Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Man Has Way More Love in His Heart Than Any Woman Has Ever Had.

A man will die to save his family A man will die to save friends A man will die to save a stranger A man will die for the betterment of society

And I'm not even talking about war.

How many men in Japan went on a suicide mission to clean up the reactors in Fukushima

How many men went to work cleaning up Chernobyl knowing they would die?

How many firemen run into a burning building to save strangers?

How many women risk their lives to do anything? They just stand outside a burning building screaming, "Somebody save my baby"

A man I once knew had a burnt face because as a baby his mother ran out of a burning house and left him as a 5 year old in the same room she ran from.

I cringe when I hear women say they don't need a man. I just wish men would go on a 1 week strike every year and do absolutely nothing. No work, TV nor buying, etc.

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