Friday, June 21, 2024

Women Searching For The Married Man

The arrogance of some women that do not think they are cheating when they are in bed with a married man. They think they are next in line for a ring on the finger and a white gown.

I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs to these women, "HEY, STUPID! HE IS MARRIED, YOU IDIOT! IF YOU MARRY HIM, YOU ARE MARRYING A CHEATER!"

Men almost never initiate the divorce of their wives. The cost is too great. It's a rigged game and the judges are one sided. Never will you see a woman giving half her wealth, the house and kids to the man, let alone pay him alimony.

You will almost always hear the same thing out of their mouths when you simply ask, "Why?"; "Because I love him."

You will see them scoping men out in social settings looking for that band of gold on the man's finger. They actively search for that man.

When I had a ring on my finger, I was hit on more than once. To them, a wedding ring is their sign that another woman thinks he is a good provider. They do not have to strain their brain to do the analyzation themselves, that is their proof.

There are men that don't cheat on their wives and there are women that want that man. Those women will stop at nothing to break up that union any way they can.

I've seen women in office settings that will put lipstick on their finger and make like they are fixing their boss's collar before they leave for home. They put a dab of lipstick on the man's collar and when he gets home, his wife sees the lipstick mark and that is all she needs to prove, without a shadow of doubt that her husband is cheating. Cue in the lawyers that will make the wife profit from her misunderstanding.

I've heard of women that threw their panties in the back seat of a man's (her coworker) car to start up drama between the married couple. When the man divorces, she can console him and get close to him.

Men are treated as property to women, don't you believe otherwise.

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