Monday, July 15, 2024

Do Women Really Want Kings or Servants? Servants?

A subject proves his worthiness to royalty. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not a servant that will invite a woman into my world the way she wants, how she wants when she wants and pay and provide for her every needs, wants and desires. Feminism made you females equal to men and its your turn to ask us out and entertain us properly or get turned down because you haven't proven yourselves worthy.

I have to ask you girls something; Do you want to walk around with a king or a servant? Its your choice. A servant serves and a king gets treated well. Its that simple.

Men can take rejection. Most men get rejected tens of thousands of times at work, in team sports, etc. We know its part of life. We know if we ask and get rejected, we are still OK with it. No is only a word to us. No real man preaches political correctness because we know that words can never harm us. It is the perception of women that men fear rejection because women fear rejection, this is why women throughout history almost never go after anything they really want. Men get the jobs they want because they go to 100's of interviews undaunted. You think a tiny "No" will shatter us? Its OK to think the way you want.

So what? We do not choose to communicate the way you want us to communicate. Tough. Again, men are not your servants.

If you want to dance, then dance and entertain us.

Compliments? Oh, OK, you look nice today. Well you had better put your best outfit together for us. If not, we don't connect. Maybe you need to re-think the jeans and business suits that looks so butch and un flattering. If men wanted to date a person in jeans, figure out the rest.

Men are not supposed to impress you or shower you with gifts at your doorstep. Get a servant for that. Men are taking charge but they are not taking charge the way you define it, by serving your needs, wants and desires.

I need to ask one final thing; how many years do you think you are entitled to full royal pampering? Because kids in their teens and 20's are dating. Why not you?

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