Showing posts with label Memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memes. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

TheXYGhost II 068

I always hear women say, "I might give him a chance." A chance at what? A chance to be her unpaid servant and provider?


TheXYGhost 136

Men never leave their own kids. They leave women after finding out the kid is not theirs.


Friday, March 7, 2025

TheXYGhost II 067

The new trend for women is to toss aside a loving, caring, great man, all for some shallow excitement or selfish reason.


TheXYGhost 135

Why do women want their husbands and sons in charge of taking out the trash?


Thursday, March 6, 2025

TheXYGhost II 066

She'd rather be a king's concubine than a loyal, average man's wife. Her worth is tied to status, not real commitment.


TheXYGhost 134

Men never leave their own kids. They leave women that make life impossible while they have the police, lawyers, judges and all the simps of the world supporting and encouraging her bad behavior.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

TheXYGhost II 065

If you marry a non-virgin, you're nothing more than her second choice. Her ideal man is a fantasy made up of the best traits from all the men she's slept with, yet that man will never exist.


TheXYGhost 133

I only take advice from people I wish to be like.

I do not want to be like a woman.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

TheXYGhost II 064

She claims to hate cheaters, yet she has no problem being the side piece for a married man.


TheXYGhost 132

Women want equallity for all yet they hate poor men. Never will they ever take a poor man out for a dinner.


Monday, March 3, 2025

TheXYGhost II 063

He got rid of his stalker by asking her out, then whining and complaining the entire time.


TheXYGhost 131

Women loudly yell, "My body, my choice!" But a woman will never abort a child of a millionaire.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

TheXYGhost II 062

She actually claims she's still a virgin because the sex she had on video was "professional" and doesn't count.


TheXYGhost 130

If you earn more than her, she loves you until she earns more tha you or she finds another that earns more than you. In any case she never knows who she loves until she knows whats in you wallet.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

TheXYGhost II 061

Even the loudest, most hardcore feminists always end up with some rugged biker. Funny how they never touch the soft, spineless feminist men they claim to idolize.


TheXYGhost 129

Women are praised for securing a new man that will fully provide for her while under the care of another man she designated for the same purpose. When she leaves the first man, he is constantly asked, "What did you do wrong?", as if the woman did no wrong.


Friday, February 28, 2025

TheXYGhost II 059

A woman gets turned on by a man she fears and finds intimidating, but the moment she gets comfortable and realizes there's nothing to fear, the excitement dies and so does her loyalty as she walks away.


TheXYGhost 128

Her: I don't love him any more.

TheXYGhost : Why wont you love him any more?

Thursday, February 27, 2025

TheXYGhost II 058

An old woman told me many years ago, if there's a problem in the marriage, it's her doing. Either she created a problem or she complaining about a problem that never existed. The end goal is drama. 


TheXYGhost 127

Her: Your ex must have been hot. Only good looking girls cheat.

TheXYGhost : So, are you ugly or a cheater?

Her: Um, neither?