional One

I sit back and watch as my friends, neighbors and relatives get divorced because their wives think that happiness is provided to them from a provider. When these wives are unhappy, because they are not achieving anything, and blame the man for not handing them happiness on a silver platter, the remedy is divorce. That man watches helplessly as he pays through the nose for lawyers just to watch judges play GOD with his children's lives. Then helplessly he watches another man marrying his ex-wife and move in and is the dominant figure in his children's lives. Sadly, the only thing he does is marry another home wrecker that left her husband as he supports children that are not his as the real father of those children watches helplessly as he takes over another man's children.

I looked at my step father one day and told him, "you are not my father." As my mother insisted that he lay down the law on me. Coincidentally, his kids said the same thing to their surrogate father once he tried the same thing.

I vowed never to be a surrogate father nor let my children have one. The first part, I can control, the second is dependent of the prerogative of a woman, and that is to change her mind. ("But that is not all women" as all women say)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

TheXYGhost 264

Women are strong invincible, empowered and independent until they go to divorce court.

Men Are Disposable to Women

Women hate men. They only like a man's wealth. They have sh!tted on men all their lives and now when they have 2 or 3 kids from 2 or 3 men, 3 or 4 abortions, a slew of STDs now they want a man for the only purpose of fixing their things because they are too cheap to pay a man to fix stuff. They are too stupid to fix things. Once the item is fixed, they will dismiss you.

I have been single now for 23 years after my wife left, cheated, stole and lied to me. The female collective responds to this as;

1 - You picked the wrong one 2 - You let her steal from you 3 - You hate women

And the all time fave rate;

Not all women are like that.

To which I answer;

Not all bees sting! Not all alligators eat people. Not all bears attack.

Women hate men, and when I have been pointing that out for 40 years, they call me a woman hater

Friday, July 12, 2024

TheXYGhost 263

Why do women get so enraged when a man professes his unwillingness to never marry?

A Poem From an Unknown Artist

I'm tired of hearing Some of these women From the beginning Feeling entitled to men who accomplished what they need.

Having a long list of standards They haven't met And some of them probably never meet

He has to make 6 figures Has to have excellent credit While you can't keep a job and your credit is shot

He has to have no kids While you have plenty He has to finish college While you have not

He has to have a nice car Because yours keeps breaking down He must stay loyal While you mess with your ex

He has to bring you the world And all things in it So you can toss it out And ask for snacks

Yet, but still things get real, You have flaws Let's not forget

He has to deal with your self proclaimed "craziness" And disrespectful mouth and still hand you all the respect

Then you brag about being spoiled And have a bad attitude And how he hasn't left yet

But I'm sorry baby girl In all actuality A woman of his equal He probably hasn't met

He has to work his full shifts Accept endless O, T, To pay all the bills And expensive trips

Just to come home To no home cooked meal Yet you provide excessive lip

He has to play daddy With no kids of his own Because your kids' dad wont claim them

And when he asks you something As small as some of his favorites You can't even name them

Out of all that he does for you Bending over backwards all the time All you really want to do is to shame him

And when things don't go right Inside of your life You just find a way to blame him

And now he is stuck Trying to figure out why he has to pay for what your ex did And when you start to realize he's not the same him

Well, that was your fault You stayed where you didn't belong Thinking you can change him

Now the man you prayed to GOD to send your way Because you knew you deserved better Got with you and realizes he does too And a woman of his equal He wants to go get her

Because you laugh at his dreams You think it is cute to be mean And play victim when he goes astray

But he has no use for verbal abuse And those egotistical games that you play

See, you have to stop thinking You're GOD's gift to man When all you bring to the table is sex

Men have endless battles daily to continue to come home to stress

And when he leaves You better believe All those credentials you wanted Are tagged only to his name

And now you are stuck Claiming you do not give a fuck When clearly you are accustom to lame

The term, "Nice guys finish last" I've heard in the past And unfortunately, it seems to be true

You may think you're bad But that's just a fad If nothing else comes with you

You see, being attractive on the surface Serves no purpose If there is no personality to match

And all the negativity that comes with you Just is not worth it for a good man in reality to be attached

You say hoes are winning But that's just the beginning Of the many excuses To make you feel like you are above

If you can't reciprocate what you think you deserve Then you are just not ready for love

People want what they can's have Reach but can't grab And if that is the case Put it back on the shelf

And those credentials you want your real man to have You need to start acquiring them yourself

You see, life don't goes as expected Which its smart to have a "Plan B" And C And D And E

Not another man But those plans that solely involve "Me"

So before you chant, "there are no good men" Make sure that men of that caliber are your equal

Or, you will be forever stuck Not knowing the end to your, "Men ain't shit" sequel

See, you want the ring, the life, the things, the love and title too But when it comes to kings They are only wifeing queens They feel their entitled too

Thursday, July 11, 2024

TheXYGhost 262

Most Girls : I'm not like most girls.
TheXYGhost : Good! Buy me a car.

In An Email Thread I Received:

Anna : Remember that the next time you try to minimize or belittle a woman.

TheXYGhost : Women belittle themselves. Nobody needs to belittle women. They have invented nothing throughout time. They have built nothing throughout all of history. They have done nothing to improve mankind. If you hate men so much, get your car fixed by a female mechanic, get your plumbing repaired by a female plumber. Get your roof repaired by a female roofer. Get a job as a sewer worker. Join the military and get your legs blown off for your fellow countrymen. Get a job as a trucker. Become a sanitation worker you nasty, stinking, smelly, angry, ugly, fat, old, feminist, witch, that wants a man so bad you can't even taste it. You Bitch, Cunt, Slut, Skank, Vixen, Trollop, Harlot, Wench, Tramp, Whore, Hag, Floozy, Jezebel, Hussy, Vamp, Hoe, Shrew, Bimbo, She-Devil, Hooker, Heifer, Dame, Broad, Tart, Sleaze, Fem Fetale, Streetwalker, Strumpet, Skirt, Concubine, Witch, Succubus, Squeeze, Diva, THOT, Feminoid, Shetard, Sow

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

TheXYGhost 261

She wants you to be her child’s new father while another man is tucking in your kids at night.

Women are Like Children

Women, just like children, need constant and never-ending attention when, where and how they want. When a child does not get what they want, a tantrum ensues, and the fully grown woman will throw her tantrum too. You can discipline a child with some harsh words and a punishment. But the adult female is more immune to those tactics and well above the law to hit you. She knows damn well you won't hit her and is proud of that. She will never learn right from wrong when she can manipulate and command a group of nearby servant males to come to her aid anytime, she wants, whether she is right or wrong. Police, judges and bystanders will come to her aid in no time at all. She feels vindicated because people running to her aid are proof that she is in the right.

A child needs toys and will not care where the money comes from as long as they get the toy that they will end up discarding in only a few days. The woman wants more expensive toys and will never work to get them. Her provider needs to get that.

The wedding day gives her all the attention they want on the silver platter they've desired. She is the center of attention. All eyes on her. Now, once you marry her, you need to, single handedly give her all the attention of the many that gave her before you got married.

But you can't stop there. If you do not give her all she desires, she has another attention grabber up her sleeve.

Divorce gives a woman everything she missed out on that day you married and much more. She gets to be viewed as a victim of a very bad man. She is sure that man is bad because she sees every single imperfection in him, but she will never see the imperfections in herself. She gets police, judges and lawyers to defeat the bad man. She gets to temporarily feel that she is in control and empowered to get others to serve her to destroy that bad man. She uses kids to get to see that man come back and beg for her, but he is only there to see his children. She has manipulated so many for so long that she manipulated herself to think that the man still wants her. She gets weekly payments for being married and to support his kids. But that money is going straight to her. His children are an ancillary thought in her mind.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

TheXYGhost 259

Her : I want a Man that knows what he wants.
TheXYGhost : Most men and children know what they want.

Understanding The Dysfunctional Pseudo-Logic of Women

One day after work, I met up with a friend, his girlfriend and a few co-workers at a lounge. His girlfriend started to "educate" the men on the thought processes of women.

She started out by saying, "You men do not understand us women. You guys need to know that when a woman says 'No' it can mean, 'No' but it can also mean, 'Try harder'."

The men were a bit perplexed at this statement and started to ask her questions. They were eager to find out more but they, knowing who I was, kept an eye on me because they knew I would chime in on this subject.

I kept quiet until the questions died down. After all the questions were asked, I reached in my pocket and pulled out 5 - $100 bills and handed to her.

Not knowing what to say she looked at the others, looking for cues on how to react. She then asked, "What is that for?"

"Its for you. Take it.", I said.

She, sheepishly reached out and started to take the money. When she was about to touch it, I pulled back and said, "Why did you not tell me 'No', even if you meant 'No' or 'Try harder'?"

She almost stuttered when she said, "Well, there is no need for me to tell you 'No' or 'Try harder' that money has value."

"Exactly right", I said.

I told her that if I asked a girl on a date and if she said "No" and meant "No" then I will respect her wishes. I also told her that if I asked a girl on a date and she said "No" that was meant for me to try harder, then she has no respect for me and sees no value in my offer. I asked the group if they would ever order someone offering a gift to them to "Try harder. The group shook their heads in unison.

This is a key factor in understanding female dysfunctional pseudo-logic.

Another example of this disfunction is when I was in Miami and we were out in a nightclub with the boys. There was a younger guy in our troop that was an amazing dancer. He asked one girl to dance and he was turned down. With his tail between his legs he came over to me and told me that he wanted to dance but he got turned down. I looked towards the bar and saw 6 girls in a row nursing their drinks watching the dance floor. I told him to ask those girls to dance.

Puzzled, he asked, "What if they turn me down?"

I looked at him and said, "If one turns you down, ask the other."

I told him to keep asking until one says "Yes".

He then walked over to the first girl and asked her to dance. When she said, "No" he went to the next. By the third girl, he had a partner. The third girl got the hint that this guy would not ask a second time and she would miss an opportunity if she did not accept. They danced fantastic together. In fact, all the other girls that turned him down were upset and even jealous that he was getting compliments on the dance floor.

The most interesting part of this story is that, after a while, the first of the 6 girls that he asked came up to me and said, "Your friend is stupid"

I answered her with a short, "I know", because that would make it harder for her to say anything else. She wanted a lead-in like, "Why?" To make it easier to reply.

Frustrated, (Ha ha) she blurted out, "He only asked me once. I would have danced with him if he asked again."

I finished the conversation with, "I'll let him know he is stupid when he gets back."

This girl said, "No" but wanted him to try harder. She put the barrier in front of him to see how much this man desired her when he breaks that barrier. She wanted to be desired so much that he would break the block she put in his way.

Do you get it? Good!

I showed some examples how women place roadblocks (to herself) in front of a man to see if the man desires her so much that he would break the block she put in his way. She will use the word "No" to block you when she really means, "Try harder". This is not to say that all "No's" mean to "Try harder", some "No's" do actually mean "No" at her discretion which makes this situation pretty precarious to say the least.

Once you have identified this problem, you have a decision to make. You can nip it in the bud before blossoms. No matter what you do it will be there, but managing someone's innate subconscious impulses can be trying on ones patience. Either that or you can leave. No matter what you decide to do, identifying the problem is key and not knowing the problem can be costly.

As a teen you may have had a girl abruptly stop a make out session or interrupt the flow of a sexual encounter with the dreaded words, "Where is this relationship going?" No matter how you answer it at the time, she will become more and more frustrated because the roadblock she put between you prevented you from going after her. She asks what she doesn't want and gets mad when you comply.

In another story I wrote, ( a girlfriend of mine was on the phone from the minute I arrived at her place, through dinner until after I went to bed. When I was asleep, thats when she attacked. From her perception, she was mad that her deliberate block from me to her (never ending phone conversations) was successful in stopping me to get to her.

When you ask a girl for her number or her name, (don't do that that is the wrong approach) her immediate response will almost always be, "Why?" In this case, questioning your request is the block. She is putting a rule in front of you that she wants you to break. This is how she unconsciously responds to block your approach.

A better approach to get her phone number is to offer her your smartphone, already in dial mode and tell her to dial her number. She may perceive asking as begging and a direct order as evidence of confidence. She may still say "No" or ask "Why" but if you insist without showing any anger or frustration, she may give in. Bear in mind that she may say "No" and mean it. Make sure when you do this, you have a good phone case, she may even drop your phone.

I know many of you have heard the phrase, "I want a man that knows what he wants." To you or me that statement sounds stupid. Any 6 year old knows what they want. They want a pony and live in a castle. What women should say is, "I want a man that knows what he wants from me no matter how much I try to stop him." To her, a man who knows what he wants despite the roadblocks she puts up in front of him and taking her, is "putting her in her place." Which is another phrase a girl might say. Can you see where this is going?

In all these cases a woman is using a lie or a manipulation, to get you to do what she expects of you, to correct her to for your purposes to her liking. She uses a lie to get you to show how much you desire her, whenever she sees fit that will meet her approval. This video ( is a girl explaining it as best a girl can.

So if you are about to go out on with a girl and she gives you a hard time at the last minute, thats a block. The thing you can do is keep in focus and be firm about going out while ignoring her complaints, without being angry or frustrated. You can not cater and nurture this behavior or it will get worse. Do not give in to her lies and manipulation.

There is a whole lot more of this in Part 3 that will explain;

why women leave men why the like criminals why they take kids away from men and say that the father didn't love their own child

Monday, July 8, 2024

TheXYGhost 259

Her : I want a Man that knows what he wants.
TheXYGhost : Most men and children know what they want.

Understanding The Dysfunctional Pseudo-Logic of Women

One day after work, I met up with a friend, his girlfriend and a few co-workers at a lounge. His girlfriend started to "educate" the men on the thought processes of women.

She started out by saying, "You men do not understand us women. You guys need to know that when a woman says 'No' it can mean, 'No' but it can also mean, 'Try harder'."

The men were a bit perplexed at this statement and started to ask her questions. They were eager to find out more but they, knowing who I was, kept an eye on me because they knew I would chime in on this subject.

I kept quiet until the questions died down. After all the questions were asked, I reached in my pocket and pulled out 5 - $100 bills and handed to her.

Not knowing what to say she looked at the others, looking for cues on how to react. She then asked, "What is that for?"

"Its for you. Take it.", I said.

She, sheepishly reached out and started to take the money. When she was about to touch it, I pulled back and said, "Why did you not tell me 'No', even if you meant 'No' or 'Try harder'?"

She almost stuttered when she said, "Well, there is no need for me to tell you 'No' or 'Try harder' that money has value."

"Exactly right", I said.

I told her that if I asked a girl on a date and if she said "No" and meant "No" then I will respect her wishes. I also told her that if I asked a girl on a date and she said "No" that was meant for me to try harder, then she has no respect for me and sees no value in my offer. I asked the group if they would ever order someone offering a gift to them to "Try harder. The group shook their heads in unison.

This is a key factor in understanding female dysfunctional pseudo-logic.

Another example of this disfunction is when I was in Miami and we were out in a nightclub with the boys. There was a younger guy in our troop that was an amazing dancer. He asked one girl to dance and he was turned down. With his tail between his legs he came over to me and told me that he wanted to dance but he got turned down. I looked towards the bar and saw 6 girls in a row nursing their drinks watching the dance floor. I told him to ask those girls to dance.

Puzzled, he asked, "What if they turn me down?"

I looked at him and said, "If one turns you down, ask the other."

I told him to keep asking until one says "Yes".

He then walked over to the first girl and asked her to dance. When she said, "No" he went to the next. By the third girl, he had a partner. The third girl got the hint that this guy would not ask a second time and she would miss an opportunity if she did not accept. They danced fantastic together. In fact, all the other girls that turned him down were upset and even jealous that he was getting compliments on the dance floor.

The most interesting part of this story is that, after a while, the first of the 6 girls that he asked came up to me and said, "Your friend is stupid"

I answered her with a short, "I know", because that would make it harder for her to say anything else. She wanted a lead-in like, "Why?" To make it easier to reply.

Frustrated, (Ha ha) she blurted out, "He only asked me once. I would have danced with him if he asked again."

I finished the conversation with, "I'll let him know he is stupid when he gets back."

This girl said, "No" but wanted him to try harder. She put the barrier in front of him to see how much this man desired her when he breaks that barrier. She wanted to be desired so much that he would break the block she put in his way.

Do you get it? Good!

I showed some examples how women place roadblocks (to herself) in front of a man to see if the man desires her so much that he would break the block she put in his way. She will use the word "No" to block you when she really means, "Try harder". This is not to say that all "No's" mean to "Try harder", some "No's" do actually mean "No" at her discretion which makes this situation pretty precarious to say the least.

Once you have identified this problem, you have a decision to make. You can nip it in the bud before blossoms. No matter what you do it will be there, but managing someone's innate subconscious impulses can be trying on ones patience. Either that or you can leave. No matter what you decide to do, identifying the problem is key and not knowing the problem can be costly.

As a teen you may have had a girl abruptly stop a make out session or interrupt the flow of a sexual encounter with the dreaded words, "Where is this relationship going?" No matter how you answer it at the time, she will become more and more frustrated because the roadblock she put between you prevented you from going after her. She asks what she doesn't want and gets mad when you comply.

In another story I wrote, ( a girlfriend of mine was on the phone from the minute I arrived at her place, through dinner until after I went to bed. When I was asleep, thats when she attacked. From her perception, she was mad that her deliberate block from me to her (never ending phone conversations) was successful in stopping me to get to her.

When you ask a girl for her number or her name, (don't do that that is the wrong approach) her immediate response will almost always be, "Why?" In this case, questioning your request is the block. She is putting a rule in front of you that she wants you to break. This is how she unconsciously responds to block your approach.

A better approach to get her phone number is to offer her your smartphone, already in dial mode and tell her to dial her number. She may perceive asking as begging and a direct order as evidence of confidence. She may still say "No" or ask "Why" but if you insist without showing any anger or frustration, she may give in. Bear in mind that she may say "No" and mean it. Make sure when you do this, you have a good phone case, she may even drop your phone.

I know many of you have heard the phrase, "I want a man that knows what he wants." To you or me that statement sounds stupid. Any 6 year old knows what they want. They want a pony and live in a castle. What women should say is, "I want a man that knows what he wants from me no matter how much I try to stop him." To her, a man who knows what he wants despite the roadblocks she puts up in front of him and taking her, is "putting her in her place." Which is another phrase a girl might say. Can you see where this is going?

In all these cases a woman is using a lie or a manipulation, to get you to do what she expects of you, to correct her to for your purposes to her liking. She uses a lie to get you to show how much you desire her, whenever she sees fit that will meet her approval. This video ( is a girl explaining it as best a girl can.

So if you are about to go out on with a girl and she gives you a hard time at the last minute, thats a block. The thing you can do is keep in focus and be firm about going out while ignoring her complaints, without being angry or frustrated. You can not cater and nurture this behavior or it will get worse. Do not give in to her lies and manipulation.

There is a whole lot more of this in Part 3 that will explain;

why women leave men why the like criminals why they take kids away from men and say that the father didn't love their own child

Sunday, July 7, 2024

TheXYGhost 257

If she comes back after a breakup, her backup guy (Plan B) dumped her too.

She Decides Who Fathers Her Child

Women, and women only decide with which man they will procreate. They hold all the cards.

If she is with a man she deems undesirable (married or not) she may be on some sort of birth control while telling that man she can't have children. She may go as far as checking into a fertility clinic and even blame it on him. After all, its never her fault and the man to her is a place holder until the one she selects comes along to rescue her from that man.

If a woman agrees with her partner to wait a while to have children, she may skip out on taking birth control and get pregnant on her terms and not what was agreed upon. She has control again.

If you use a condom and do not flush the evidence immediately, she may insert the condom's contents when you are not looking.

If she gets pregnant, she may have an abortion without that man's knowledge or permission.

She needs no permission from her husband to abort their child, get her tubes tied or put their child up for adoption while the man needs consent from the wife to have a vasectomy.

Another option she may look at is running off, hiding and never looking back or tell the man about her pregnancy.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

TheXYGhost 257

If she comes back after a breakup, her backup guy (Plan B) dumped her too.

She Decides Who Fathers Her Child

Women, and women only decide with which man they will procreate. They hold all the cards.

If she is with a man she deems undesirable (married or not) she may be on some sort of birth control while telling that man she can't have children. She may go as far as checking into a fertility clinic and even blame it on him. After all, its never her fault and the man to her is a place holder until the one she selects comes along to rescue her from that man.

If a woman agrees with her partner to wait a while to have children, she may skip out on taking birth control and get pregnant on her terms and not what was agreed upon. She has control again.

If you use a condom and do not flush the evidence immediately, she may insert the condom's contents when you are not looking.

If she gets pregnant, she may have an abortion without that man's knowledge or permission.

She needs no permission from her husband to abort their child, get her tubes tied or put their child up for adoption while the man needs consent from the wife to have a vasectomy.

Another option she may look at is running off, hiding and never looking back or tell the man about her pregnancy.

Friday, July 5, 2024

TheXYGhost 256

Her : You are the worst lover I have ever had!
TheXYGhost : You mean that your best lover left you too?

How One Sided The Office Can Be

A while ago I was working for this company that offered a health insurance package. One day I called the 1-800 number of that insurance provider to get some information on my benefits. The number connected to an operator was based in the Philippines. They asked for my Social Security number as the only way to look up my files. This was unacceptable as I never give out that information to anyone in a foreign country.

I called the department that handled the insurance policies in my office and told the woman that it was not safe giving my Social Security number out to someone in a foreign country. She assured me that it was safe to give my information. I told her, "Just because you are oblivious to the security risks involved in giving out my personal information to people in other countries, does not make it safe."

Shocked, she said, "You called me oblivious? I'm offended!"

With that she hung up the phone. In under 40 minutes I get a visit from my manager, his manager, the project leader and his assistant. I told them what happened and they were puzzled. Soon after, I had 2 more women from human resources arrive as they suggested we go to a conference room to talk.

In the conference room, I told my story again. The two women from HR looked at each other. Not hearing my story and only hearing what they wanted to hear, they asked me why I called the woman om the phone "Oblivious". This went on for a while until the managers (the men) called out on how absurd this whole thing was. I cringed on the inside, thinking these woman would now take offense at a manager calling their investigation "absurd". Too bad that didn't happen.

I was then instructed to sign a letter warning me on the importance of office etiquette. I only signed it when a full report was attached.

Why wasn't this woman given instructions on the importance of office tolerance?

By the way, the policy was changed so that you can give your policy number or an employee number to get information about your insurance.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

TheXYGhost 255

Women will sabotage your success out of fear you will be more attractive to prettier girls.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

TheXYGhost 254

Her: you are the worst lover I’ve ever had.
TheXYGhost : Am I the worst of 100 or more?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TheXYGhost 253

How many times were you threatened with false rape or false Domestic Violence?

Monday, July 1, 2024

TheXYGhost 252

How many times has a woman faked a domestic violence charge on you?

A Question to Ponder #6

Can you name me one song where the singer professes her love for a man?

Excluding the Dolly Parton song that Whitney Houston sang, "I Will Always Love You" and Tammy Wynette's, "Stand By Your Man"?

Sunday, June 30, 2024

TheXYGhost 251

When was the last time you saw a real feminine woman?

Women Are Extremely Dependent on Men to Make Them Happy

I just read the introduction of a book called "Women's Infidelity" written by a woman, Michelle Langley. In her introduction she alludes that women are not happy and they look for external sources of happiness from their partners. When they don't find it in them they look for another man to provide that happiness.

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, June 29, 2024

TheXYGhost 250

Her pregnancy "Just Happened" if he is rich. All others, she aborts.

Cheaters Are Deceivers

I was out with a bunch of politicians in a bar one night when one of them started to tell the whole group how dirty politics is. He stated how he was constantly cheating on his wife. He told us how his opponent found out and threatened to use that against him. To solve this issue, the man confessed all his infidelities to his wife.

He then stated to brag how many times he cheated and with who. Then he stated, "Everybody cheats."

I looked at him and told him that I have never cheated on a girlfriend or my wife. He looked at me in total disbelief and I had to reconfirm my point. Then he asked me how did I accomplish such an act.

I asked him a series of questions. I asked;

Did you want your mother to cheat on your father?

Did you want your father to cheat on your mother?

Do you want your wife to cheat on you?

Do you want your daughter to cheat on her husband once they get married?

Do you want your daughters husband to cheat on her?

Do you want your son to cheat on his wife?

Do you want your son's wife to cheat on him?

To wit he answered, "No" to all.

I told him, "It's easy not to cheat, just don't do what you want other not to do."

I also told him that women love cheaters and they love married men, they are so easily blackmailed afterwards.

Friday, June 28, 2024

TheXYGhost 249

Women will do whatever it takes to get a man's earnings for her very own. In the process, she will gladly destroy him if she is successful or or not.

The Quintessential Feminist Woman of the Modern Age

My sister is the quintessential feminist woman of the modern age. She had 3 children from 3 different men divorcing them all while claiming that all the fathers were substance abusers. All of her boyfriends had some sort of drug addiction. From, cocaine, crack, alcohol and pills. She lived in government housing while renting out one room at market value. She collected welfare and child support payments from 3 men while she had under the books jobs. She instructs her female peers with ways to use the courts to collect as much as she thinks they can get.

Now that her kids have grown up, she bought herself a nice vacation home on the waterfront while maintaining her apartment in the projects. Where did she get the money?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

TheXYGhost 248

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NYC spends $28,000 per child per year K-12. How is that free or fair to tax payers? Princeton is $27,500.

I've Changed My Ways Because I Kept Hearing the Same Old Story Over and Over and Over Again

By the time I was in my mid 20's I started becoming tired of meeting women with their stories of cheating, abusive and substance abusive boyfriends while I was seeing in my life and the lives of my friends that their girlfriends and wives were cheating and leaving with claims of "Not Enough!"

Not enough attention

Not enough love

Not enough quality time

Not enough sex

Not enough money

When I persistently made the mistake of dating these women, (all women think their last boyfriends were abusive, so I was left with no real choice) I found myself in the same boat I was not doing enough as they sought out their next partner under the umbrella of protection and provisions I supplied them.

But they were never at fault for cheating. Even in the eyes of other woman, I was the fault for picking them or not providing them enough and they were not even about to say that those women were at fault for seeking another man.

My solution: I do not pick any longer. Buy me gifts, shower me with attention, provide for me and I will tell you it's not enough.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TheXYGhost 247

Are you too hot to allow your children to have only one live-in father?

He Knocked Out His Ex-Wife's New Boyfriend For Slapping His Daughter

The arrogance of some guys that proclaim that they are a better father than the man the woman kicked out. Who will be better for that man's child once he is kicked out for being imperfect?

I once witnessed a pissed off woman drive into a loading dock where her ex worked. She stormed out of her car leaving the child in the back seat and her new guy in the front. She walked over to the man and started yelling, screaming and hitting him. He was totally un-phased.

He was suing this woman for full custody because his daughter told him that mommy's boyfriend slapped her for saying something.

A minute or two went by and the boyfriend in the front seat got the courage to step out of the car to join in, the child followed and was upset at her mom and dad fighting. The daughter ran to her dad and her dad picked her up. By this time the mom backed off and that's when the boyfriend chimed in with his two cents.

The man, with his daughter in his arm, looked astonished.

In a loud voice that drowned out the sounds of the truck engines, he said, "Who the FUCK are you?"

Not caring for an answer he turned to his daughter and said, "Is this the man that hit you?"

The girl nodded and with one punch he knocked the boyfriend out. Then he turned to his daughter and said, "I bet you he won't hit you any more."

The cops were called and the boyfriend regained consciousness. The boyfriend wanted to press charges but the man stated to the cops that the incident is all on camera and he will press charges on his ex if any charges are to be pressed. Then he told the cops why he hit the boyfriend, and the cops began telling the boyfriend, "Are you stupid? Hitting another man's kid?"

The boyfriend started to explain his actions to the cops telling them he was only just reprimanding the girl.

The cop looked at the boyfriend and told him, "I don't care! You do not hit anyone's kid! You understand?"

Like I said earlier, The arrogance of some guys that proclaim that they are a better father.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TheXYGhost 246

Women want what they shouldn’t have. They want the forbidden fruit.

A Great Video Idea For You to Try

Here is an interesting question you should ask a female then post her reaction on video. If you do, add the hashtag #TheXYGhost

Here is the question:

Should a 25 year old go to prison for having sex with a 13 year old?

When the dust settles, ask, how many years should that woman be locked up?

Watch the look on her face.

Monday, June 24, 2024

TheXYGhost 245

She will always accuse you of cheating. Tell her to leave.

The Pride She Has in Homewrecking Herself

I've ran into so many women in my life that have this sense of pride when they talk about their divorce or breakup. They almost always make it a point to hammer in the fact that they broke it off with their partner and not the other way around. They will continue on by saying that they do not want their partner back but their partner wants her back. From Middle School to High School to College to your neighborhood, your work place and beyond, they are all full of pride breaking up with some man.

I was talking to this girl about her ex-husband and in the middle of the story, I asked her why she divorced him, as it is almost always the case where the woman breaks up with the man. I could not believe my ears when she thanked me for noticing that she was the one that divorced him and not the other way around.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

TheXYGhost 244

TheXYGhost : What makes you happy?
Her : I don’t know, that’s why you need work hard to find out
TheXYGhost : I pass.
Her : Selfish

They Never Initiate Anything, Therefore They Have No Responsibility

In a chat session between a man and a girl, it seems that if you do not send them a question to answer, the conversation is over. It's almost like they don't know what to say or do after that. Are they waiting for another question to answer or are they just not interested? It never ceases to amaze me about how often this happens. Do women not know how to communicate or are they just lazy?

They, also never take the opportunity to initiate a conversation. Be it a phone call, email or text. In the rare cases that they do initiate a conversation, it's only to say, "Hi" and they wait for you to say something. If you reply only with a, "Hi" Back, most likely that's the end of the conversation.

Even back in the day when there was no internet, a girl would sit by the phone waiting for someone to call her. But when that call came in, she wasted no time to let the phone ring a few times before she answered it. Once she answers, she play "hard to get"

None of the above applies if they are in need of your resources, then they have no problem telling you their problems so you initiate "Fix It Man" mode. Again, they never ask, they only state their problems.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TheXYGhost 243

Family Court : The modern day Philistines that comes to Delilah’s aid when she sees a slight imperfection with the true father of her kids.

I'm Sure You Men Heard These Words Before

Woman : Yes, you were a good provider, you gave me food to eat, clothes to wear, you helped me a great deal in my personal life and career. We had great times together, we went places and shared experiences together. You were so good to me in every way I can think of. Yes dear, you loved me. But that is not enough. I met another and I'm moving in with him today. I fell in love with him. It just happened. It was not my fault. I never planned it this way.

Remember, I still love you.

(I hope he buys this in case my new boyfriend does not work out)

Friday, June 21, 2024

TheXYGhost 242

Can you remember a time when a female shared something of hers to you when you were in need?

Women Searching For The Married Man

The arrogance of some women that do not think they are cheating when they are in bed with a married man. They think they are next in line for a ring on the finger and a white gown.

I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs to these women, "HEY, STUPID! HE IS MARRIED, YOU IDIOT! IF YOU MARRY HIM, YOU ARE MARRYING A CHEATER!"

Men almost never initiate the divorce of their wives. The cost is too great. It's a rigged game and the judges are one sided. Never will you see a woman giving half her wealth, the house and kids to the man, let alone pay him alimony.

You will almost always hear the same thing out of their mouths when you simply ask, "Why?"; "Because I love him."

You will see them scoping men out in social settings looking for that band of gold on the man's finger. They actively search for that man.

When I had a ring on my finger, I was hit on more than once. To them, a wedding ring is their sign that another woman thinks he is a good provider. They do not have to strain their brain to do the analyzation themselves, that is their proof.

There are men that don't cheat on their wives and there are women that want that man. Those women will stop at nothing to break up that union any way they can.

I've seen women in office settings that will put lipstick on their finger and make like they are fixing their boss's collar before they leave for home. They put a dab of lipstick on the man's collar and when he gets home, his wife sees the lipstick mark and that is all she needs to prove, without a shadow of doubt that her husband is cheating. Cue in the lawyers that will make the wife profit from her misunderstanding.

I've heard of women that threw their panties in the back seat of a man's (her coworker) car to start up drama between the married couple. When the man divorces, she can console him and get close to him.

Men are treated as property to women, don't you believe otherwise.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

TheXYGhost 241

Some women Spousify their own sons. They make their sons their provider.

At Work, I Covered His Six and He Covered Mine

At work, my manager started dating a girl in a different department. I told him to be careful. He took my warnings light heartedly.

After a few weeks of dating and bed hopping, he took the woman to an after work gathering where he was asked if that is his new girlfriend. He answered with, "I'm not sure yet, but so far, it looks good."

When she heard his reply, she was furious! "What do you mean you are not sure?"

From what I heard, she yelled, screamed and carried on way beyond a normal office party setting.

The next morning, he told me the story. He thought he was going to lose his job over it. As the day went on, he was assured from Human Resources, that his part in the incident was not going to be a negative as far as they were concerned.

By 5pm, it was time for me to go home. I had things to do. My cubicle was right next to his office and I heard the front door open and close. It was her. She stood in front of his office door. She was explaining how last nights incident was not her fault. He stayed sitting at his desk telling her it was over and he can't afford an incident like that and it would damage his career.

She pleaded and begged him to reconsider. He stuck to his guns and adamantly said, "No"

The conversation slowly escalated from, "It's not my fault" to "You are to blame"

My manager (also a great friend) knew that I was still in my cubicle listening intently to back him up when the time arose.

Noticing that this encounter was starting a path to a place he had no intention of going, my friend told the girl that I was still at my cubicle to be witness and protect him. When I heard that, I spoke up in the deepest and most authoritative voice I had, "Is there any trouble in there?"

She walked over to my cubicle and took a look at me and got very intimidated. (I'm a nice guy but I look as intimidating as a meber of the Tony Soprano's crew) I held up a broken digital camera and told her that I was recording things.

She looked shocked and she said a few last words and left.

My friend thanked me. When he found a new employment opportunity, I was his first hire and he gave me a great position. -------------------------------------- Rest In Peace Nathanial "Nate" Johnson

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TheXYGhost 240

Feminism taught women they are powerful, yet they are victims to patriarchal men.

I Ain't Gonna Do That No Mo'e

I paid for the dinners

I paid for the drinks

I bought the flowers

I bought the candies

I bought the jewelry

I paid for the entertainment

I paid for the trips

I've done it all and the recipients of the above declared that it wasn't enough. It's never enough. It doesn't work. That's why I don't do it any more.

If you think I'm cheap, I had a great fun dinner with my friend Gilbert Wong. Our bill was $219.93. He even guessed the amount of the bill before it arrived. He was only 7¢ off. Great time we had. We split the bill and enjoyed the whole evening.

Thanx Gil.

No more paying for cunts making their foodie calls.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TheXYGhost 239

When a girl posts something stupid, it gets 1,000’s of shares. When a man posts something wise, nobody shares. Why?

You Sure Cured Me From Being Chivalrous

Yes, I was a human placeholder. The good guy that came to a girl's rescue when her bad boy that she picked, abused, cheated and was a no good gambler, drug addicted or all around criminal.

I was that guy that never cheated and did the best I could to build that girl up. Once she had the confidence she once lacked, off she would go in another bad boy arms with the claims that I was not good enough etc. I would then get the goodbye kiss and an affirmation that she still loves me.

Not no more.

I won't do that ever again.

Not this man.

Monday, June 17, 2024

TheXYGhost 238

Even if they tell you they are not a feminist, they are.

Where Are Feminists now When Disaster Strikes?

Are they risking their lives saving people in flood zones with their boats?

There were No feminists on the Titanic.

Men and men alone to he rescue and not a Feminist in sight.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

TheXYGhost 237

If I identified as a woman just before I punched her in the face, is that OK?

Same Old Story From Women About Abusive Men

I saw this beggar on the NYC Subway system today. She was claiming that she was homeless, single mother that had an abusive husband and now they are divorced.

I started to think, was this woman in a great relationship before she went to bed with that man to get pregnant, or was this man abusive from day one. Nobody just becomes abusive all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever.

But since it is in New York City, and on the Subway, it is all just probably a lie.

Lie or not, this woman wouldn't tell that story day in and day out riding one train car after another if she was not making money from the deal.

But women and men pay her for her story.

A man would be looked down upon by women. They would not give him a cent.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

TheXYGhost 236

If she can’t get you to provide for her, the government will do.