Saturday, July 13, 2024

Men Are Disposable to Women

Women hate men. They only like a man's wealth. They have sh!tted on men all their lives and now when they have 2 or 3 kids from 2 or 3 men, 3 or 4 abortions, a slew of STDs now they want a man for the only purpose of fixing their things because they are too cheap to pay a man to fix stuff. They are too stupid to fix things. Once the item is fixed, they will dismiss you.

I have been single now for 23 years after my wife left, cheated, stole and lied to me. The female collective responds to this as;

1 - You picked the wrong one 2 - You let her steal from you 3 - You hate women

And the all time fave rate;

Not all women are like that.

To which I answer;

Not all bees sting! Not all alligators eat people. Not all bears attack.

Women hate men, and when I have been pointing that out for 40 years, they call me a woman hater

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