Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Female Collective Think and Act Alike

When I told the women in my life what my ex-wife did to me they would all turn around sooner or later to blame me and later spread rumors that I hated all women. It never ceased to amaze me. Why would every girl I talk to about my ex-wife immediately blame me then spread rumors that I hated all women when I talked about the actions of only one. This made no sense. I became more and more amazed at this phenomenon as time passed.

It got to the point where I would tell women the events of my divorce just to see them blame me for her bad behavior and tell me that I'm a woman hater.

They blamed me for choosing such a woman, and faulted me for "allowing" or "letting" her steal my money and cheat on me. Just imagine that your house was robbed and I blamed you for allowing and letting burglars rob you.

These same women would march on Washington DC if you were to say that even one woman was raped because she allowed it to happen.

I got tired of telling women what my ex did and started to lie about why I was no longer married. I told women that my ex-wife died. I thought there would be no questions after that. A simple, "I'm sorry for your loss", and maybe a question or 2 on what happened.

No way! I would get evil looks at some women telling me that I killed my-ex wife. Some would state their condolences and later on tell people that they knew that I killed my ex-wife. There was no escaping their accusations no matter what my story was.

At this time I called this phenomenon "The Female Collective" after The Borg Collective (an alien life form from the TV series Star Trek). It was like all the women I talked to saw all women, including themselves as faultless and were ready at a moment, without any investigation, to blame the man and exonerate any woman from any wrongdoing.

Any time they would hear a news story on how a woman, killed they would immediately fault the man the woman killed.

I see this line of thinking in politics. If you do not like the actions of Barack Hussein Obama, then you hate all black people. When President Donald J. Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and temporarily bans the immigration from 7 countries then he becomes the hater of all Mexicans, Muslims and immigrants. When Trump lashes out on one woman (Rosie O'Donal) they say that he hates all women.

What do we call this irrational action?

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