Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Detecting Emotional Thinking in Guys and Females

How to detect emotional thinking;

1) They constantly change the subject or they add non-relevant subjects to the conversation especially when they disagree with you..

2) They tend to speak incredibly fast, once triggered.

3) They constantly interrupt you in conversations once a trigger word or phrase is mentioned.

4) They have an accusatory tone. (In their mind they hear a statement then they manipulate it to the most negative version of that statement then they accuse that person for their own interpretation of that statement)

5) They constantly protect their provider (the government) or collective. Children and women protect their providers. When a woman protects the government over her husband, she is looking to divorce that husband soon.

When someone speaks bad about President Obama, The emotional thinking will say, "You hate him because he's black" When someone speaks out about what their ex-wife did to them, the emotional thinking will say, "You hate all women." (Both of the above are examples of 4 and 5)

6) They consistently use the phrase, "I feel...". Like, "I feel that you are not telling the truth." or "I feel that he is a jerk".

7) They justify their actions by manipulating facts or statistics

These are traits of children and women. Men need to transform from a child's emotional thinking to thinking logical. Young boys raised by single mothers never grow to become logical men.

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