Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cheaters Are Deceivers

I was out with a bunch of politicians in a bar one night when one of them started to tell the whole group how dirty politics is. He stated how he was constantly cheating on his wife. He told us how his opponent found out and threatened to use that against him. To solve this issue, the man confessed all his infidelities to his wife.

He then stated to brag how many times he cheated and with who. Then he stated, "Everybody cheats."

I looked at him and told him that I have never cheated on a girlfriend or my wife. He looked at me in total disbelief and I had to reconfirm my point. Then he asked me how did I accomplish such an act.

I asked him a series of questions. I asked;

Did you want your mother to cheat on your father?

Did you want your father to cheat on your mother?

Do you want your wife to cheat on you?

Do you want your daughter to cheat on her husband once they get married?

Do you want your daughters husband to cheat on her?

Do you want your son to cheat on his wife?

Do you want your son's wife to cheat on him?

To wit he answered, "No" to all.

I told him, "It's easy not to cheat, just don't do what you want other not to do."

I also told him that women love cheaters and they love married men, they are so easily blackmailed afterwards.

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