Thursday, February 27, 2025

A Friend Wrote Me the Following #2

I was working 2 jobs; 8 hours a day in a truck stop and 6 to 8 hours a day selling and installing CB radios, linear amplifiers and trucks. I was doing my business and doing my job, as a man should, to bring home money for food, clothes and diapers for the baby. She also needed pot to smoke because Mexican women like to smoke weed.

I was busting my ass just like my father did for his family. Her complaint was that I was never home and when I was home, I was sleeping.

Well, I knew about the pot. What I didn't know about was the meth. So, while I was working all night on the graveyard shift, she was fucking the dude with the bag and glass dick (crack pipe) they smoked all of my weed.

It took me 3 years to figure this shit out. They say love is blind until you get hit in the head with a big stick. Then I woke up.

You know I don't care if someone uses dope. Likewise, I don't care if someone drinks. But if the alcohol or the use of a mind-altering substance takes control of your life then you have a problem.

You can buy a bag of whatever you want with leftover money after all bills are paid and consume some on your time off work. Have fun and enjoy. But if you have to consume every day just to function or spend all your money on it and not take care of bills then you have a problem and you need to stop.

Well, my ex had a big problem with consuming too much. She would buy a big bag and would try to smoke it all at one time or till unconscious, whichever came first. I couldn't understand that. I kept asking her how high she wanted to go. For me, I like to fly 15,000 to 35,000 feet. This is a nice cruising altitude. You can still function and take care of business.

I was never married but I paid child support for 21 years. At first the amount was set at $123.00 per month but every few years she had my finances re-investigated and by the end of my support was over $400 plus a month.

I figured it out! We used a condom and the KY jelly always came up missing. She, being a nursing student, knew that petroleum jelly breaks down the latex of condoms. After our fun, I pulled out and only the bottom half of the condom was intact. She sperm jacked me!

She only initiated sex during her optimum fertile time. With me being so high and horny, we used petroleum jelly to lubricate the condom. She was supposed to be on the pill as well. Two months later she's sick in the morning. We went to the doctor, and sure enough, she came back pregnant.

Well, I did what every other male would do at 29 years of age. I buckled down and bust my ass. But that was not good enough for her. No matter how much money I brought home, her hidden meth habit took more than I could make. Then certain things came up missing.

When they sabotaged the tires on my vehicle, hoping for me to have a fatal accident and cash in on my life insurance that was the last straw. Of course, I couldn't prove it at the time, but I took a crossbow arrow out of my rear truck tire when it went flat on me. My buddy, who was a tire man, showed me this.

I wish I could rip out that chapter of my life. She changed my whole life on my opinion on bitches. She ran me through the gutter.

Then, with an electronics background I put electronic bugs in our house to listen in. It turned out that the dude she ran off with was making her turn tricks at the local bar and he beat the stuff out of her.

I stalked her for 4 years after that. It's amazing what you can hide in a children's toy that runs on batteries and give it to your baby they never found out and it would transmit over a mile.

I'm glad the whore is out of my life. Now with social media, I can see what they're doing. I looked at her and she had so many miles on their body. She looks older than I am and we're the same age.

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