Thursday, February 6, 2025

Rebuttal to, "Dating: 10 Things Men Don't Do Anymore"

There is an article on the Internet titled "Dating: 10 Things Men Don't Do Anymore"

It lists 10 things men do not do anymore on or for dates. And they are;

1. Men don't accept rejection anymore

2. Men don't make phone calls anymore

3. Men don't buy drinks anymore

4. Men don't ask women to dance anymore

5. Men don't give meaningful compliments anymore

6. Men don't work at impressing anymore

7. Men don't show up at your door with a gift/token anymore

8. Men don't take charge of dating plans anymore

9. Men don't ask women out in advance anymore

10. Men don't ask women on dates anymore

I've come up with my list of 10 things that women do not do any more.

1. Women will never tell you whose child you are raising - At the dawn of the 21st century we are now finding out that women have more affairs than usually believed. With DNA testing we find that some men are raising children that are not even theirs. Some conservative estimates state that some 30 - 35% of fathers today are raising another man's child unbeknownst to either of the men.

2. Women do not keep their families together - In this age of disposable razors, lighters, pens, diapers, etc. women found a way to dispose of the most important man in their child's life for any minuscule reason they can think of and they will have the backing of the Family Courts' anti-masculine agenda to cut a man to pieces just because that man is imperfect for her immediate needs.

3. Women are not forgiving - 80% of all divorces in America today are initiated by females. Make no mistake, forgiveness is not part of their plan that includes taking everything you own (children included) and they will stop at nothing to ruin your life with false rape and domestic violence accusations if you do not meet their exact expectations.

4. Women do not cook - It was once said that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach but that line of thinking is gone. Once a woman places the dehumanizing label of "provider" or gets you to agree to "take care of her", she will take that to mean that you provide for her every need, want and desire and that includes food, clothes, happiness and excitement when she wants it and how she wants it. Every man would kill or die for a woman that gave him a warm meal at the end of his hard day, but that is too hard for today's woman.

5. Women do not partner with strong masculine and moral men - good bye John Wayne and hello to Joey, Chandler and Ross. Women also like the meanest and nastiest men around. They have love affairs with murderers, rapists, thugs and criminals. In fact, when there is a high-profile murder or rapist on the news that just got arrested, women will waste no time in writing love letters to that man.

6. Women do not contribute to the household expenses - If you talk to any married woman and you get to the point where she talks about finances, she will inevitably say that there is "her money" (The money she acquired even if it was from his wallet) and there is "our money" (the money that he works hard to make). If the hot water heater is broken and there is no money in "our" bank account to fix it, even if she has enough of "her" money to fix it, there is going to be some cold showers in the household's future.

7. Women have no shame - Once upon a time women were shamed to have a child out of wedlock, be divorced or even caught in another man's bed other than her husband's. Now these things are the source of a woman's pride and attention. Single motherhood, divorce, receiving welfare and having multiple children from multiple men are badges of honor for today's woman.

8. Women do not work - Nearly 60 years have passed since the feminist movement of the 1960's and women still do not work. Sure, they will take the part time, minimum wage job but they will not even try to be ambitious to do their share to bring in money for the household. If they make more money than their husband, that is grounds for divorce in her eyes. During WWII women worked in factories building ships, tanks and planes for their men at war. In the pre-industrial revolution, a woman scrubbed the floors, washed dishes by hand, washed clothes on a washboard by hand chopped wood for fire to make bread, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today's woman wants a provider to pamper her in luxury to the point that he needs 2 and even 3 jobs to pay for it.

9. Women do not take care of their children - Today's statistics show that 75% of all convicted criminals in prison today come from a single mother home. What kind of morals is being instilled by a mother to her child without the father's influence? It seems that for the most part, women only care about themselves and the care they give to their kids ends up being responsible for America's ultra-high prison population.

10. Women are not loving - When a man comes home from work, instead of a hot meal, a change of clothes and a shoulder rub after a hard day, a woman will complain how hard her life was, give her worn out husband orders to take out the trash, order up food and sweep the leaves.

It's no wonder why men now are doing their own thing for themselves and excluding selfish, self-centered women behind.

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