Sunday, June 30, 2024

TheXYGhost 251

When was the last time you saw a real feminine woman?

Women Are Extremely Dependent on Men to Make Them Happy

I just read the introduction of a book called "Women's Infidelity" written by a woman, Michelle Langley. In her introduction she alludes that women are not happy and they look for external sources of happiness from their partners. When they don't find it in them they look for another man to provide that happiness.

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, June 29, 2024

TheXYGhost 250

Her pregnancy "Just Happened" if he is rich. All others, she aborts.

Cheaters Are Deceivers

I was out with a bunch of politicians in a bar one night when one of them started to tell the whole group how dirty politics is. He stated how he was constantly cheating on his wife. He told us how his opponent found out and threatened to use that against him. To solve this issue, the man confessed all his infidelities to his wife.

He then stated to brag how many times he cheated and with who. Then he stated, "Everybody cheats."

I looked at him and told him that I have never cheated on a girlfriend or my wife. He looked at me in total disbelief and I had to reconfirm my point. Then he asked me how did I accomplish such an act.

I asked him a series of questions. I asked;

Did you want your mother to cheat on your father?

Did you want your father to cheat on your mother?

Do you want your wife to cheat on you?

Do you want your daughter to cheat on her husband once they get married?

Do you want your daughters husband to cheat on her?

Do you want your son to cheat on his wife?

Do you want your son's wife to cheat on him?

To wit he answered, "No" to all.

I told him, "It's easy not to cheat, just don't do what you want other not to do."

I also told him that women love cheaters and they love married men, they are so easily blackmailed afterwards.

Friday, June 28, 2024

TheXYGhost 249

Women will do whatever it takes to get a man's earnings for her very own. In the process, she will gladly destroy him if she is successful or or not.

The Quintessential Feminist Woman of the Modern Age

My sister is the quintessential feminist woman of the modern age. She had 3 children from 3 different men divorcing them all while claiming that all the fathers were substance abusers. All of her boyfriends had some sort of drug addiction. From, cocaine, crack, alcohol and pills. She lived in government housing while renting out one room at market value. She collected welfare and child support payments from 3 men while she had under the books jobs. She instructs her female peers with ways to use the courts to collect as much as she thinks they can get.

Now that her kids have grown up, she bought herself a nice vacation home on the waterfront while maintaining her apartment in the projects. Where did she get the money?

Thursday, June 27, 2024

TheXYGhost 248

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NYC spends $28,000 per child per year K-12. How is that free or fair to tax payers? Princeton is $27,500.

I've Changed My Ways Because I Kept Hearing the Same Old Story Over and Over and Over Again

By the time I was in my mid 20's I started becoming tired of meeting women with their stories of cheating, abusive and substance abusive boyfriends while I was seeing in my life and the lives of my friends that their girlfriends and wives were cheating and leaving with claims of "Not Enough!"

Not enough attention

Not enough love

Not enough quality time

Not enough sex

Not enough money

When I persistently made the mistake of dating these women, (all women think their last boyfriends were abusive, so I was left with no real choice) I found myself in the same boat I was not doing enough as they sought out their next partner under the umbrella of protection and provisions I supplied them.

But they were never at fault for cheating. Even in the eyes of other woman, I was the fault for picking them or not providing them enough and they were not even about to say that those women were at fault for seeking another man.

My solution: I do not pick any longer. Buy me gifts, shower me with attention, provide for me and I will tell you it's not enough.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TheXYGhost 247

Are you too hot to allow your children to have only one live-in father?

He Knocked Out His Ex-Wife's New Boyfriend For Slapping His Daughter

The arrogance of some guys that proclaim that they are a better father than the man the woman kicked out. Who will be better for that man's child once he is kicked out for being imperfect?

I once witnessed a pissed off woman drive into a loading dock where her ex worked. She stormed out of her car leaving the child in the back seat and her new guy in the front. She walked over to the man and started yelling, screaming and hitting him. He was totally un-phased.

He was suing this woman for full custody because his daughter told him that mommy's boyfriend slapped her for saying something.

A minute or two went by and the boyfriend in the front seat got the courage to step out of the car to join in, the child followed and was upset at her mom and dad fighting. The daughter ran to her dad and her dad picked her up. By this time the mom backed off and that's when the boyfriend chimed in with his two cents.

The man, with his daughter in his arm, looked astonished.

In a loud voice that drowned out the sounds of the truck engines, he said, "Who the FUCK are you?"

Not caring for an answer he turned to his daughter and said, "Is this the man that hit you?"

The girl nodded and with one punch he knocked the boyfriend out. Then he turned to his daughter and said, "I bet you he won't hit you any more."

The cops were called and the boyfriend regained consciousness. The boyfriend wanted to press charges but the man stated to the cops that the incident is all on camera and he will press charges on his ex if any charges are to be pressed. Then he told the cops why he hit the boyfriend, and the cops began telling the boyfriend, "Are you stupid? Hitting another man's kid?"

The boyfriend started to explain his actions to the cops telling them he was only just reprimanding the girl.

The cop looked at the boyfriend and told him, "I don't care! You do not hit anyone's kid! You understand?"

Like I said earlier, The arrogance of some guys that proclaim that they are a better father.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

TheXYGhost 246

Women want what they shouldn’t have. They want the forbidden fruit.

A Great Video Idea For You to Try

Here is an interesting question you should ask a female then post her reaction on video. If you do, add the hashtag #TheXYGhost

Here is the question:

Should a 25 year old go to prison for having sex with a 13 year old?

When the dust settles, ask, how many years should that woman be locked up?

Watch the look on her face.

Monday, June 24, 2024

TheXYGhost 245

She will always accuse you of cheating. Tell her to leave.

The Pride She Has in Homewrecking Herself

I've ran into so many women in my life that have this sense of pride when they talk about their divorce or breakup. They almost always make it a point to hammer in the fact that they broke it off with their partner and not the other way around. They will continue on by saying that they do not want their partner back but their partner wants her back. From Middle School to High School to College to your neighborhood, your work place and beyond, they are all full of pride breaking up with some man.

I was talking to this girl about her ex-husband and in the middle of the story, I asked her why she divorced him, as it is almost always the case where the woman breaks up with the man. I could not believe my ears when she thanked me for noticing that she was the one that divorced him and not the other way around.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

TheXYGhost 244

TheXYGhost : What makes you happy?
Her : I don’t know, that’s why you need work hard to find out
TheXYGhost : I pass.
Her : Selfish

They Never Initiate Anything, Therefore They Have No Responsibility

In a chat session between a man and a girl, it seems that if you do not send them a question to answer, the conversation is over. It's almost like they don't know what to say or do after that. Are they waiting for another question to answer or are they just not interested? It never ceases to amaze me about how often this happens. Do women not know how to communicate or are they just lazy?

They, also never take the opportunity to initiate a conversation. Be it a phone call, email or text. In the rare cases that they do initiate a conversation, it's only to say, "Hi" and they wait for you to say something. If you reply only with a, "Hi" Back, most likely that's the end of the conversation.

Even back in the day when there was no internet, a girl would sit by the phone waiting for someone to call her. But when that call came in, she wasted no time to let the phone ring a few times before she answered it. Once she answers, she play "hard to get"

None of the above applies if they are in need of your resources, then they have no problem telling you their problems so you initiate "Fix It Man" mode. Again, they never ask, they only state their problems.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

TheXYGhost 243

Family Court : The modern day Philistines that comes to Delilah’s aid when she sees a slight imperfection with the true father of her kids.

I'm Sure You Men Heard These Words Before

Woman : Yes, you were a good provider, you gave me food to eat, clothes to wear, you helped me a great deal in my personal life and career. We had great times together, we went places and shared experiences together. You were so good to me in every way I can think of. Yes dear, you loved me. But that is not enough. I met another and I'm moving in with him today. I fell in love with him. It just happened. It was not my fault. I never planned it this way.

Remember, I still love you.

(I hope he buys this in case my new boyfriend does not work out)

Friday, June 21, 2024

TheXYGhost 242

Can you remember a time when a female shared something of hers to you when you were in need?

Women Searching For The Married Man

The arrogance of some women that do not think they are cheating when they are in bed with a married man. They think they are next in line for a ring on the finger and a white gown.

I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs to these women, "HEY, STUPID! HE IS MARRIED, YOU IDIOT! IF YOU MARRY HIM, YOU ARE MARRYING A CHEATER!"

Men almost never initiate the divorce of their wives. The cost is too great. It's a rigged game and the judges are one sided. Never will you see a woman giving half her wealth, the house and kids to the man, let alone pay him alimony.

You will almost always hear the same thing out of their mouths when you simply ask, "Why?"; "Because I love him."

You will see them scoping men out in social settings looking for that band of gold on the man's finger. They actively search for that man.

When I had a ring on my finger, I was hit on more than once. To them, a wedding ring is their sign that another woman thinks he is a good provider. They do not have to strain their brain to do the analyzation themselves, that is their proof.

There are men that don't cheat on their wives and there are women that want that man. Those women will stop at nothing to break up that union any way they can.

I've seen women in office settings that will put lipstick on their finger and make like they are fixing their boss's collar before they leave for home. They put a dab of lipstick on the man's collar and when he gets home, his wife sees the lipstick mark and that is all she needs to prove, without a shadow of doubt that her husband is cheating. Cue in the lawyers that will make the wife profit from her misunderstanding.

I've heard of women that threw their panties in the back seat of a man's (her coworker) car to start up drama between the married couple. When the man divorces, she can console him and get close to him.

Men are treated as property to women, don't you believe otherwise.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

TheXYGhost 241

Some women Spousify their own sons. They make their sons their provider.

At Work, I Covered His Six and He Covered Mine

At work, my manager started dating a girl in a different department. I told him to be careful. He took my warnings light heartedly.

After a few weeks of dating and bed hopping, he took the woman to an after work gathering where he was asked if that is his new girlfriend. He answered with, "I'm not sure yet, but so far, it looks good."

When she heard his reply, she was furious! "What do you mean you are not sure?"

From what I heard, she yelled, screamed and carried on way beyond a normal office party setting.

The next morning, he told me the story. He thought he was going to lose his job over it. As the day went on, he was assured from Human Resources, that his part in the incident was not going to be a negative as far as they were concerned.

By 5pm, it was time for me to go home. I had things to do. My cubicle was right next to his office and I heard the front door open and close. It was her. She stood in front of his office door. She was explaining how last nights incident was not her fault. He stayed sitting at his desk telling her it was over and he can't afford an incident like that and it would damage his career.

She pleaded and begged him to reconsider. He stuck to his guns and adamantly said, "No"

The conversation slowly escalated from, "It's not my fault" to "You are to blame"

My manager (also a great friend) knew that I was still in my cubicle listening intently to back him up when the time arose.

Noticing that this encounter was starting a path to a place he had no intention of going, my friend told the girl that I was still at my cubicle to be witness and protect him. When I heard that, I spoke up in the deepest and most authoritative voice I had, "Is there any trouble in there?"

She walked over to my cubicle and took a look at me and got very intimidated. (I'm a nice guy but I look as intimidating as a meber of the Tony Soprano's crew) I held up a broken digital camera and told her that I was recording things.

She looked shocked and she said a few last words and left.

My friend thanked me. When he found a new employment opportunity, I was his first hire and he gave me a great position. -------------------------------------- Rest In Peace Nathanial "Nate" Johnson

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

TheXYGhost 240

Feminism taught women they are powerful, yet they are victims to patriarchal men.

I Ain't Gonna Do That No Mo'e

I paid for the dinners

I paid for the drinks

I bought the flowers

I bought the candies

I bought the jewelry

I paid for the entertainment

I paid for the trips

I've done it all and the recipients of the above declared that it wasn't enough. It's never enough. It doesn't work. That's why I don't do it any more.

If you think I'm cheap, I had a great fun dinner with my friend Gilbert Wong. Our bill was $219.93. He even guessed the amount of the bill before it arrived. He was only 7¢ off. Great time we had. We split the bill and enjoyed the whole evening.

Thanx Gil.

No more paying for cunts making their foodie calls.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TheXYGhost 239

When a girl posts something stupid, it gets 1,000’s of shares. When a man posts something wise, nobody shares. Why?

You Sure Cured Me From Being Chivalrous

Yes, I was a human placeholder. The good guy that came to a girl's rescue when her bad boy that she picked, abused, cheated and was a no good gambler, drug addicted or all around criminal.

I was that guy that never cheated and did the best I could to build that girl up. Once she had the confidence she once lacked, off she would go in another bad boy arms with the claims that I was not good enough etc. I would then get the goodbye kiss and an affirmation that she still loves me.

Not no more.

I won't do that ever again.

Not this man.

Monday, June 17, 2024

TheXYGhost 238

Even if they tell you they are not a feminist, they are.

Where Are Feminists now When Disaster Strikes?

Are they risking their lives saving people in flood zones with their boats?

There were No feminists on the Titanic.

Men and men alone to he rescue and not a Feminist in sight.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

TheXYGhost 237

If I identified as a woman just before I punched her in the face, is that OK?

Same Old Story From Women About Abusive Men

I saw this beggar on the NYC Subway system today. She was claiming that she was homeless, single mother that had an abusive husband and now they are divorced.

I started to think, was this woman in a great relationship before she went to bed with that man to get pregnant, or was this man abusive from day one. Nobody just becomes abusive all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever.

But since it is in New York City, and on the Subway, it is all just probably a lie.

Lie or not, this woman wouldn't tell that story day in and day out riding one train car after another if she was not making money from the deal.

But women and men pay her for her story.

A man would be looked down upon by women. They would not give him a cent.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

TheXYGhost 236

If she can’t get you to provide for her, the government will do.

All of Her Ex-Boyfriends and Ex-Husbands Were No Good

Of all the girls I met and keep on meeting, I keep on hearing the same stories of their last boyfriend / husband.

1 - He was abusive

This is a scam, did she really mean that she was loving, caring, giving and sharing and all he did was punch her in the face? I can walk on any street in America today and take a poll of 10,000 men (including you and I) and they would all say they would never hit a female. These females want me to believe that they found that 1 man in 10,000 that would hit a female. I won't believe it.

2 - He didn't give me enough attention

- Danger Will Robinson, my sensors indicate extreme human manipulation - Every time I hear this excuse, I think to myself the following;

- How much attention did he promise you?

- Did he give you a lot of attention, but that was not enough?

- Did he give you all the attention any human can give, but that was not enough?

- How much attention did he promise you when you first met?

- How much attention is enough?

- How much attention have you received since you two split?

- Was breaking up your family your solution to your attention needs?

3 - He didn't love me

When I hear this I can't help but asking, "You must have loved him a whole lot for you to leave him." or "How do you measure someone's love for you?" or "Do you measure your pet's love for you?"

4 - He cheated on me

An oldie but goodie. I've seen this a million times. Females don't mind cheaters if the man is cheating on his wife for her. They never mind being the target of a cheating man. But that's the man they partnered with and now they are surprised that he cheated yet again.

5 - He was a gambler, alcoholic or a substance abuser

Gamblers and substance abusers rarely just pop up out of nowhere. There are indications and warning signs all around that the female chooses to ignore.

Friday, June 14, 2024

TheXYGhost 235

The rise in feminism brought on a rise in divorces, single mothers and child abuse.

You Will Be Picky Until You Are Desperate

I was talking to this girl once when we were talking about relationships. I asked her why was she single and she said what all girls say, "I'm picky".

I responded with, "You will be picky until you are desperate"

She quickly replied, "I'm not desperate!"

I repeated with, "You will be picky until you are desperate"

She replied only with an, "Oh."

Then she caught herself saying, "I will never be desperate, look at this" (as she sat up in her seat displaying her body)

I only replied with an, "Oh"

I think I ruined her day.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

TheXYGhost 234

She can abort her husband’s child without even telling him.

No Matter What, You Are Always The Fault of Her Actions

It's so sad to see that every time a man talks about his cheating partner to another woman, she will spare no time to blame the man sitting in front of her. She will blame him in the following ways;

1 - It's your fault for trusting her

2 - It's your fault for picking her

3 - It's your fault for not giving her enough

4 - It's your fault because maybe unconsciously, you wanted her to cheat

5 - It's your fault for not paying her enough attention

6 - It's your fault because you must have treated her badly

7 - It's your fault for not showing her that you love her.

And my favorite;

8 - It's your fault for giving her everything she wanted, because maybe she didn't want what she asked for

Face it fellas, it's just your fault.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

TheXYGhost 233

Even when she meets Prince Charming, she will destroy his life.

Women Will Believe The Most Obvious Lies But Never The Truth

I think that women are so desperate to find a larger than life man they will believe any liar that tells them all the lies they want to hear.

"I love you more than anything on this earth" - That's a lie. Nobody loves one thing so much.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" - This is a lie too.

"You are the world to me" - Is there a man out there that will stop living because she is gone?

"I love you more than the sun, moon the sky and stars" - No man love these things.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

TheXYGhost 232

Did you ever get money back from a woman that ‘Borrowed’ money from you?

Angelic Devil

Four and a half years ago my brother met this girl. She was soft spoken, sweet and angelic looking. She was only 21 and my brother was 26. She was from a good family where the mom and dad were married until her father's death. My father and stepmom loved her and saw her as a perfect angel. I knew there was a slight problem when she told me that she liked my brother because he had so much "potential".

My brother and my other family members do not know about this group or anything I stand for.

I looked at her statement to me about my brother's "potential" and asked myself, "Potential for what?" I really know that she meant "money making" potential but I looked at her statement at face value.

"Potential for what?", I thought. Potential to be a top mechanic or a fabulous clothing designer? The sentence she stated was incomplete. Not grammatically but it incomplete in ideas. Did she not have "potential"? Don't we all have "potential" (man or woman)? Potential to be what we want and strive to be? But she saw potential in him to latch on.

My brother gave her a job in a large city as he is second in line from the mayor. My brother negotiated a great salary for her then helped her move to a top accounting firm. She now made $130,000 a year. More than my brother makes.

They saved their money while living rent free in my father's basement. They saved their money until my brother bought a distressed 2 family home, renovated it and started renting it out. He did that 2 more times until he had 6 units paying him top dollar to live in a great home.

They moved to a luxury apartment in the center of the city. The apartment had all the amenities you could ever want. 24 hour gym, pool, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room and sun deck. They were living the life.

Then one day, on my brother's birthday, she packed up her stuff and left him to move in with her mom. (Dependency swap). She swore that she would take all of their joint properties for herself. This was building up for a long time with her claims of lack of attention to her etc.

She texts my brother for a while and then my brother forwards those texts to her mother. The girlfriend gets wise and blocks my brother's texts on her mom's phone. Her mother is appalled at her daughter's actions.

She then texts him something to the effect of, not wanting to communicate with him for 2 weeks and their relationship lacks "consistency"(another incomplete idea). She also granted him permission to have affairs (so arrogant of her) but he is not allowed to move in another girl into their apartment.

That's when I came in. My brother met me at my father's place. My father is 81 years old and full of energy. Before my brother arrived, my father said that my brother should have been "nicer" to this girl as if she was an angelic entity.

My father was quick to take the girl's side claiming that she made more money than my brother. I could not contain myself. I said wait a minute, my brother gave that girl her first job that catapulted her to the job she is in now. He groomed and prepped her for the interview. He also created 3 investment properties with a total of 6 rental units making her and him money on the rents, the home appreciation and the equity. I told my father that my brother takes home little in the job but makes a great deal more with investments. She should be nicer to him.

My brother arrived and confronted me with his girlfriend's demands and her claims of "no consistency" in their relationship.

I told him this, "What consistency did you promise her that you did not fulfill? What consistency is she monitoring while she is imposing a two week silencing period? Life does not promises such consistency why should you offer her more than life will?"

We spent a week together at his home. We never talked much, I mostly listened. I slept on his couch and we would go to the roof deck at night drinking the expensive wine and champagne that she bought for a special occasion. We drank, smoked and talked.

He begged me for my unbiased opinion of his situation. I told him that was an impossibility, as I was his brother but facts are unbiased. I pointed out all the above facts and stated that she was a little girl was having a temper tantrum because she has no idea what she wants but she wants if now and she wants you to provide it to her.

I gave him a game plan, get her back and slowly get rid of her control of their properties. She also needs to submit a pregnancy test if she does come back. If she won't come back, we will buy out her interest, then sue her for half the rent and utilities she owes you on the apartment you jointly agreed to rent.

We've spent a week together and by the end of the week, he decided to take a week off from work to go to Colombia. He's half Colombian.

His first day in Colombia, he met a girl that lived near his aunt's house. They went out together and she paid for everything, food, drink and she had a car to drive him where he needed to go. My brother was shocked. The girl told him that she would love to come to the United States but she would not make the money she is making now. She just wants to be his girlfriend while he is there.

Next month he plans to go to Greece.

Monday, June 10, 2024

TheXYGhost 231

She wants another man to raise your kid.

Who Would Take Your Side Over Your Girlfriend?

I have a question for everyone here:

If you and your girlfriend/wife had a fight, whose side would your parents take?

My experience has shown me that most fathers take the side of the girl whereas the mother takes the side of the man. Most outsiders (cops, judges and SJW) will only take the side of the female.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

TheXYGhost 230

She has the right to give her husband’s child up for adoption without his permission.

Just Having Fun With A Personal Ad

I Answered a craigslist personal ad titled, "Buy Me A Drink" and this is how the threads read:

TheXYGhost : Do you PayPal? Bitcoin? Apple Pay?

Her : I'm not a hooker asshole

TheXYGhost : Oh, good. How many drinks should a man buy you on the first date?

Her : If the man in question is you then zero because I'm not interested

TheXYGhost : I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about your date perfection personified. How many drinks must your Prince Charming buy you before you determine that he is charming enough for you?

Do many men submit to your demands and kiss your ass? If so, you are a wimp magnet.

Her : You're being a major creep, leave me alone

TheXYGhost : I'm stupid, you are smart. I seek your knowledge. Answer the questions and I will leave. Shed some light. Additionally, if you answer my questions as honest as you can, I'll help you satisfy your alcoholic cravings at any liquor store of your choice. I'll even have a bottle or two of you favorite rum or vodka delivered to you.

Her : (Never Replied)

I'm so hurt.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

TheXYGhost 229

Is Caitlyn Jenner (AKA Bruce Jenner) allowed to hit women now?

She Gets Off Scott Free for Fraud Every Single Time

Question : What is the only fraud that is not punishable by any law in the United States? You can lose ten if not hundreds of thousands of dollars over a 20 year period?

Answer : Paternity Fraud.

There is no punishment nor payback for that.

Friday, June 7, 2024

TheXYGhost 228

Her : Not all women are like that.
TheXYGhost : Not all bees sting.

The Delusions of a Step-Father

I just left a conversation where the man was telling me how much his step-daughter looks like him.

I'm not sure how to take this.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

TheXYGhost 227

TheXYGhost : Did you really put a picture of you and your child on a dating site?

Who Comes Along With A New Girlfriend?

Let's count the people in your life when you have a loving relationship with a woman.

1 - Her parents - They are always telling you that you are not doing enough to make their precious little angel happy. Which makes you think; was she so deeply depressed before you met her? Meanwhile you know what a nasty bitch she was when she was in bed with you last. Where did she learn those moves. She ain't no angel.

2 - Her big fat ugly friend - This bitch is so ugly (inside and out) you wonder what is the attraction between her and your girl. She sticks by your girl like glue because she uses your girl the way fishermen use chum. She needs your girl to attract males and you are in her way of meeting her man. She wants you out.

3 - Her other friend with a boyfriend - This one has already determined that you are an upgrade to the man she has as a placeholder. She (along with #2) will lie and manipulate your girl, convincing her that you cheated. Once you find your car all keyed up with mounds of dog shit inside, you will know it's the work of your girl getting revenge for things you never did. What you won't know is she was manipulated by these two. This girl will come to your aide but will never tell you how she started everything.

4 - Some of your guy friends - I won't call them men. They will complement your girl telling you how lucky you are to have her when in fact she is lucky to have you. Get rid of any guy that flirts with your girl.

As for me, I just don't play the game of love. Too many bosses and haters invited into my life. I work for nobody and I definitely am not responsible for another full grown person's happiness.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

TheXYGhost 226

Women want the right to kill their offspring, yet they want the government to restrict them from protecting themselves from rapist.

Allow Strong Independent Women to Be Strong and Independent (Without Men)

If men were to strike from offering their free services to women for a year, women would be begging men to be with them. They need what men provide and without it, they are a mess.

Stop helping

Stop taking care of them

Stop explaining how the world works

Stop paying for their bills

Stop fixing their problems

No attitude needed; just Stop all free assistance.

That's the kind of strike that will eventually break them, because if they can't run to a man for help, and their world will eventually come tumbling down.

How can, we as a group get this message out and accelerate our collective success?If men were to strike from offering their free services to women for a year, women would be begging men to be with them. They need what men provide and without it, they are a mess.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

TheXYGhost 225

They want the right to kill their own child but don’t want you to shoot a home invader.

Do Women Want Kings or Servants?

Women say they want a strong assertive man in their lives. Just ask any woman what kind of man is her preference, a king or a servant? She will always choose a king. When it comes to reality, she wants a subservient, submissive man that jumps to serve and pay for all of her needs, wants and desires if, when and how she wants it.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

TheXYGhost 223

Her : You better respect me.
TheXYGhost : I respect you the same way I respect a poisonous snake.

The Hard Core Truth About How Women Expose Their Kids to Strange Men

Question : When is it legal for a full grown man to touch your underaged naked daughter in the bathtub?

Answer : When your wife divorces you and marries another man.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

TheXYGhost 222

If her kids call you, "Dad" you owe child support.

Who is a MAN?

A man is the most beautiful part of God's creation.

He sacrifices his dreams for just a smile on his parents' face.

He spends his entire pocket money on buying gifts for the lady he loves, just to see her smiling.

He sacrifices his full youth for his wife & children by working late at night without any complaint.

He builds their future by taking loans from banks & repaying them for his entire lifetime.

He struggles a lot & still has to bear scolding from his mother, wife and boss.

His life ends up only by compromising for others' happiness.

If he goes out, he's careless.

If he stays at home, he's a lazy.

If he scolds his children, he's a monster.

If he doesn't scold them, he's an irresponsible guy.

If he stops wife from working, then he's an insecure guy.

If he doesn't stop wife from working, then he's somebody who lives on wife's earnings.

If he listens to mom, he's mama's boy.

If he listens to his wife, he's wife's slave.

If he does not play he's too serious, stern and stiff.

If he plays, he's a joker who never Matures.

If he dresses well, he's extravagant and possible womanizer. If he doesn't dress well, he's a loser who's not a gentleman.

If he helps his wife, he's taken for granted as a fool. If he doesn't help his wife, he's cruel and wicked.

Respect every male in your life. You will never know what he has sacrificed for you.

Worth sending to every man to make him smile & every woman to make her realize his worth!

Remember, June is Father Appreciation Month.