Women hate men to the point that they refuse to have them in their child's life. These women have children for the purpose of the child loving the mother. They place the burden on the child to love them and they do not want the child to love another. That is also the reason that women choose to divorce the father when the child starts to prefer the dad over the mom. Dads play with their children. Dads wrestle and make their child laugh, a feat that no mom has ever done.
Women hate men. They are taught that by the media, movies and commercials. This is part of the reason why there is an overwhelming number of single mothers in this country. 80% of divorces are initiated by women.
Women have hatred in their hearts for men because men could never live up to the ever-increasing standards they impose on men.
Women want a king and make him her servant. If he falls in line as a servant, she hates that he does what he is told. If he refuses to be her servant, he is labeled, "mean" and "abusive" the way a child calls its parents mean for not letting them eat candy all day.
A woman is a child protected by the state. They look for a person to provide for them the way a child wants the parents to provide.
They take the label of "provider" to mean that a man is to provide for her every want, need and desire whether they are real or imaginary. "I'm not happy" turns into "Provide me happiness on a silver platter, when, where and how I want it."
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