Thursday, February 23, 2023

Women Mess Up Their Own Wedding Lottery

Women Mess Up Their Own Wedding Lottery
From time to time I see stories of gold digging whores who attached themselves to a millionaire. To seal the deal and secure her own personal financial future, she spits out a kid. To the amazement of the treasure seeker, the millionaire conducts a DNA test to find out that the kid is not his and the real father is a thug in prison. I gotta laugh at this point but it still is tragic for the child and a bitter sweet victory for the man.
If it were me, and I was the female digging for gold, I definatly would not risk losing a millionaires wealth by sticking around with a gangster. That’s like knowingly having the winning Power Ball ticket in your hand and instead of going home with the ticket, you go out and get drunk until you pass out.

Published: February 23, 2023 at 12:00PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Dating is defined by women as;
A man providing and protecting a woman with his life while said woman saves her money and looks for a more suitable male provider.

Women Are Chameleons.

Women Are Chameleons.
They become what men require of them. That’s why they always end up asking men, “What kind of woman do you like?” They ask us this so men can tell them how we want them to be. I’ve spoken to way too many of them to be fooled. They are all the same. Trust me, they want someone to put food in their mouthes and they will behave the way we expect them to until they get what they want. They hear the phrase, “The grass is always greener on the other side” and they view that as their roadmap instead of a warning.

Published: February 22, 2023 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


People will reject spoiled milk and spoiled food. If she tells you she wants to be spoiled, tell her that she already is, then walk away.



Helping Men vs Helping Women

Helping Men vs Helping Women

Help a man out once and when you meet many years later, he will remember all you did for him, thank you and offer a hand if and when you need. 

Do the same for a woman and she will either ask for more, make excuses for not keeping in-touch (partly because she feels guilty for deliberately keeping away from you) and point all your faults.


Monday, February 20, 2023


Have you noticed that your wife or girlfriends in the past may have sabotaged your success? They are afraid that if you become successful, you will upgrade them.

Grandma Wants Attention Too

Grandma Wants Attention Too
My friend’s son fell off a skateboard and had a severe compound fracture very close to the elbow. Surgery was eminent. We all came to visit him and his father in the hospital before and after surgery to bring presents and other fun stuff for little boys. When all of a sudden, out of nowhere the boy’s grandmother started crying out, yelling, “When is it ever going to be my turn?” As she stormed out the hospital room.
As it turned out, this woman was jealous of all the attention that her 12 year old grandson was getting.

Published: February 20, 2023 at 12:00PM

Sunday, February 19, 2023


No Child Support without DNA proof of paternity!

Perpetual Hatred of Fathers

Perpetual Hatred of Fathers
I hate when I hear a man that was brought up by a single mother, bad mouth his father. He will still talk bad about his father even after his baby’s mother runs off and alienates him from his child, all the while telling that child how bad his father was. Doesn’t this man see the pattern?

Published: February 19, 2023 at 12:00PM

Saturday, February 18, 2023


More abortions have been performed since Roe vs Wade (1973) than deaths due to war in the same time period.
1.5 Billion Abortions worldwide and counting.

The Ultimate Prank

The Ultimate Prank
I would love to have the guts to ask a girl if she wants to go to Greece or some place far. I will buy her a ticket there and buy myself a round trip ticket and see if she makes it home.

Published: February 18, 2023 at 11:59AM

Friday, February 17, 2023


Like my grandmother always used to say…
“If a woman hasn’t settled down by age 25, there is something wrong with her.”

Sure Fire Way To Mess With A Girl

Sure Fire Way To Mess With A Girl
Here is a sure fire way to see if a girl likes you; ask her if she is married or has a boyfriend. If the answer is “no”, she may be lying but she is looking at you as a possible mate.
If she says “yes”, she may be lying but she don’t like you for sure.
When I ask that question, no matter what answer I get from the girl, I congratulate her and tell her that she is so lucky. I tell her that she is lucky to be all alone and independent or she is lucky in this day and time that a man would commit to her. Either way, its a mind fuck for her.

Published: February 17, 2023 at 12:01PM

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Think about this…
If she gives you an ultimatum of either marry her or she leaves, she has proven to you that she does not love you.
If she really loved you, she would stay no matter what.
End it and go your own way.

We Need To Work Together!

We Need To Work Together!
I was watching a documentary on Scientology, the so called religion created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It seemed that, at one time, the IRS did not accept that The Church of Scientology was a church and that Scientology was not a religion. The IRS further claimed that this organization fraudulently exempted themselves from taxes and, as a result, owed $1.5 Billion in back taxes and penalties.
The Scientologists responded by filing 2,500 lawsuits on the IRS in jurisdictions across America. This became a legal nightmare for the IRS and they finally had to back off and accept that the Church of Scientology was, in fact a religion and is eligible for tax exempt status.
I wonder if results like the example above can be accomplished in the same way for men. What would be the first accomplishment and how can we make it happen?
We could act together as one team and file lawsuits on the family court system on a certain day of the year? Maybe when we are 200,000 strong we could manage.
Don’t just “Like” this post, your ideas are valuable, please post them.

Published: February 16, 2023 at 12:01PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Like my grandmother always used to say…
“Never trust a woman that asks your occupation before she knows your last name.”

The Provider

The Provider
There is a definite problem with women that refer to men as a “Provider”. They seem to have a profound unrealistic view of the meaning of the word. They seem to want a man that will be by her side 24 hours a day 7 days a week working hard and earning money for the sole purpose of pampering them and them alone. She wants you at her disposal at any time day or night no matter what you are doing at the time.
If she is not excited, you have to provide her excitement.
If she is unhappy, its the providers fault because he is not providing her happiness on a silver platter for her majesty.
If you tell her that happiness comes from within, she will look at you like you are trying to convince her that she is responsible and that you are trying to weasel out of your responsibility.
If you are not achieving her very lofty and highly unrealistic goals quick enough, then she will slowly start resenting you and start destroying things you like in order to punish you, because you should never like anything any more than you like her.
Her jealousy runs high. I’ve seen women destroy cars, boats, businesses and even the fathers kids.
One girl I talked to told me that she hated the man she was with so much that she will destroy the one thing that man loves the most. When I asked her what that was she looked me straight in the eye and said, “Me”. This girl was so intent on punishing her boyfriend that she was willing to punish him by destroying her own life. I was in such shock at that point that I couldn’t even ask her what that entailed.
I met one girl that was so unhappy that there was no excitement in her marriage that she told me it was ruining her life. I told her to find a hobby or a means to fulfill her life. She quickly barked, “That’s his job!”
All I could say is, “WoW!” This girl was beyond saving. She later found an initiator and provider that gave her excitement then her husband caught those two in bed and now she is divorced and that second man is long gone. Where is the excitement now?
Girls like these do not initiate anything. They somehow think that if it is “meant to be”, (remember that phrase, they tend to say that a lot) someone will make it happen.
When I hear stories of women destroying another man’s life, inevitably I will hear another woman blaming the man for not stopping her beforehand. They act like a collective never blaming a woman for anything.

Published: February 15, 2023 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Women love playing the victim.
Women love to manipulate others.
Women love to be rescued.
Women love attention of others.
Women love to play the victim in order to manipulate others to rescue them, it gives them the attention they think they need.

Women Change

Women Change
All my life I’ve been told to look for a nice woman and settle down. Ive looked hard for 20 years. Ive even followed the advice that girls give, “Not to look, Let it happen.” They only say that because they would never initiate any relationship in their life. And I found one thing to be true; women are children that want a fantasy, fairytale life were they place themselves in bad situations, creating the damsel in distress while they wait for their prince charming, knight in shining armor to rescue them. I have not only seen this in my life but in the lives of my sisters, brothers, cousins, neighbors, coworkers, in college and everywhere I go even to this day. I have studied divorce since I was 9 years old and now I’m 43. I have consulted with many men going through divorces for at least 25 years of my life and they are all clueless how cold and calculating, mean, vicious and vindictive their woman turned out. I have lived on my own for 18 years and it has been a peaceful journey with events happening from time to time.

Published: February 14, 2023 at 12:00PM

Monday, February 13, 2023


Let’s make MGTOW known for Valentines Day. Make your Profile picture the MGTOW symbol

Reclaiming Valentine’s Day

Reclaiming Valentine’s Day
Remember that February 14th is the day that women must show their love to Men, After all, we build their houses, install and maintain the roofs, walls, driveways, windows, plumbing, gas, electricity, heating and cooling. We pay for these services too. We have invented cars, boats, airplanes, jets, radios, televisions, telephones, computers, and software. We are constantly improving the skills of men long ago to create bigger, better, stronger, faster, and more efficient products than ever before. Men created and maintain roads, sewers, refuge, water supplies, gasoline (petrol), propane, and power generators (nuclear, hydro-electric, coal, and petroleum). On a daily basis Men risk their lives as police officers, firemen, construction workers to make our lives better. Men pilot planes, drive trucks and taxies and navigate ships so the world can travel and for commerce. Men do not need to prove their love to one woman because we have shown love to the people everywhere with the sweat from our brows.
I look at members of my military and thank them for their duty and service for they freely volunteered to risk their lives for my safety and security. I will not demand gratuity from them.
Women should thank men for our service to the world and not demand us to bow to them further. We are not their indentured servants for life.
Women have nothing, do nothing and achieve nothing without men. All they have is due to men. If they have taken too much it is our fault and we need to correct it now.
Even Saint Valentine, himself was a man that risked his life to marry people when the law of the land punished priests with death for doing so.
Valentine’s Day is for women to show their love and respect to the man that has given her and his community so much.
Say NO to Valentine’s Day

Published: February 13, 2023 at 11:59AM

Sunday, February 12, 2023


You will never ever ever make anyone happy and secure. But there are people that will put that burden on you, and you alone. Beware.



The Insanity Is Here

The Insanity Is Here

I've been single now for 17 years and I have saved a ton of money in that time, I suddenly have the urge to find me a single mom with 2 or 3 kids (preferably from more than one father) and blow my life savings on their school, activities, clothes, toys and vacations. Hell I just want to buy another man's child their first car. I want to be their father without the permission of the man that inseminated her. Oh, he can send money but I'll be glad to see him every other weekend while my new girlfriend sneaks her way into my phone and erase pictures of girls that I save. It wont matter if the picture is of my cousin in a beauty pageant, she will delete them. I get to see her ex live and the spawn of his sperm every day.


Saturday, February 11, 2023


Her: I love you. 

TheXYGhost : I know you love me. That is because I do all the right things for you. Why do you doubt if I love you?


Independent Woman Defined

Independent Woman Defined

Independent woman is a woman that makes their own money while they refuse to love any man that has or makes even a few dollars less than her. Meanwhile she sleeps around with gangsters, thugs, criminals and pimps until she meets the mega millionaire that accepts her the way she is; burnt out, with several STDs brewing and either a few kids in tow or a history of several abortions. When in her thirties, her standards will drop dramatically to be impregnated by any guy she meets or rushes to marriage because her biological clock is ticking. 

Its funny how no man claims to be Independent.


Friday, February 10, 2023


Formula For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment #1
If she likes you but you do not act on her hidden impulse.

3 Simple Rules For Women

3 Simple Rules For Women

Women: There are 3 basic rules to keep a man happy;

1) Feed Me

2) Fuck Me

3) Leave Me The Hell Alone

1 is optional, if you don't feed him he can make himself a sandwich

2 is optional as well, if you are not in the mood or you are too tired, he can rub one out in the shower

3 is mandatory. If you continually badger and nag him, he will have no choice other than to leave. 

You just need to wonder why a father will walk out on a pretty girl and his own flesh and blood. 


Thursday, February 9, 2023


Formula For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment #2
If she just wants to get rid of you because you are more productive than she would ever be.

Just A Question For You

Just A Question For You
Is a woman entitled to receive free meals, gifts and entertainment from any and all men until she feels that her sexual currency is diminishing or has completely eroded away? Is she entitled always and forever to a man’s earnings?

Published: February 09, 2023 at 12:00PM

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Formula For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment #3
If you know something about her that would get her fired.

I Am a Feminist Man.

I have had my eyes open and need to join woman’s struggle to be free and independent. I believe that women are our equals

I believe that they should get equal pay as men. In fact, they should get paid more than men. But they aren’t getting the pay they deserve.

I look up and down my street every day for many years and see our country going to hell and there is hardly an outcry for the misogyny that I see gone completely rampant;

Trucks delivering packages every day and there is not a woman allowed to take those jobs. And the guilty parties are UPS, FedEx and the USPS. They are secretly forbidding women to drive those trucks so that they too can have productive lives like men do on a daily basis. They are to blame. They are at fault. This needs to change.

But that is just the very tip of the iceberg that is big enough to sink our sexist country let alone a tiny ship in the North Atlantic.

I stayed home one afternoon waiting for my cable to be installed and to my surprise there was a man setting up my cable, phone and Internet. I was perplexed at this but kept my mouth shut. “Where are the female workers?” I thought.

So I called my friends to see if they agree with my observations. They too have been noticing what was in front of their very eyes. It was almost as it were hidden in plain sight. My friends said their cable providers were Verizon, Time Warner Cable, Optimum and they too started to see that their installers were men and not women.

One of my neighbors had work done on his basement and the other had his roof repaired. Again, both places had no women workers. A male plumber worked on my bathroom and a male electrician worked on my friend’s house.

I started to call plumbers, electricians, roofers, and other general contractors, and what I discovered was completely astounding. When I called these places, some of them had a female picking up the phone but that’s where it stopped. When I asked if there were any female workers that could do the work, they all replied with a resounding, “No!” In fact, some of the companies that I called even laughed at me for even asking that.

Let me get this straight, companies throughout this country are keeping their doors closed to one half of the population based on their sex and giving the most visible positions to women as a token.

To give a job to a woman as a receptionist, a job so easy that an 8th grader could do it, is a slap in the face for women around the world. Women are capable of anything and more and they are relegated to only perform menial tasks that require no thought at all.

This is a travesty that you will never see on the nightly news. In fact, MSNBC, Fox News and the rest will hire women and put them in front of the camera for the entire world to see as a token for they do not have the same male to female ratio behind the scenes.

In the television court shows, they only display mostly female judges to make you believe that the appointed judges in your local courts are equally male and female when they are not. Judge Judith Sheindlin, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Judge Lynn Toler, and Judge Marilyn Milian are the visible tokens when they know that your court system is comprised of mostly men.

The same goes with just about every restaurant I have ever visited. There is a female hostess, waitress, and maybe a female bartender where everyone can see. The sexist sided of the restaurants comes to play when you open the kitchen doors. You will never see a woman in any kitchen. Sexism is in restaurants as well. They won’t even allow a women cook.

Speaking about cooking, why are most of the celebrity chefs male? If you do a search on the top celebrity chefs you will be overwhelmed at the ratio between male and female chefs, Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Wolfgang Puck, David Chang, Emeril Lagasse, Anthony Bourdain, and Guy Fieri. You have the occasional Rachael Ray and a few others that are not household words due to lack of promotion.

In the transportation industry I see in the New York City Transit Authority all the train conductors and the motormen (a sexist job title to ostracize women) are men. Their bus drivers are overwhelmingly men but there is no outcry. Stand outside the Port Authority Bus Terminal where the busses enter and you will never see a female bus driver. This is very overtly sexist without shame. I’m very sure that this is true in many cities throughout America.

You can’t find a cab in New York City that is driven by a man. Uber and Lyft are new companies that just emerged in the past few years and you would have to look real hard to find a female driver. In fact the men line up at the Taxi and Limousine Commission to get licensing to drive such cars but there is no encouragement provided by the T&LC to get women to drive and earn a decent living.

When was the last time you saw a female auto mechanic? Sears, Pep Boys, and just about any independent mechanic you find, are men.

I watched the garbage trucks that drive by picking up garbage every day and wouldn’t you know it? I have never seen a woman do these jobs. In fact, most the New York City Police Department and the Fire Department are overwhelmingly men. This is the hidden sexism and they are editing that from the news.

Feminist organizations speak out about this injustice by stating that the gender wage gap is such that women get paid 77¢ to a man’s dollar but I think that gap is much wider. These organizations respond by saying that women need encouragement in order to get these high paying jobs so that they can earn more. I say we need to go further.

We need to find the organizations that only encourage men to do these jobs and punish them for not encouraging women. By the way, these employment encouraging agencies must be encouraging men in the direction towards high paying jobs while directing women to the porn and modeling industries. These jobs overtly objectify women to the point that it’s humiliating beyond reason.

We have to do our part by voting with our dollars and only get our cars fixed where females are allowed to be mechanics. Go to restaurants that have women that work behind the scenes. We need to focus our collective monies where women are getting employed. We need to boycott taxis that are not driven by women and only take such cabs that are operated by women. Women are not allowed to be gainfully employed and we wonder why they fight so hard for alimony, palimony, child support, welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, and social security disability. There are women’s shelters throughout America because there are no jobs for them.

Together we can help make women truly independent and productive.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Formula For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment #4

If it’s a tossup between you and her for a promotion.



How Women Think

How Women Think

Why is it that every time I explain to some girl why I’ve been single for so many years, they manipulate my pointing out how women are hateful to men as me hating women. Their knee jerk reaction to me pointing out women’s bad behavior is me hating women and suggest that I learn to be gay. 

Let me get this straight, I should suck dick because women are so messed up. 


Monday, February 6, 2023


Formula For False Allegations of Sexual Harassment #5
If the manager promoted a man over her entitled ass.

Rebuttal to, “Dating: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore”

Rebuttal to, “Dating: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore”
There is an article on the Internet titled “Dating: 10 Things Men Don’t Do Anymore”
It lists 10 things men do not do anymore on or for dates. And they are;
1 – Men don’t accept rejection anymore
2 – Men don’t make phone calls anymore
3 – Men don’t buy drinks anymore
4 – Men don’t ask women to dance anymore
5 – Men don’t give meaningful compliments anymore
6 – Men don’t work at impressing anymore
7 – Men don’t show up at your door with a gift/token anymore
8 – Men don’t take charge of dating plans anymore
9 – Men don’t ask women out in advance anymore
10 – Men don’t ask women on dates anymore
I’ve come up with my list of 10 things that women do not do any more.
1 – Women will never tell you whose child you are raising – At the dawn of the 21st century we are now finding out that women have more affairs than usually believed. With DNA testing we find that some men are raising children that are not even theirs. Some conservative estimates state that some 30 – 35% of fathers today are raising another man’s child unbeknownst to either of the men.
2 – Women do not keep their families together – In this age of disposable razors, lighters, pens, diapers, etc. women found a way to dispose of the most important man in their child’s life for any minuscule reason they can think of and they will have the backing of the Family Courts’ anti-masculine agenda to cut a man to pieces just because that man is imperfect for her immediate needs.
3 – Women are not forgiving – 80% of all divorces in America today are initiated by females. Make no mistake, forgiveness is not part of their plan that includes taking everything you own (children included) and they will stop at nothing to ruin your life with false rape and domestic violence accusations if you do not meet their exact expectations.
4 – Women do not cook – It was once said that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach but that line of thinking is gone. Once a woman places the dehumanizing label of “provider” or gets you to agree to “take care of her”, she will take that to mean that you provide for her every need, want and desire and that includes food, clothes, happiness and excitement when she wants it and how she wants it. Every man would kill or die for a woman that gave him a warm meal at the end of his hard day, but that is too hard for today’s woman.
5 – Women do not partner with strong masculine and moral men – good bye John Wayne and hello to Joey, Chandler and Ross. Women also like the meanest and nastiest men around. They have love affairs with murderers, rapists, thugs and criminals. In fact, when there is a high profile murder or rapist on the news that just got arrested, women will waste no time in writing love letters to that man.
6 – Women do not contribute to the household expenses – If you talk to any married woman and you get to the point where she talks about finances, she will inevitably say that there is “her money” (The money she acquired even if it was from his wallet) and there is “our money” (the money that he works hard to make). If the hot water heater is broken and there is no money in “our” bank account to fix it, even if she has enough of “her” money to fix it, there is going to be some cold showers in the household’s future.
7 – Women have no shame – Once upon a time women were shamed to have a child out of wedlock, be divorced or even caught in another man’s bed other than her husband’s. Now these things are the source of a woman’s pride and attention. Single motherhood, divorce, receiving welfare and having multiple children from multiple men are badges of honor for today’s woman.
8 – Women do not work – Nearly 60 years have past since the feminist movement of the 1960’s and women still do not work. Sure they will take the part time, minimum wage job but they will not even try to be ambitious to do their share to bring in money for the household. If they make more money than their husband, that is grounds for divorce in her eyes. During WWII women worked in factories building ships, tanks and planes for their men at war. In the pre industrial revolution, a woman scrubbed the floors, washed dishes by hand, washed clothes on a washboard by hand chopped wood for fire to make bread, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today’s woman wants a provider to pamper her in luxury to the point that he needs 2 and even 3 jobs to pay for it.
9 – Women do not take care of their children – Today’s statistics show that 75% of all convicted criminals in prison today come from a single mother home. What kind of morals are being instilled by a mother to her child without the father’s influence? It seems that for the most part, women only care about theirselves and the care they give to their kids ends up being responsible for America’s ultra high prison population.
10 – Women are not loving – When a man comes home from work, instead of a hot meal, a change of clothes and a shoulder rub after a hard day, a woman will complain how hard her life was, give her worn out husband orders to take out the trash, order up food and sweep the leaves.
Its no wonder why men now are doing their own thing for themselves and excluding selfish, self-centered women behind.

Published: February 06, 2023 at 11:59AM

Sunday, February 5, 2023


"He couldn’t handle me." Means, "I test, tease and nag him all the time but for some strange reason, he is not man enough to take it. I’m just a girl. Ha ha."


Women Are Unhappy

Women Are Unhappy

In these times, women, in the Western World are the unhappiest of all.

They feel unfulfilled. They feel unaccomplished.  And they will always blame the man they selected and labeled as their own personal "Provider". Their dependency on their unreasonable expectations they place on that provider is so great that they have nothing to do to obtain a sense of pride that comes from doing something deserving of the fulfillment they desire. 

They place all their wants, needs and desires, real or unreal on that provider and they will do nothing to get what they want, need or desire, except for another provider. 

They are the ones that sit back and relinquish themselves any and all responsibility to do anything to achieve.  

I hear it all the time when women tell me the reason they divorced or broke up with a man. 

"I’m not happy", the implication is that their provider did not provide them happiness. 

I would love to see women that are independent. I want to see them independent from me, men, the state and their parents. I want them independent from alimony and welfare. 


Saturday, February 4, 2023


Her: You misgendered “her”! “She” identifies as “them”! Get “her” pronoun straight!
TheXYGhost : You did it three times.


It does not matter how much money you have, the woman that you select (she really selects you) will find a way to accuse you of wrong doing while she calls the lawyers (The modern day Philistines to your Delilah), the police and judges to take your money and take away your kids because men are treated as the second class citizens.
The icon of music history, Sir Paul McCartney, whose net worth is estimated at $1.2 billion married a one legged woman who waited until she had a child to break up her child with an amazing man. I never really liked The Beatles but nobody can deny Paul’s contribution to history.
Most of us men, including me, would not mind living and raising a child with a woman as iconic as he is. What did this skank do? She alienated her child for a few pieces of silver and went right over to Rupert Murdock with her pickaxe, shovel and a bulk of Paul’s money.
Fuck Rupert Murdock for enabling that whore for making that kid have a temporary father and a surrogate father just to get a piece of one-legged ass.
Paul’s ex-wife is a parasite, a leach, a blood-sucking vampire whose only accomplishment is the capturing of other men’s accomplishments.
I remember saying this about my own mother, “I know all the names of my mom’s past boyfriends but I never had the chance to know my own dad.”
It took me 40 plus years to reunite with my dad. He is a pain in the ass, always nagging me to get a girlfriend and get married. His third wife is a dream. My half brothers are cool too. I wish I had a dad during grade school and high school.
I never wanted to be another kid’s temporary dad until mommy finds a better man. That’s why I steer clear from single moms. If they are not forgiving to the most important man in their child’s life, what can she do to me?

Published: February 04, 2023 at 12:01PM

Friday, February 3, 2023


A woman asked her aunt about me. She had 5 kids from 5 different restaurant owners. Is there a pattern?

Any Man Can But Who Would Want This?

Any Man Can But Who Would Want This?
Any guy can get laid, but do you want to eat pussy that was filled only hours before you lick it? Maybe you like tonguing a broad only minutes after she gave the last PUA a blowjob.
It’s up to you. Wipe another man’s goo off your dick and kiss that filthy mouth afterwards.

Published: February 03, 2023 at 12:00PM

Thursday, February 2, 2023


Remember this; A woman wants a man to dominate her when, where and how she wants or else!

Not All Women Are Like That

Not All Women Are Like That
Her: Not all girls are the same!
TheXYGhost : Good. I’ll wait until some girls takes me out, buys me dinner and sweeps me off of my feet until she is ready to propose to me with a new car.
Her: That’s never gonna happen.
TheXYGhost : Why? Because no girl will ever take the time, energy and money to pamper a man.
Her: You got that right!
TheXYGhost : So, what you are telling me is that all girls are the same.

Published: February 02, 2023 at 12:00PM

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Women in America say, “I love men”.
Men, think about this; pedophiles say, “I love children”.

My Perfect Date

My Perfect Date
TheXYGhost : Hey, do you want to join me for dinner?
Her: You mean like a date?
TheXYGhost : If you wanna call it that, I guess so.
Her: That would be nice. Where are we going?
TheXYGhost : Burger King®️.
Her: Burger King®️? That’s the cheapest date that anyone has ever offered me.
TheXYGhost : Have you been on many dates that were more costly?
Her: Hell yeah. More than you can imagine.
TheXYGhost : Are any of those guys still with you now?
Her: You hate women!

Published: February 01, 2023 at 12:01PM

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Hey Gillette! You talk about Toxic Masculinity? From where do boys get it?
43% of boys are raised by single moms.
78% of teachers are female.
50% of boys have 100% female influence and 80% female influence at school.
80% of women initiate divorces
The number one reason women divorce is financial issues.
97% of violent criminals come from a single mother home

Women Complain That They Have a Hard Life

Women Complain That They Have a Hard Life
From the American Revolution to the present day wars men have died for our collective freedoms at a ratio of 1000 men for every 1 woman when the ratio between men and women in the military are 5000 men for every woman. When those ratios change to about 1 to 1 I’ll look at women differently.
And don’t give me that bs about men always wanting war. Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Barbara Bush and even Laura Bush was all in for men to fight and die for our freedoms.

Published: January 31, 2023 at 11:59AM

Monday, January 30, 2023


60 Years of feminism and the best a woman can do is to go after a man’s wealth and not create her own.

What Girls Want

What Girls Want
So you are looking for a man that will kill or is willing to be killed to protect you?
You also want him to work hard and earn enough money to feed, clothe and shelter you as he showers you with gifts and pampers you.
He will be your provider and he must live up to his responsibilities to you. You will hold him responsible for your every want, need and desire. If you are not happy in your life, you hold no personal responsibilities for your own happiness, he is the provider and he needs to provide you happiness when, whee are how you want it.
After a long hard day at work, you want that man to complete a list of things to be done around the house. You affectionately call it your “Honeydew List” (Honey Do List). This is all the things you want him to work on because you have no smarts to do them yourself. You were too busy getting a manicure, pedicure, a facial and a massage from his hard earned money. You dare not spend the money you earned because you think that’s unfair. Besides you want to see that man of yours to work non-stop.
While he is working on that list, after a hard days work, you take his money and order out food because you do not dare touch dishes, pots or pans. That’s sexist.
He will have to ask you permission to hang out with his buddies as you do as you please when you want. If he utters a single word about your night out, you label him “controlling” as you consult a lawyer while he is away.
If he cheats on you, (your definition for cheating is so broad that even being cordial to a waitress is cheating) you take his kids away from their father and collect alimony and child support that you will use on yourself to get prettied up to find a new dad for the kids you took from the father. The child support will support no kids.
If you cheat on him, it’s his fault for not giving you enough of what you want from him. You always have sufficient justification for your actions. Now you get to sue him for half his current and future worth while you are with a new man that will be the new father to your kids because you are the one that assigns an arbitrary guy to be a father at your command.
You want some stranger to ask you for a date. Spend money on you, show you a great time. When he has done this enough times, you will pressure him to marry you. You want him to spend obscene amounts of money on a ring, wedding dress, and a wedding party until he is in debt to his eyeballs.
You want him to get down on one knee, like the subservient slave that you want him to be and beg to be your servant with an expensive bribe (Engagement ring) in his hand so that he can be your obedient servant.
I think I’ll pass.
Find yet another subservient wimp that will serve your needs until you find another one with more resources to offer.
I’ll be my own boss
I’ll live my own life

Published: January 30, 2023 at 11:59AM

Sunday, January 29, 2023


Your ex-boyfriend raped your daughter?
That’s what Bad Boys do.

Women Love Men?

Women Love Men?
My neighbor’s son got into a serious accident that left him permanently crippled and partially brain damaged. A girl “fell in love” with him for a long time until he won a huge amount of money in the lawsuit. Before that, she was pressuring the boy to marry her.
The father made his son sign over all his awards to himself and made himself his son’s caretaker and guardian.
When the girl found that the father was the only one that was in charge of the money, the girl left as if the boy was poison. She never returned.

Published: January 29, 2023 at 11:59AM

Saturday, January 28, 2023


Your ex-boyfriend beat you, cheats on you and now he’s in prison.
That’s what Bad Boys do.

Women Hate Men

Women Hate Men
Women hate men to the point that they refuse to have them in their child’s life. These women have children for the purpose of the child loving the mother. They place the burden of the child to love them and they do not want the child to love another. That is also the reason that women choose to divorce the father when the child starts to prefer the dad over the mom. Dads play with their children. Dads wrestle and make their child laugh, a feat that no mom has ever done.
Women hate men. They are taught that by media, movies and commercials. This is part of the reason why there is a overwhelming amount of single mothers in this country. 80% of divorces are initiated by women.
Women have hatred in their hearts for men because men could never live up to the ever increasing standards they impose on men.
Women want a king and make him her servant. If he falls in line as a servant, she hates that he dose what he is told. If he refuses to be her servant, he is labeled, “mean” and “abusive” the way a child calls it’s parents mean for not letting them eat candy all day.
A woman is a child protected by the state. They look for a person to provide for them the way a child wants the parents to provide.
They take provider to mean that a man is to provide for her every want, need and desire whether they are real or imaginary. “I’m not happy” turns into “Provide me happiness on a silver platter, when, where and how I want it.”

Published: January 28, 2023 at 12:01PM

Friday, January 27, 2023


Your ex-boyfriend abused you?

You must really like Bad Boys.  


Turn Her Down Fast and Hard

Turn Her Down Fast and Hard

Her: What kind of work do you do?

TheXYGhost : Would you date a man that works at McDonald’s?

Her: No!

TheXYGhost : Not even the CEO of McDonald’s, Inc.?

Her: Well, that’s a different story.

TheXYGhost : I am a French Fry chef at a McDonald’s now go and find your Prince Charming elsewhere. I’m not interested in broke people looking for money. 


Thursday, January 26, 2023


You’re a single mom and he is a deadbeat dad?
I thought you liked the Bad Boys.

This is What Women of Today can Never Understand.

This is What Women of Today can Never Understand.
Every man admires a Ferrari, but no man wants a Ferrari with 600,000 miles on the odometer no matter how shiny it looks.
I’m talking to you Mrs. I’m-50-years-old-but-I-look-30.

Published: January 26, 2023 at 11:59AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


 I will not provide for any woman that refuses to be my equal .


I Guess You Can Call Me a Feminist

I Guess You Can Call Me a Feminist

I guess you can call me a feminist. I want to see men and women treated the same. Equally. I want to see more men getting sole custody and child support payments. I want to see more female mechanics, firemen, sanitation workers, construction workers, painters, plasterers, dry wall installers, plumbers, roofers, electricians, gardeners,  pilots, maintenance workers, janitors, truck drivers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, train conductors, fork lift operators, coal minors, oil riggers, etc. 

Let's show support for woman risking their lives to support their husbands and families with hard work. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023


The thing that irritates a woman most is to see her “provider” resting after 16 hours of work. To her, her “provider” needs to be working more.

My Dating Profile

My Dating Profile
OMG, I wrote this on October 6th, 2013 and I would post it on any dating site that someone insisted that I join.
I sometimes wonder what people look for on a site like this. I have been happily divorced for about 13 years. Whenever somebody is not satisfied with my current state of zen, they usually tell me to find myself a girl with whom I can settle. When they tell me of a new website to join, I join it.
When women divorce men, the general consensus is that the man must have done somthing wrong for the woman to have left. When a man divorces a woman, he is looked at as evil. Never is a woman wrong.
This was true even of my divorce. When I told people that my wife left me, they usually asked me what did I do to make her leave. When I tell people that she cleaned out my bank accounts and maxed out my credit cards to furnish her new apartment that she moved in right away with her new boyfriend, they tell me its my fault for trusting her. When I tell people that she lied to me about not being able to have children, and finding birth control pills hidden in the house after she left, they say its my fault too for not searching the home for something hidden. When I tell people that my ex-wife lied, cheated, deceived and stole from me the reply is simple for the simple minded, its my fault for picking her.
It is the current mindset that it is never a woman’s fault. When was the last time you heard of a woman that had to leave the house and the kids to the man that worked so hard to pay for the house and all of the kids care. Never. In fact, quite the opposite happens. The woman is awarded the custody of the children, the house and weekly payments awarded to the kids that the woman uses for her own needs. Just to add a insult to a injury, a man in that position, would have to pay the mortgage and the upkeep of a house while the woman that backstabbed the father of her children got the home.
When you say that women only want money, you will be attacked by women, telling you otherwise.
When I told a woman that I only attract the craziest women and that last year I received 6 marriage proposals. Her reply was quick. “You must be very rich.” Mind you she never said that I was kind or very caring, she said that the only reason that women proposed marriage to me is because I maybe rich.
I went on a date with one girl that told me the best business decision a woman can make is marrying the right man. Immediately asked for the check and paid the bill and left. I parted with the following words of advice. There are millionaires and billionaires in america, start with the billionaires and move your way to the millionaires when the billionaires do not like you.
I am so sick of these single moms in my neighborhood asking me to do something for them around the house only to find out its their way of flirting with me. I hate it even more when they ask their kids if they would like it if I were their new father.
They divorced the father of their kids because the man was less than perfect. Funny, that is why my ex-wife left me. I guess I am less than perfect as well.
Women seem to hold their single parenthood like a badge of honor. I look at it this way; since 80% of the divorces are filed by women, and 90% of all divorces are for financial reasons. It is safe to say that she most likely filed the divorce papers on the most important man in her children’s life for her perception of money problems.
My grandfather once told me; “Never complain about my efforts unless you can do better”. My guess is that the women complaining about their mans efforts to earn a living can do better. Why don’t they just do a better job?
When I was over a friends place, his mother, a very sweet lady, asked me if I was interested in a nice single woman. My friend interrupted his mother, because he knew my opinion. Later on I found out that this woman wanted me to be introduced to a woman that had 5 children from 5 different men. I really can’t see myself in that situation. Like I really want to change my lifestyle to feed and clothe 5 children that are not mine and juggle visitation schedules with men I have never met. Not me.
Women seem to hate it when a man saves pictures of their ex-girlfriends. But living in a household with another man’s children, you see the children every day and see the woman’s ex-(fill in the blank) every other weekend for visitation.
My neighbor tried to tell me about her niece that was available. I wanted to hear more. After asking my neighbor a few choice questions, I found out the following; Her niece was married and divorced 2 times with 2 children. The second child was from a man whom she had an affair while married to number one. The reason for her first divorce. The second divorced came after lucky number two found out that both of her kids were not from her first husband.
One final question before I finish. Have you ever heard of a man (without a home of his own) marry a woman with a home of her own. Have kids, then the man files for divorce then is awarded the home, the custody of the children and child support from the woman?
Now I can tell my friend that I joined this site that he recommended. Mission accomplished.
Did you even read the whole thing?
What is with some of you women? Did you really put a picture of you and your child on a dating site? Really? Did you ask them what they thought about it?

Published: January 24, 2023 at 12:01PM

Monday, January 23, 2023


If a woman wants a man that will protect her with his life, she better show him what he would be fighting for. She should pay for the first date, because no woman would ever risk her life to protect a man.

Rules for Women

Rules for Women
1. Don’t make him responsible for your every want, need and desire.
2. Don’t expect him to be your doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist and handyman all in one.
3. Don’t go looking for his faults every second of the day. You have faults too.
4. You can take him out too.
5. The solutions to all your problems are not in another man when you find an imperfection in him.
6. Stop testing him, he is not a lab rat and you are not a scientist.
7. Treating him like he is your provider is dehumanizing. Strive to be equal partners.
8. Just because it is easy for you to cheat, does not mean that every text and picture on his phone is a cheating partner of his.
9. You can’t change him from what he is to what you want. Change will come for you and him if you just sit back and enjoy.
10. Stop complaining. If something is not the way you want it, take the initiative.
11. The saying “The grass is greener on the other side”, is a warning not a roadmap.
12. Know when enough is enough and when to stop. This goes for nagging, whining, crying, complaining and threatening to leave.
13. Do you really think that taking away his kids and living with a new guy that had his kids taken away is going to be less problems for you?
14. Threatening to leave him if he doesn’t want to marry you only proves to him how little you love him and how inflated your ego is.
15. Nobody can make anyone happy.
16. He cannot read your mind.
17. Stop hinting. It is not the most efficient means of communication.
18. If you ask a question and he answers it directly, don’t be sad that he didn’t figure out what you really meant.
19. If you like “Bad Boys” it’s your fault that he he is in your life. Bad means bad.
20. Just because you hint at him, doesn’t mean that you need to look deeper than his answer.
21. Manipulation is done via deceit. That is lying.
22. Having a “Plan B” is cheating.
23. Your best relationship is your first one, it’s all downhill from there.
24. Treat him the way you want to be treated.

Published: January 23, 2023 at 12:00PM

Sunday, January 22, 2023


Feminists are very confused; They want to be more masculine, instruct guys to be feminine and they wonder where all the good masculine men gone. Real men don’t like masculine women, that’s for sure.

Snow White and Sleeping Beauty Syndrome

Snow White and Sleeping Beauty Syndrome
To a woman, a good man is defined as a walking ATM machine that will pay for anything and everything she wants, needs and desires. They want an instant Prince Charming while they look down at the little working men. (Snow White Syndrome). Or they hide in the woods waiting for Prince Charming to kiss her and change her life. (Sleeping Beauty Syndrome). They don’t want to look but they want to be found.

Published: January 22, 2023 at 12:00PM

Saturday, January 21, 2023


You have 3 kids from three guys and you tell me that I have commitment issues.

My Grandfather During WWII

My Grandfather During WWII

In the 1930’s my grandfather came to America waving the American flag. He kissed the ground of his new homeland. He worked hard and studied to become an American citizen. He married an American woman and had two kids, my mother and my uncle. 

When WWII broke out my grandfather volunteered to join the US Army. He left his wife and children behind to do his part for his adopted country. 

By herself, my 8th grade educated grandmother took a few jobs as a maid and supported her family. There was no Food Stamps, there was no Welfare, no WIC, no housing projects or Section 8 housing. 

For 2 years this went on, no telephones, a few letters as my grandfather never knew enough English to write a letter. 

My grandmother held on to her family. She didn’t complain that she didn’t have enough attention from her husband. She never once complained that she didn’t have a $10,000 Gucci purse. 

Today, we see migrants entering this country illegally, with hatred and distain in their hearts for the country of which they want to be a part. They burn our flag and wave the banner of the country they are fleeing. They demand welfare and housing from the government they despise. 

The women of today praises the government to break up their family, demand free and subsidized housing, food and medication while financially destroying the most important man in their child’s life. They switch their dependency from a man to the government and the shout out that it’s not enough and they are empowered and independent. 

When I tell this to today’s woman they dismiss all I have said with the phrase, "That was then."

Do you think that today’s woman can do what my grandmother and other women did during a time of crisis? They will leave on the first sign of trouble to switch his child’s father at a drop of a hat. Yet the women of today claim their independence and shout to the world how empowered they are.


Friday, January 20, 2023


If your girl wakes up early on a weekend, gives you a BJ before she leaves for “yoga class”, she is not going to yoga, she is meeting another man.

You Are Always a Bad Man

You Are Always a Bad Man
If she hits you, you must have done something wrong, she hit you for a reason.
If you hit her back, you are wrong as you should never hit a woman.
If you divorce her, you did the wrong thing
If she divorces you, she did it for a reason, you were bad.
If she divorces you, takes your children away and takes you through the family court system for all your money, house, alimony and child support, then you really did her wrong.
If she accuses you of rape, domestic violence or sexual harassment, you must be a bad man why would she lie about something like that.
If she cries, “inequality”, the world cries for and with her. When you cry foul, you get told to, “Man up” as if you are a crying whining boy.
According to the US Justice Department, every single crime has a false allegation rate of about 1 – 2% except for rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment and child abuse. Those have an up to 30% false allegation rate.
Face it, you are a bad man always.

Published: January 20, 2023 at 12:01PM

Thursday, January 19, 2023


I’m not afraid of a woman. I’m afraid of 10,000 simps and a society that is willing to take action on a one sided false accusation.

You divorced her because she was crazy.

You divorced her because she was crazy.
She tells everyone that she left you because you were abusive.
Now you found a new one that tells you that her ex was abusive and her ex said that she is crazy.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Solution: MGTOW

Published: January 19, 2023 at 12:01PM

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Your biological clock is ticking and you want me to rush out and buy you a ring? Buy me a Corvette.

Top 10 Cruel Things Women Do To Men – TheXYGhost way

Top 10 Cruel Things Women Do To Men – TheXYGhost way
There was this article sent to me back in 2009.
I read it and thought it was weak. Then I looked at the author and found out a woman wrote this. So I decided to write my own article. I started writing it back then, but for some reason, I had to stop. This week, 8 years later, I finished my version of the article, finishing items #1 & #2 just now.
Top 10: Cruel Things Women Do to Men and How to Avoid Them.
10: They Don’t Pick Up The Phone.
Girls relinquish their responsibilities when it comes to the initiation of relationships. They feel any action on their part is an act of desperation. Lets face it, when was the last time a girl took you out, asked for your contact information or even bought you a drink to get to know you? Even after the courtship is over and the wedding ring has been on for many years, girls will still complain that their husbands will not take them out as if they had no ability to go out on their own or even set up something for the man they claim to love. Some girls feel that returning a call is too much work putting towards the relationship start up. Barring the fact that you are some notable, wealthy individual, she will never initiate a conversation with you let alone ask you for your number. Although girls require men to take the initiative in the courtship process, they will label unwanted men desperate for taking the same action they expect from a man they desire. Girls have a much stronger need to be in a relationship than men because their principle need for security. A man around to protect her, is a major step up to her security needs. Chances are that her grandmother, in the 1960’s, burned her bra and raised her fists in solidarity along with Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Billy Jean King to prove they are equal to men. There is no equality. Men are men and women are women and they will never be equal. With that in mind, If you happen to get a phone number from a girl, and that number happens to be real, treat all women equally. When you do call and get to the point of leaving a voice mail, leave only one message and one message only. At the end of that message, in a nice way, state that if she doesn’t call back that it was good meeting her. After that call, never call her again! If you do call her again, she will then know that she means more to you than you mean to her. She may even label you a “Puppy dog” if you call a third and fourth time. Either case, it’s a bad place to be if she thinks you need her more. You never ever give away a valuable prize cheaply. If she wants to earn the type of security that a man is capable of giving, she has to earn that prize. A man has the innate ability of sacrificing his own life to protect others. A long time ago, I was told that if you ask more than once, you are begging. Don’t beg for the chance of giving away a million dollar prize that is innate in you.
9: They Use Men for Free Drinks, Dinners and Nights Out.
This has been true always. Girls do this and you need to understand that. Girls use men to pay for this petty vice more blatantly than ever before. Some girls deliberately leave their homes without any cash in their pockets as insurance that they will not buy their own drinks. Never put yourself in the position that you have to buy a girl something she has yet to earn. Do not be her personal automatic teller machine. Do not be her sucker. Girls hate suckers yet they are great in making men their sucker for a day. Don’t prove to her how big of a sucker you can be. You are not so desperate for a conversation that you have to pay someone to listen to you. In a bar situation, only approach girls with a drink in their hand when you have a drink in yours. If she finishes her drink quickly in order for you to pay for another one, ask her, “Is that the cost of talking to you?”, and walk away. She may slap you, but read on how to deal with that. Maybe it would be better to just walk away without saying a word. I usually leave with this quote; “Now I see why you are a magnet to wimpy and desperate boys”. My line of thought is that someone desperate for conversation will pay for someone to listen to them.
8. They Use Men As Placeholders
A placeholder needs to be explained. Since a girl’s first priority is her self security, she needs a man around her until she finds, “the right one for her”. Put simply, a placeholder is a man that she is with until she finds the man she wants. Girls usually do not leave their man until they have someone to go to. In some cases, that go to place is their parents’ place. You can avoid being a placeholder by making sure that she earns the abilities you possess that she needs. Show that you are not tolerant of nonsense. Even though she wrongly earmarks you for a placeholder, she will eventually see that she has to earn you as a prize and then she will respect you. More about that coming up.
7: They Emotionally Manipulate Men
This is as straight forward as I can get without a prescription; Immune yourself from the most powerful weapon a woman has against you. Superman has his Kryptonite but unlike Superman, you can remove this deadly, weapon from your life. Crying is emotional blackmail and girls can cry on command as easy as your uncle could fart on command when he told you as a child, “Pull my finger”. Girls get a lot of mileage from crying and they use it whenever and however they can against you. Unless your girl is physically hurt and injured, ignore all tears and get to the point at hand or excuse yourself away from her as fast as possible until the tears are gone. When she sees that you are not putting up with her nonsense, you win. Crying and other emotional tactics in her arsenal are a way that she regresses her behavior to resemble a helpless child. If a child gave you that look, pouted and cried, you are still going to say no to more candy.
6: They Use Violence
Men know that physical violence is the last resort of any confrontation. Girls on the other hand have never experienced the physical ramifications of their violent attack. Men wont hit back. Being a woman does not give you special rights to assault anyone whenever you want without repercussions. Men are told never to hit women under any circumstances but what is a man to do if his child is being attacked by a crazed woman? If you are hit by a girl that you know, stop everything and make a really big deal about her hitting you. Do not hit back but make it a really big deal and verbally reprimand her for doing that. There is no excuse for hitting and you have to show her that you are not playing games in this serious matter. Raise your voice and keep focused on the fact that she hit you and you are not taking it laying down. When a girlfriend of mine hit me a second time, I told her right then and there it was over. There is no excuse for hitting unless she is being attacked.
5: The Criticize Men in Public
This is one of the things girls do best. If you are in a public argument with a girl you date, she will air out all of your most intimate secrets not related to the argument without any warning. She will attempt to make you feel as small and insecure as she possibly can. What she doesn’t know is how she is showing all within earshot that she can’t keep secrets and she can’t be trusted. Let her know that she is no longer trustworthy and treat her as such. I would just walk away as if she didn’t exist. Girls hate that you will not give them any attention.
4: They Don’t Disclose Their Relationship Status
There are two reasons that a girl will not disclose their relationship status; One, its non of your business and she just enjoys the conversation. If she accepts drinks from you and still does not disclose her status, that is a problem but you now know, after reading this article, that you are not so desperate for someone to listen to you that you have to pay someone in drinks at a bar. The second reason is that they are playing the “available” card in the hopes that you are interested then you buy them a drink. Refer to item #9. The real problem resides when a girl that easily tells everyone she meets that she is attached, everyone except you. Is she lying to others to get rid of them or is she telling the truth and not revealing the truth to you? Does she have a placeholder that she labels a boyfriend to ward off unwanted men at her command and earmarks you as her next upgrade? This is a judgement call you have to make. A girl that will upgrade her placeholder to you, will replace you too.
3: They Withhold Sex To Make A Point.
There is only one word for someone who uses sex for a personal gain. Take it from there. There is nothing much you can do when you are financially obligated to her in the form of a marriage. If you get some for elsewhere, that is grounds for her to take everything you own. There are other ways to discourage a wife’s behavior. Since she married you, she found something valuable about you, take that away from her. Two can play at that game. Take credit cards, jewelry, cars, whatever you bought her in the past. If your girlfriend does this to you, then you can take a walk and not tell her anything when you return. Let her imagination get the best of her.
2: They Test Men
Women will test men on a constant and never ending bases until you put a stop to it right away. Tests come into play in a variety of different ways.
A – She accuses you of something so that you can be on the defensive as you explain to her what she will not take time to figure on her own. She will accuse you of not loving her, loving someone other than her, lying, cheating, etc. If you get one or more of these on a daily bases, you simply say, “If you think that I don’t love you, then you must be doing something wrong, and now you must leave. Women hate when their man is defensive. To her it looks like you fear her.
B – She will flirt or talk about another man as if you should be jealous of this guy. Again, let her know that if she pointed out that you are not good enough, tell her to find a perfect man and leave you.
C – They start petty arguments to see how you deal with conflict. Again, kill cancer before it kills you.
Women can conjure up tests on the fly without rhyme or reason. Their feeble tests and outcomes are not scientific in nature and you are not a lab rat to be tested by an immature amateur scientist.
1: They Flirt To Inspire Jealousy
If there is one emotion that women obsess over all others is the one of jealousy. From my days in grade school, middle school, high school, college and into my 50’s, the talks that women cackle to their gaggle of friends is of jealousy. They speak of jealousy as if jealousy from a man equates to love when, in fact, they hate when they are jealous.
For decades I have listened to women as they have professed how they want to “make him jealous” but I never heard them saying how much they want to make a man feel loved, comfortable, happy or proud. Jealousy is the feeling woman prefer to invoke their men overall.
Jealousy is nothing but insecurity, anger and frustration and a woman loves when she has the power to invoke such emotions from the man she so calls the one she loves. She will manipulate this emotion out of a man as if that man is her personal play toy. She will flirt and talk about other men until she gets what she wants. Like all things in this article, cut it off before it grows and consumes you. When you see her working overtime to force you to have the emotion, she demands of you, dismiss her and tell her it’s over.
Remember, never ever threaten or hit anyone that hasn’t hit you first, especially not a woman, but always let the girl know that you are prepared to go to jail over her foolishness.

Published: January 18, 2023 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Within days, a woman will know every single one of your faults.
Within her lifetime, she will never see any of her own.

They Ask Me Why I’m A MGTOW

They Ask Me Why I’m A MGTOW
I am a 53 year old man that was divorced in 2000 and considered myself luckier than most men in my position.
There is this one very important issue about false rape allegations that I can’t get to the younger men quick enough.
I was a product of a “broken home” when my father went on his way and left my mother with two kids, my sister (age 5) and I (age 4). This is when the abuse began. In retrospect I saw that my mother manipulated men to do her will, this abuse from her was the reason my father left. It would be now harder for her with 2 kids in tow so we were in her way and she had to get rid of us. The beatings were severe to the point that a broomstick was broken over my back at age 5.
Side note: When I tell females about my mother breaking a broomstick over my back, the female collective responds every time that I must have been a very bad kid to be hit with a broomstick. I would stop and ask what would a 5 year old child have to do for you to break a broomstick over their back.
By age 7 or so, I remember a morning news show warned of a rapist in the area. My mother slapped me hard and told me, “If you ever rape a woman I will disown you.” Her instruction to my sister was to scream “Rape” if she was in trouble with a man in the future.
Imagine, I do not even know the word “rape” and she is warning me against committing such a violent act. One day we were all sitting down to watch our favorite show, “Star Trek” (1968). In this one episode, “Shore Leave”, a female member of the landing party was raped then it was revealed that the planet they landed on was fulfilling all of their fantasies. I questioned my mother asking why was the girl beaten and the others were given their fantasy. My mother told me that that woman wanted to be raped by Don Juan as my mother giggled. Now I was confused.
A number of months or maybe years went by when my mother was called into jury duty. Her case was an admitted prostitute claiming to be raped by some man, I remember my mother’s talk on the phone with her friends stating that she did not believe the woman because she claimed that the man ripped her jeans and that jeans were not easily ripped from someone’s body.
As I got older, about 16 – 17 years old, I remember having an very heated argument with my mother. When I was winning my argument on a logical level, I could see that my mother was getting more and more frustrated to the point she yelled, “Rape! Rape! Rape!”, from the living room of our project apartment. I wasted no time to run out and not come back for a few days. Hell, I even spent the summer night in Central Park, in NYC.
As I was about 19 years old one of my friends called me to inform me that a girl, of who I had common friends, was spreading rumors that I broke into her apartment and raped her. My female friends, who never knew where I lived, were angry at me without even investigating the allegations. I left that group of friends as fast as I could.
In my early 20’s I discovered myself further and enjoyed meeting new girls and fucking them and they seem to like it too. I kept things going until one morning when I woke up to the girl I came home with looking at me in shock, as she told me that I raped her. When the night before was purely consensual. I kept a very strict policy of never telling anyone where I lived. I escaped with the skin of my teeth.
Over the years I have dated many girls that told me stories of a rapist attacking them. I can remember up to 5 girls of my past tell me that their step father molested them for many years. What surprised me in how they all mentioned their rape so casually and then they never called police. Yet these same girls that gave a pass for a violent criminal that raped them, would not forgive a person that said something that pissed them off.
I finally got married in my mid 30’s, and after 3 years of marriage, my wife told me one day out of the blue that the first time we had sex, that I raped her. “Where the hell did that come from?”, I thought to myself. Did she mean to say that I raped her then she married me? A week later, she presented me my divorce papers when she was working on for months before while being lovey dovey with me.
False rape allegations do exist and they are very serious. I have escaped 2 and experienced even more than my personal experience.
By the way, 7 years ago I reunited with my 80 year old father and we enjoy each others company, we even text each other on a regular basis.
P. S. I showed this letter to one of my friends and they told me that he never came across any girl that did any of that. Then he quickly remembered a time when he was driving in NYC in a brand new sports car waiting for the light to change green. A woman opened his door and sat in the car and told him, “If you don’t give me some money, I will scream, ‘Rape!!'” When he finished that story he recalled a time when his sister warned a boy on the phone that if he didn’t stop calling her, she will call the police and claimed that he raped her.

Published: January 17, 2023 at 12:01PM

Monday, January 16, 2023


Women use, POF, eHarmony and Tinder to get free meals and home repairs.

Husbands and Wives Calling Private Investigators

Husbands and Wives Calling Private Investigators
When it comes to the point where a spouse feels the need to call a private investigator, both husbands and wives call for different reasons and get different reactions.
The wife would call the investigator to find dirt on her husband and will be pissed off if there is none.
The husband will hire a PI to see if there is any infidelity on the wife’s part. He will be devastated if there is and relieved if there is not.
And they say men and women are equal.

Published: January 16, 2023 at 12:01PM

Sunday, January 15, 2023


Her: You don’t think I’m worth a dinner?

TheXYGhost : You are definitely worth a dinner, and nothing more.

The Jealousy of Women Is Insane

The Jealousy of Women Is Insane
From time to time previous girlfriends of mine found their way to my photo album. Back in the day where photos were paper and displayed in a book. Nowadays pictures are stored on phones). They would question every photo I had with another female, even if I wasn’t in the photo with them. Back in those days my hobby was photography and I had many photos. I would sometimes find certain photos of girls missing as they would take and destroy them and deny they ever did. I remember one time a girlfriend took a look at a group of pictures of my first cousin that was in a beauty pageant. She made sure she looked at my facial expressions when she asked me who that was in the picture in the hope of catching me in a lie. Those pictures were gone one day, maybe while I was asleep. It was then I found out how deep a woman’s jealousy really is. They are jealous to the point were they will not tolerate an image, thought or the spoken word of another girl in Her Majesty’s Holy presence.
I hear the same thing in modern times when a girl sneaks a peek at her boyfriend’s phone as he enters his password or conveniently asks for his password of his phone when she tells him her phone’s battery died. This is all to gain access to your photos for her scrutiny.
When a woman learns that you are working in an office with another woman, they will go nuts even if they do not show it right away. She may tell you to quit that job and find another, and if you say “no” she will find a way to swing on the monkey branch again to find your replacement. But before she leaves you she will make sure you pay for her jealousy breaking something of yours.
It seems so hypocritical that the same woman will think nothing about pushing her kids (a living, breathing existence of her former lover) on you to accept unconditionally with the promise that you will have to see the man’s face in the child and the man himself every other weekend when he comes for his scheduled visitation. You will be labeled a cheater if you ever talked to your ex while you are with her but you are to tolerate her talking to the father of her kids.

Published: January 15, 2023 at 12:00PM

Saturday, January 14, 2023


You want me to get down on one knee, present you with an expensive ring, and beg to be your personal slave-provider?

Who is Laughing Now?

Who is Laughing Now?
In the mid 1990’s a psychiatrist friend of mine called me a misogynist for pointing out how violent women are. He also pointed out that I was the problem in searching out women like the ones I have been involved with. In addition, he told me that I sought out men that were like me that had the same attraction to problematic women. He no longer wanted to be my friend and told mutual friends of ours a whole host of lies about me from telling people that I beat my wife to, I told him to buy stocks that went under to, me hitting on his hideous live-in woman he refused to marry. Yet he was the one, I found out after the fact, that was hitting on my wife when I was married. He even told friends that I wrote a bad review on his book when only sold books. He said that I needed medication for my neurotic ideas. Then he terminated our friendship right there.
Fuck You George Viddler
The Principles of Seduction: How to Get Another Person to Fall in Love With You

Published: January 14, 2023 at 11:59AM

Friday, January 13, 2023


The hardest thing for a woman to do is to admit she done anything wrong. She can point out everyone’s problems except her own.

Gender Duality

Gender Duality
1 – When a man hits a woman, he is a bad man and he needs to pay the price for his actions.
When a woman hits a man, there must have been a reason she hit him. He is a bad man.
2 – When a man cheats on a woman, he is a bad man, a dog.
When a woman cheats on a man, it is his fault for not initiating sex when she wants, how she wants, and as often as she wants.
3 – If a woman gives birth to a child and it’s not her boyfriend’s or husband’s, it’s the man’s fault because he didn’t keep tabs on her, he didn’t control her and he allowed it to happen. Also see #2
4 – If a man divorces a woman and leaves his kids behind because she makes life difficult for him and the kids, he is the bad one, not only because he divorced her, it’s because he picked the wrong person. Needless to say, he needs to pay her for life and he is mandated to pay child support for her use towards her luxury.
5 – If a woman divorces a man, he is the bad one and he has to pay her for life and he is mandated to pay child support for her use towards her luxury.
6 – If a woman takes a man’s kids away from him, he must be the bad one. He has to pay. If he takes his kids away from her, he is a kidnapper and must be dealt with accordingly.
7 – If a man opts out of a system that demonizes his every move, he is called a whiner, a cry baby and he needs therapy. Society tells him that he must jump back in that same system to be ‘happy’ once again as if it was his personal duty and obligation to be responsible for another grown human being’s every want, need and desire, when, where and how they desire.

Published: January 13, 2023 at 12:01PM

Thursday, January 12, 2023


Her : What kind of work do you do?

TheXYGhost : I don’t make enough money for you to love me.

If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

There is this song, by the 1950's R & B group called The Coasters, called "Get An Ugly Girl to Marry You".

(Partial Lyrics below)

I asked a girl what did the song mean, and she told me that beautiful women are trouble and they tend to cheat. I then asked her if she was a cheater or is she ugly. She was in shock as she froze and had no clue how to answer. 

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife

So for my personal point of view

Get an ugly girl to marry you

A pretty woman makes her husband look small

And very often causes his downfall

As soon as he married her and then she starts

To do the things that will break his heart

But if you make an ugly woman your wife

Ah you'll be happy for the rest of your life

An ugly woman cooks meals on time

She'll always give you peace of mind

Don't let your friends say you have no taste

Go ahead and marry anyway

Though her face is ugly, her eyes don't match

Take it from me, she's a better catch

Say man! Hey baby!

I saw your wife the other day!

Yeah? Yeah, an' she's ugly!

Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!

Yeah, alright!

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife

So for my personal point of view

Get an ugly girl to marry you


Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Single moms; did you really wanted your mother to replace your dad when you were a child?

Reunion With a Girl I liked When I was 16 Years Old

Reunion With a Girl I liked When I was 16 Years Old
A girl that I once dated when I was 16 years old found me on Facebook some 35 years later. We met up and had dinner. She told me that her two kids that she had with an alcoholic, drug addicted thug she married in high school were doing fine. She also wanted to know if I was married. When I told her I was divorced, she was unhappy to find out I would never marry again. She tried to encourage me saying that I can correct the errors I made in that marriage to make my next marriage better.
It’s always a man’s fault.

Published: January 11, 2023 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


TheXYGhost : I’m a feminist. now!
Now pay for our first date.

Did women kill chivalry? (A YouTube Commentary)

Did women kill chivalry? (A YouTube Commentary)

First off this telegram that you mentioned was from a man that loved his wife dearly. She was probably his first love. Which means his wife must have stayed with him through thick and thin. She stayed with him and allowed love to develop. She didn’t go to the next guy because he didn’t have a better car or a better paying income as seen in todays’s modern "independent" woman that is always on the lookout for a higher earning guy. Love does not happen instantly as today’s modern woman demands. She wants instant love and instant security in the form of status and earnings while she pesters him for the "commitment". The woman in this telegram earned his love with kindness and care. 

Her Royal Highness Dr. Wendy Osefo PhD ( has all the sheepskin she could muster from student loans but has no idea that she is a little whining baby that demands way too much. She said that women evolved and men have to "Rise to the occasion to meet where we are". Which means, "Rise to my ever increasing level, the level that is based on my ever increasing, overinflated sense of her self, misperceived worth". 

Today’s woman wants a man to buy her gifts, pay her way, wine, dine and entertain her under the understanding that if you don’t, she will divorce you and take it all. She wants you to spend, spend, spend on her all the while she is saving her money for the jerk she will love over you. She knows way too well that a man’s innate abilities are to help and provide for his woman, except she thinks that is every man’s job. 

I wonder if she would tell her sons to rise to the levels of their girlfriends? Good luck. 

By the way, holding a door open is not exclusively for men holding doors for women only. Holding a door open is, what used to be called, "politeness" and it means that the first one to the door holds it for the next. Men hold the door open for women and for men all the time and that is a sign of self respect and honor. Make no mistake, many times women will go through a door with no regard for anyone behind her, man or women. 
