Thursday, June 20, 2024

At Work, I Covered His Six and He Covered Mine

At work, my manager started dating a girl in a different department. I told him to be careful. He took my warnings light heartedly.

After a few weeks of dating and bed hopping, he took the woman to an after work gathering where he was asked if that is his new girlfriend. He answered with, "I'm not sure yet, but so far, it looks good."

When she heard his reply, she was furious! "What do you mean you are not sure?"

From what I heard, she yelled, screamed and carried on way beyond a normal office party setting.

The next morning, he told me the story. He thought he was going to lose his job over it. As the day went on, he was assured from Human Resources, that his part in the incident was not going to be a negative as far as they were concerned.

By 5pm, it was time for me to go home. I had things to do. My cubicle was right next to his office and I heard the front door open and close. It was her. She stood in front of his office door. She was explaining how last nights incident was not her fault. He stayed sitting at his desk telling her it was over and he can't afford an incident like that and it would damage his career.

She pleaded and begged him to reconsider. He stuck to his guns and adamantly said, "No"

The conversation slowly escalated from, "It's not my fault" to "You are to blame"

My manager (also a great friend) knew that I was still in my cubicle listening intently to back him up when the time arose.

Noticing that this encounter was starting a path to a place he had no intention of going, my friend told the girl that I was still at my cubicle to be witness and protect him. When I heard that, I spoke up in the deepest and most authoritative voice I had, "Is there any trouble in there?"

She walked over to my cubicle and took a look at me and got very intimidated. (I'm a nice guy but I look as intimidating as a meber of the Tony Soprano's crew) I held up a broken digital camera and told her that I was recording things.

She looked shocked and she said a few last words and left.

My friend thanked me. When he found a new employment opportunity, I was his first hire and he gave me a great position. -------------------------------------- Rest In Peace Nathanial "Nate" Johnson

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