Friday, March 31, 2023


Dude, did you actually say, "That tranny looks 'Hot'"? What The Fcuk?


She Was Happy With Her Divorce Settlement Until...

She Was Happy With Her Divorce Settlement Until...

I remember talking to this girl when, out of the blue, she proudly professed that she was recently divorced. When I asked her why did she divorced her husband, she first thanked me for assuming that she divorced him rather than the other way around. Then she said, "He was a jerk but I married him for the money. But the next time I marry, it will be for love."

I then asked her how long was she married and how much money she get from the divorce. She answered with all the pride she could muster and told me she was married for 3 years and she received $20,000. 

I congratulated her on her victory and pointed out that her $20,000 for 3 years was just slightly under $7,000 per year. I further pointed out that a full time position at a fast food establishment would have earned her the same amount in a year and after 3 years she could prove her worth and become a manager and earn more. 

Her face changed when I was done. I then asked her, "How many successful relationship have you been a part of?"

Her answer was an inquisitive, "Many."

"Then I wish you many more.", as I excused myself and walked away.


Thursday, March 30, 2023


You get hit on by 100 men a week but you married an inmate that you met while visiting your cousin in prison.


Beware of a Woman That Loves You

Beware of a Woman That Loves You

In NYC the rents are unbelievably high unless you have a Rent Controlled apartment that froze your rent from the 1970's. (Rent Stabilized apartments are different) A friend of mine was born in the 1970's and lived in the same apartment until 2009. He invited his girlfriend to move in after knowing her for only a few months. She then called the police and filed false charges of domestic abuse on him. She filed an order of protection on him and had him kicked out of the apartment he was born in. Now with rents in New York City upwards of $3,000 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment, this girl lives with her sister and her niece for $430 a month. The man lost his job, career, apartment, all of his possessions and had to live in a homeless shelter while attending anger management classes before he could leave the state and move in to his brother's home in Pennsylvania.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023


I will not provide for anyone that refuses to be my equal.


To the women of Germany, America, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia:

To the women of Germany, America, Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia: 

- You have screamed and cried "Feminism" at the top of your lungs to no end professing your equality to men. 

- You exclaimed with pride that you have no need for men. As I recall, you have said that you need a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

- You have lied and manipulated men to do your will to no end. 

- You have beaten men, lied and placed false charges on men for rape, domestic abuse, and child abuse. 

- You have sued men into poverty when it was convenient for you without provocation for your own personal gain when you proclaimed that man was imperfect for your immediate needs.  

- You have taken kids from men, by manipulating a court system. 

- You have laughed at men that had their penis severed from their body while these men were helpless and asleep. 

- You gave the women that committed this sexual mutilation standing ovations.

- You have aborted our children because we were not perfect enough for you in every way that you fantasized or that a pregnancy was not convenient to your lifestyle. 

- You celebrated the victory of Roe vs. Wade because you think you were born with the right to kill a child (you call it aborting a fetus because you hate the truth and the truth hurts so much) and 44 years later you have killed 52,000,000 children in the United States alone. More than any one standing army ever killed. How victorious you must feel now that you know it was your choice!

- You kidnapped countless unborn children from one man and found another man naive enough to believe that child is his to raise. 

- You have lived off the blood, sweat and tears of many men only to leave them when times were just a bit too hard for you. 

- You have complained about wage gaps but you won't take dangerous jobs and overtime is always a problem for you. Yet somehow you complained when your man takes those extra hours to provide for you and his family. 

- You take and never give. 

- You worship gangsters, thugs, criminals, rapists, murderers and serial killers and piss on the hardworking man that is the backbone of any moral civilization.

- You take pride in taking government handouts like food stamps, government subsidized housing, free medical care, schooling and welfare, as you denounce the patriarchy that pays for all that you take

- You teach your kids to be the gangsters, thugs, criminals, rapists, murderers and serial killers that you adore and the jails and prisons are full of the product of your upbringing. Our kids are in jail because you kept them from men as you teach them to be the criminals you adore. 

- You walk the streets with your banners in your hand, mocking the men that protected you all your lives. 

- You raise your fists in solidarity, burn your bra and claim that you are a feminists, that you hate the patriarchy and are liberated from the tyranny of men. 

Now the Islamic migrants that you petitioned the government to allow access to your countries are flooding in. They are beating, raping women like no tomorrow. Now you need our help. What's wrong, are you not equal enough to protect yourselves and others the way men have selflessly done for millennia before the feminist movement?

Who is going to save you now from the barbarians you yourself petitioned to allow in your countries? Now you want us to risk our lives for you? What have you don for us lately?


Tuesday, March 28, 2023



Do you think it is possible for a woman to love a man without knowing his financial status?


She Thinks it's Your Job to Make Her Happy

She Thinks it's Your Job to Make Her Happy

I once asked a girl why she broke up with her boyfriend. Her answer was a sharp, "Because he didn't make me happy."

I then asked her what makes her happy. Her reply was, "I don't know". 

So I continued by saying, "You do not know what makes you happy but its up to the man you partner with to find out so he can make you happy?"

Her reply was simply, "Yes"


Monday, March 27, 2023


Men need women like an eagle needs a sledgehammer. Women, on the other hand are constantly looking for a "provider". Who needs who?


Men Work in Teams Women Fight

Men Work in Teams Women Fight

Every sport known in history has proven without a shadow of a doubt that men can and will work as a team. If that's not enough proof for you, lets look at the longest lasting bands. 

The Rolling Stones: 1962 – Present.
The Moody Blues: 1966 – Present.
ZZ Top: 1969 – Present.
Rush: 1968 – Present.
Golden Earring: 1961 – Present.
The Eagles: 1971  – Present.
Aerosmith: 1971 – Present.
U2: 1976 – Present.

Also Queen, The Who and many all male bands stick together. Banana Rama, The Spice Girls, The Go-Go's, TLC, The Bengals and Destiny's Child all squabbled and broke up.

Cops, judges and Social Justice Warriors still think that men are the problem.


Sunday, March 26, 2023


If she is pressuring you for a commitment, ask her what does she have to offer and watch her head explode.

Beware of Dating Single Mothers

Beware of Dating Single Mothers

 I say, "Never Ever Ever Under Any Circumstances Date A Single-Mother No Matter What"

Give me a reason and I'll add it to the list. 

1) You run a risk of being accused of sexual child abuse

2) In some countries you would be liable for child support of children that are not yours. 

3) There desperate for someone to get resources from, hence they'll pick anyone.

4) You'll become the newest babysitter and YOUR social life will vanish

5) If she can not love or forgive the most important man in her child's life what chance do you have?

6) Between her career, time with her kids, with her family and the kids' father, she will have no time for you other than to do chores for her. 

7) Would you want another man in your child's life if you were ejected from the family?

Her ex might still be in the picture. It's very likely he will be a large part of her life for at least the next 18 years

9) When you correct the wrong the child is doing, you get, "You're not my father" in return

10) When you reprimand that child, you run the risk of the child telling its biker gang father that you hit them and the father retaliating. 

11) I have heard many girls of my past talk about having an affair with their stepdad. Most were not true but how would you like to be accused of statutory rape all because of a girl's fantasy mistaken for reality?


Saturday, March 25, 2023


Her: You can’t handle me!
TheXYGhost : I know that.

Rules For Younger Men

Rules For Younger Men

1 - Never date a single mother or divorced women.

2 - Never spend money on women.

3 - Never lend money to women.

4 - Never give women access to your money.

5 - Never tell women how much money you make.

6 - Never tell woman your secrets, your full name or where you live.

7 - Never financially obligate yourself. (marry) to an entity whose prerogative is to change her mind and profit from you.

8 - Never pay women's bills.

9 - Never co-sign women's credit cards or loans.

10 - Never get involved with female co-workers.

11 - Never get involved with illegal immigrants that need a green card.(Marriage Fraud).

12 - Never get involved with long distance women. (mail order brides)

13 - Never let women move in with you.

14 - Never underestimate how devastating women can be.

15 - Never take care of another man's child.

16 - Never fight over women.

17 - Never fight women's battles.

18 - Never give up hobbies & friends for girlfriends or wives.

19 - Never put women's needs before your needs.

20 - Never teach women how to be as strong as you.

21 - Never date women who has a bad or no relationship with her father.

22 - Never rescue women from a violent boyfriend. 

23 - Always remember that women will cheat on you at any time and they are better at hiding it than you think..

24 - Always get a DNA test before you sign a birth certificate.

25 - Always make Women feel as if you can snap any minute.

26 - Always criticize her appearance.

27 - Always let women know how displeased you are with her.

28 - Always let women know how replaceable she is to you.

29 - A woman will always want you to go above and beyond to meet her very high standards yet she will never do that for you.

30 - If she asks your occupation, she is a gold digger.

31 - If she uses sex as a bargaining tool, you are in trouble.

32 - If she has a complaint about you in any way, tell her to find a perfect man and show her the door.

33 - Past performance does not guarantee future results.

34 - Her ultimatum is your cue to leave her.

35 - "Provider" and "Chivalry" means you are a slave and a servant to her.

36 - Above All, Stay away from feminists!

Remember, a woman wants you to commit to her and love her exclusively, she will never love or commit to you. A woman will always want you to go above and beyond to meet her very high standards yet she will never do that for you. She wants a man that will protect her with his life and she wants him to worship her for that chance to die trying to save her when she deliberately places herself in harms way.


Friday, March 24, 2023


Most cultures, in the past, a father offered a man a dowry to marry his daughter.

What She Really Means

What She Really Means

When a woman says, "I like Italian men", "I like Greek men", "I like Jewish men"; It really doesn't matter what race, religion the man is, she is telling you her preference, even though she is still not settled down. She is telling you the type of man she prefers to be seen with over all the other men she has been with.  


Thursday, March 23, 2023


Finish this sentence…
I will go out on a date with a woman if…

Problematic Women Are All Alike

Problematic Women Are All Alike

Over my many years, I have met many people. I have met men with 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6 children. These men had all said this about their wives. My children are a dream to be with but my wife is more problematic than all the kids combined. Why do women just, out of the blue go nuts? They want more than any one man can ever provide yet they never learn to be self sufficient. Why wont they ever share when they have abundance? They always want more than they have now, but they do nothing to attain their wants, needs, and desires?  Why do they always put their weight on man's shoulders? Its like overworking and underfeeding a horse until it dies and saying, it was the fault of the horse.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023


– Women have 52% of all the college degrees.
– Outstanding student debt in America – $1.5 Trillion.
– Women’s share of Student debt $930 Billion (66%)
– Yet women don’t seem to understand that they need to pay that loan back.

Flipping the Script on Her

Flipping the Script on Her

How to flip the script on the, "You don't love me" accusation that women do. 

Women do not have the same superior analytical abilities as men. Instead of analyzing and weighing in on all the factors, then making a judgement based on the data they've collected, they make an accusation and wait for that man to defend themselves by proving the accusation was false, thus giving her all the analysis she was lacking.

Woman: You don't love me any more. 

Man: Wait a minute! Do you love me?

Woman: Of course I do! I'm just saying that you do not love me.

Man: I know that you love me, my conscious is clear. You love me because, I do the right things for you every chance I get. But I need to find out why you feel so guilty. If you love me because I'm doing the right things for you, what have you been lacking that would make me stop loving you? I think you better leave before I find out what you have done. 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Her: You don't know what to do with me!

TheXYGhost : You are right about that

Her Dating Cycle

Her Dating Cycle

Women’s relationships today follow a very predictable pattern:

 • They wait for a man to ask for them. 

 • They play hard to get

 • They push men for commitment

 • They get what they want

 • They lose interest in sex

 • They become attracted to someone else

 • They start cheating

 • They begin telling their partners that they need time apart

 • They blame their partners for their behavior

 • After a long time of back and forth, and several failed attempts to give up their affairs, they end their relationships or marriages.

 • Then you pay them because you are the reason why they cheated on you because you didn't make them happy


Monday, March 20, 2023


Love is a decision.
A decision women cannot make.

When Women Win the Lottery

When Women Win the Lottery
There was this girl I knew. A waitress at a coffee shop I used to frequent. I liked her because I thought she was truly devoted to her boyfriend. This was a trait that I thought admirable. One day she convinced a few friends of mine and I to buy a lottery ticket of some kind. It was the largest jackpot at that point. All the guys bought tickets from the store next door and had a conversation on what we would do with our winnings. When it was the girl’s turn to speak, she said without hesitation, “If I win, I will leave my boyfriend, buy a jet and travel the world with my (lap) dog.”
So much for love and devotion.

Published: March 20, 2023 at 12:00PM

Sunday, March 19, 2023


This is the new normal…
– 5 kids from 5 different restaurant owners.
– 21 DNA tests and she still can’t find any the fathers to her 4 kids.
– 3 divorces and 6 abortions because they were not ‘Right’ for her.
If you say it’s her fault, you are a misogynist.

Women Never Change Despite Feminism

Women Never Change Despite Feminism
50 years of Feminism and Woman’s Liberation Movement and women still almost always define themselves based on The man’s wealth and status. They never take time to build their own lives and fortune and share it with the one they love.

Published: March 19, 2023 at 12:02PM

Saturday, March 18, 2023



Your wife divorced you and took your kids, then you remarried and had kids with a woman that divorced her husband and took his kids. Do you not see a destructive pattern?


How I See Girls Today

How I See Girls Today

I look at the girls of today that they can't keep their legs closed and they blame you that its your fault that you didn't give them enough attention while you were working.


Friday, March 17, 2023


Men Provide, Protect and Create

Women Want, Whine, Nag, Provoke, Complain and Destroy.


False Allegations

False Allegations

According to the Department of Justice ALL crimes have approximately a 2% false allegation rate. Rape and domestic violence is upward of 30%. This means that 30 out of every 100 rapes and domestic violence reported by women are false reports. I think those figures are way too low. I was accused of rape 4 times in my life and none of those accusations ever reached the police. Even my ex wife told me, only days before she handed me divorce papers, that I raped her before we were married. Does that mean that she married me after I raped her? Did she marry me as some form of sick punishment?


Thursday, March 16, 2023


When she says that she doesn’t love him any more, she made a conscious choice to stop loving him. Don’t be fooled.

Integrity: The Difference Between Two Generations

Integrity: The Difference Between Two Generations
My grandmother took care of two kids for 2 years, on her own when her husband, my grandfather went and volunteered to serve his newly adopted country in WWII.
I look at the girls of today that they can’t keep their legs closed and they blame you that it’s your fault that you didn’t give them enough attention while you were working.

Published: March 16, 2023 at 12:02PM

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


If you think you are a better father than the child’s natural father, you may be a cuck, simp or a beta male.

Equal Pay vs Equal Outcome in the Bible

Equal Pay vs Equal Outcome in the Bible
I believe in equal treatment as opposed to making sure that everyone achieves an equal outcome.
I was talking to my best friend’s 16 year old daughter, who claimed to be a feminist. She talked about equal treatment of everyone. I agreed on that. She even mentioned equal pay for people doing the same job despite their sex. I agreed as well with a tiny difference;
If you accept a salary for a job, don’t complain when your coworker is getting more.  This idea is as old as the hills.
Matthew 20:1-16
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.
“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’
7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.
“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’
8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Published: March 15, 2023 at 12:01PM

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


If you move in on another man’s wife and kids, you may be a cuck, simp or a beta male.

Who Has the Incentive to Marry and Divorce

Who Has the Incentive to Marry and Divorce
With men paying for everything from the first date to the engagement ring, wedding ring, the house, car and all the bills, don’t you think that the man has a vested interest to preserve the marriage?
With all of the outrageously high alimony and child support settlements given out, without much thought by the judges, don’t you think that the woman has a vested interest to end the marriage?

Published: March 14, 2023 at 12:01PM

Monday, March 13, 2023


If you only judge a woman based on how good she looks to you, you may be a cuck, simp or a beta male.

Duality Instilled by a Single Mother and the Community

Duality Instilled by a Single Mother and the Community
I was raised by a single mom that lived in the government projects. She went to all the Women’s Liberation (Women’s Lib) and Feminists Movement meetings with her kids (me and my sister) in tow.
My older sister would constantly provoke and torment me for her pleasure. If I complained to my mom when she got home from work, she would tell me to not bother her. When I hit my sister back, I was beaten, badly.
By the time I was 14, (1978) I would not stand for that shit from my sister. One day she played with me the wrong way one too many times and I knocked her out cold with one punch. She had a fat lip and she showed it to all the project rats that I was an abusive brother.
For years after that day I would get the local thugs chase me whenever they saw me.
I never resorted to violence, that’s not my thing. It takes a whole lot to get me to that point. The only time I would attack anyone is if they were to attack me. Curse me, look at me, say what you may, the minute you touch me, I will be one of the people that will be arrested after I am done.

Published: March 13, 2023 at 12:01PM

Sunday, March 12, 2023


No matter how “Alpha” you are, she will find your fault and label you a beta.

Differences Between A Man and a Woman

Differences Between A Man and a Woman
A woman will block men from her friend in any way she can so she wont be alone.
A man will jump on the fat chick that every hot girl drags along so his buddy can get the hottie.

Published: March 12, 2023 at 11:59AM

Saturday, March 11, 2023


If she refers to you as a "Provider", she does not love you, she loves your provisions.


A Question to Ponder #3

A Question to Ponder #3
Do you think that a working wife will work hard to add extra money to her loving husband and family or is she hoarding that extra cash while spending her husband’s money so she can break free from someone that openly helped her when she had nothing?

Published: March 11, 2023 at 12:01PM

Friday, March 10, 2023


You will never ever hear a woman faulting herself for a divorce. It is always his fault on every single level.

Men and Women in Songs.

Men and Women in Songs.
Whenever you hear a love song by a man, you hear him professing his love for someone. The direction of love flows from the man to the woman. From the one who has love to the target of his love. Men’s songs contain stories and information hidden or blatant. They also sing about the loss of of their target object of affection.
Modern women, on the other hand sing songs of what they want, need and desire. Their songs of love always are a want, need and desire to be loved. The direction of love is in their direction. They are looking to be the target of that love in the hopes that if someone loves them enough, their feeling of longing will go away.
One of the most obvious examples of this is a song by Whitney Houston, “I Want to Dance With Somebody Who Loves Me” where the direction of love is pointing to her. Yes I also know that Whitney sings, “I Will Always Love You” a song written by Dolly Parton in 1973.
The first is a sign of narcissism and it is very evident when you listen to people speaking. From biblical times, Songs of Solomon to the songs of Eminem and Beyonce, very little has changed except that more female song writers in the past 50 years have been singing more and more about their needs to be loved.
In high school and college when I was young, I would come across many girls expressing their need to give birth so that their newborn baby can love them. They place the burden on an infant to love them. Again, the direction of love is to them from the baby.
Most men understand that in order to change his feelings from normal to loving, an action on his part has to be taken. This is why men have fun with children (show love and affection) and they feel great. Most women wait for their baby to love them and get jealous of the love and bond that the child has with the father and thats when they find an excuse to break it off with them. They feel betrayed by both child and father.
What eludes women most about love is they will never feel love until they become loving.

Published: March 10, 2023 at 12:01PM

Thursday, March 9, 2023


TheXYGhost : You are 38 years old and still looking for a provider?
Her: I’m picky.
TheXYGhost : Well, beggars can’t be choosers.

Here is a fact:

Here is a fact:
80% of divorces are initiated by the woman. (The percentages are higher with non-married couples)
How would that statistic change if they had to pay alimony, give up the man’s children and pay child support?

Published: March 09, 2023 at 12:00PM

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Men never leave their own kids. They leave women after finding out the kid is not theirs.

A Question to Ponder #2

A Question to Ponder #2
What would anyone have to do for you, in order for you to protect them with you life, work hard all day to pay their bills?

Published: March 08, 2023 at 12:01PM

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Why do women want their husbands and sons in charge of taking out the trash?


Subtle Signs That She Blames Others

Subtle Signs That She Blames Others

OK, we all know that there are many women out there that blame others of everything that goes wrong in their lives, and here is how you spot them. Just have a conversation with them and you will hear it. 

Most men will say, "That comedian is funny" (an opinion based on his evaluation) or "I laughed my ass off" (a point of fact). Most women that you want to stay away from will take an accusatory stance, "He made me laugh". Although innocuous, she is accusing the comedian of making her laugh. 

The difference is subtle, yet it is still there. "I was angry at him" versus "He made me angry"


Monday, March 6, 2023


Men never leave their own kids. They leave women that make life impossible while they have the police, lawyers, judges and all the simps of the world supporting and encouraging her bad behavior.

A Question to Ponder #1

A Question to Ponder #1
How have women, in your past thanked you for winding, dining, entertaining, providing and protecting her with your life?

Published: March 06, 2023 at 11:59AM

Sunday, March 5, 2023


I only take advice from people I wish to be like.

I do not want to be like a woman.


A Pattern That I’ve Noticed

A Pattern That I’ve Noticed

Women seem to start disliking their man they are with around the time their youngest child hits 4 - 5 years of age. They also start this trait after 3 years when there are no kids involved. Have you notice this in your lives? Let us look at this phenomenon to find the cause and cure.


Saturday, March 4, 2023


Women want equallity for all yet they hate poor men. Never will they ever take a poor man out for a dinner.

The Aftermath of 2 Girls Hidden From Their Fathers.

The Aftermath of 2 Girls Hidden From Their Fathers.
Today I ran into a friend of mine that retired to Florida. He came back to NYC to visit. He told me that his 44 year old daughter contacted him from out of the blue. You see, when my friend returned from duty in Vietnam, he settled down with a woman. When only 8 months pregnant, she ran away, never to be seen again. Well, the baby turned out to be a girl that he had never seen. She found her father through and wrote a letter, that ended up arriving at the man’s old place of residence where his son lives.
It turned out that his newly found daughter lives 8 miles away from were her father retired. She has 2 kids, one 10 the other 13. He says that his daughter looks and even acts like him and they even “complete each others sentences”. He is happy now that he has grandchildren to watch over.
As for the mother, when her kids grew up, that woman and 2 other boys from 2 other fathers, she got involved with a gang of criminals. They were shooting heroin and she died somehow or another. He didn’t give much detail and I didn’t press him for any.
Anyway, he is happy. This is the second daughter that came back to him. The other one, from a past wife, ran off just to get the child support. When this daughter came back to him 20 years ago to confront him on not paying child support, this man opened his desk drawer and gave his daughter a box of canceled checks proving otherwise.

Published: March 04, 2023 at 12:00PM

Friday, March 3, 2023



Women loudly yell, "My body, my choice!" But a woman will never abort a child of a millionaire.


How Women Define Themselves

How Women Define Themselves
Women define themselves by how they perceive their partner’s worth and status. They constantly compare their situations to the ones of the women in their sphere of influence.
With absolutely no regards as to his needs, a woman will place ALL of her needs, wants, and desires (real or imaginary) solely on that partner to fulfill. Without his knowledge or consent she puts him in charge of satisfying her in every way without giving him a single clue as to what she wants. He should know or else it is not meant to be. If he does not live up to unrealistic expectations, she will then start look at him as if he betrayed her and she will act accordingly.

Published: March 03, 2023 at 12:01PM

Thursday, March 2, 2023


If you earn more than her, she loves you until she earns more tha you or she finds another that earns more than you. In any case she never knows who she loves until she knows what’s in you wallet.

Here is what I do not understand

Here is what I do not understand;
Why are there so many females heading up the Fathers’ Rights movement? That makes no GOD damn sense. I started up this account to empower men and to shatter the angelic images of females in the heads of men. I post stuff all day, more than any Mens’ or Fathers’ rights group. I never asked for money and I am only one person they are groups of male followers lead by Judas Goat females leading men to slaughter. I have my own group (Men Only) and I only friend with men, no females. I have complimented women on their comments and even posted videos of great women of today. I do not hate strong, powerful, intelligent, creative women. I wish they could all be that way. Instead I see bossy, vicious, vindictive, money grubbing whores and women that enjoy leading men.
There was this female who put her kid’s face on her profile. No doubt a single mom that walked out on the father yet she feels sorry for the new man in her life whose wife walked out on him. Now she is the admin that deleted one of my posts.

Published: March 02, 2023 at 11:59AM

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Women are praised for securing a new man that will fully provide for her while under the care of another man she designated for the same purpose. When she leaves the first man, he is constantly asked, “What did you do wrong?”, as if the woman did no wrong.


We have sold ourselves way too short to women for far too long. These women are not the women of the 1950’s that will raise our kids, make our homes and beds when we go out in the foxholes and risk our necks for the family. Those women made sure we came back to a clean home, clean clothes and warm food when we come home.
Today’s women want slaves that will provide for their every want, need and desire, real or imaginary. They wont do anything loving for us, we have to provide the hot meals for them after a hard days work and we have to provide $10,000 handbags, maid service and a gourmet chef at their disposal. They demand new cars and a fancy home with all the furnishings. They demand that we provide them happiness and shower them with attention, jewelry and roses all on a silver platter. They demand constant and never ending compliments and accolades. This is far more than any 10 men could ever give one female.
She will abort and kidnap our children and make us pay through the nose just for the possibility of seeing our kids 4 days a month if you dont pamper the queen like a good servant.
And what does she give back that is worth all that?
I think the time is right to say to women, “If you want to live under my protection and to enjoy my provisions, you need to prove your worth to me.” What can you offer a man that will risk his life to defend, feed and clothe you?
Share This if You Think I am Correct.
I mean it!

Published: March 01, 2023 at 12:01PM