A Question to Ponder #5
If I don’t want you to feed me and support me any longer, because I found an imperfection in you, how much would you owe me?
A Question to Ponder #4
If I don’t want you to feed me and support me any longer, how much would you owe me?
Remember This About Women:
1) A woman hates you when you care for her. She hates you when you grovel, whimper, beg, or kiss her ass.
2) She will always do her best to make you care for her. She will do everything in her power to make you grovel, whimper, beg or kiss her ass.
Questions That Only Crickets Answer!
If you are really bold, copy and paste this on your wall or in other groups.
1 – What woman ever freely offered her man alimony?
2 – What woman ever freely rejected alimony going to her?
3 – What woman bought her man a gold watch of her own money?
4 – What woman worked harder than her man, made more money than her man and stayed married to that man?
5 – Name me a woman that freely offered a to pay a man’s dinner on a first date?
6 – Name a woman that told a man not to buy an expensive wedding or engagement ring?
7 – What woman ever risked her life to save any man?
8 – Where are the multitudes of women that offer a vacation from her own pocket to a man she loves?
9 – Name me a woman that stuck her neck out to to save anyone other than her kids
10 – Give me the name of a woman that picked up a broken man an nurtured him to health.
11 – Is there any woman out there that faults herself for the breakup of her family?
12 – Name me a female inventor
Women Think Their Collective Does No Wrong
Whenever I talk to women about how women are, they usually become very defensive of their collective and they protect it with their lives as they begin to assign blame. They assign blame to the man for the woman’s behavior no matter what. They further their blame by pointing out that the man was the one who picked the women that did him wrong as if a man is supposed to know the future of that woman’s behavior.
When I think about it, women get approached by men far more than men get approached by women, mostly because women are lazy when it comes to selecting a partner. That means out of the many men that offer themselves to a single woman, she picks one. And she usually picks the biggest liar and cheat there is. They would select a random guy over her own family in a heartbeat because that man will promise her everything that no man can ever offer and she will believe him.
Who really picks who?
I Caught Them, Then I Pimped Them Out
Many years ago, I posted ads on CraigsList looking to pay women for sex. I would never pay a skank for sex, they are too dirty and there was no telling if they would make false claims on you. The replies came in and I took their email addresses and used Facebook to find their true identity. (Now CraigsList masks the sender’s real email address)
Some of the girls were married to bankers, businessmen, brokers, etc. I could not believe the things I found. Married women with homes that were beautiful and professionally decorated. One woman had a catering business that she met clients in places she did catering. One woman had a 5 month old child. Yet another woman used CraigsList to get clients in New York as well as Minnesota where her husband’s family was from. Still another one was a single stay-at-home, welfare recipient, mom that had a 16 year old son.
They ranged from age 19 to 50. The 50 year olds posted pictures of their high school days. They younger on the scales would tell me they are doing this to pay for college. (Funny how I worked real jobs to pay for college.)
There is no trusting a woman while you are at work. They will spread diseases like you wouldn’t believe and then have the nerve to blame you. If they got caught hooking they would blame you still claiming you were not good enough in bed, that you always worked.
Truth be told, I started pimping these girls out. I pimped out 6 girls all together and it peaked at 3 girls in one time. My best girl worked up to 3 tricks a day. Now that I look back at it, I think that they acted up in front of me deliberately to get a beating from me.
Men vs. Pigs
I hate when women say men are pigs when all they accept in their lives are the worst that this society has to offer. Have you ever wondered why just about every man in prison has one or two kids from one or two women as the hard working guy working in McDonalds to pay for college, is looked at as a sucker.
I hate it even more when men say that men are pigs. Are these men talking about themselves? Were they taught by their single mom that only gave one side of the story about their father being a pig?
This is what I say. Men are hard working selfless individuals that will risk their lives by running into a burning building to save someone they never knew while the mother of a child in that same burning building screams, Somebody do something!
Men invent, improve, repair, build, explore, innovate, protect and provide. Pigs can’t do that.
What do women do? They get pregnant and wait to be fed while complaining in the mean time. Pigs can do that too.
So Let Me Get This Straight..
You want me to feed you, clothe you, entertain you and pamper you on every level while I protect you with my life, whether you are right or wrong. And if I don’t satisfy all your wants needs and desires on command, you have a right to take all that I have worked for my whole life even before I met you? And I have to beg you and bribe you with expensive jewelry, fancy food and extravagant dates to obtain the position of being your servant?
I’m holding out on a better offer.
Female Privileges
If you are really bold, copy and paste this on your wall or in other groups.
1 – The right to terminate a fetus (even though a fetus has it’s on unique DNA, to her, it’s not a human until it is born) whenever, she deems it’s presence inconvenient to her. And she wants taxes to pay $2,000 for a $500 abortion she could have avoided with a $2 condom.
2 – Government and private grants earmarked only for women for college and business. There are no such grants for men only as that is sexist.
3 – The right to free dinner and entertainment on each and every date. (It’s easy for any man to go on a date with any woman he wants if he offers enough expensive food and entertainment. She will not turn down a dinner at Masa where a dinner for 2 can easily go for $500)
4 – The right to be protected by the police and military while looking down at these men for being so low on the socioeconomic scale (Not good enough to marry) and not being required to perform such duties.
5 – The right to reside, free of charge to any of the 1,000’s of government paid Women’s Shelters designated for women only in the event she is abuse by the violent felons she accepts into her life over the guy that she labels too nice. By the way, she can live in one of these shelters even if she lies about being abused. There are no such shelters for men
6 – The right to hit any man she chooses for any reason she chooses because she deems that all men hitting her in the same manor is strictly not allowed under any circumstances except in the case of hitting another woman to protect her.
7 – The right to divorce any man she wants and take, her kids (because those kids are not his at all even though he is the proven father), half, if not more, of that man’s wealth and property while taking a portion of his income for life after the divorce is final because she claims ownership of his lifestyle. Additionally, she has the right to renegotiate this settlement to her benefit if and when she finds out he earned more money.
8 – The right to convict any man she chooses of rape without a trial on her word alone and to be absolved of all wrong doing when it was proved that she lied about said rape.
9 – The right to sperm-jacking (emptying the contents of a used condom in her cunt) to give birth to a 18 year payment plan.
10 – 6 months to 2 years paid leave from her employer for being pregnant.
11 – Paid sick day for being menstrual.
12 – The right to commit paternity fraud for decades and not pay restitution or get convicted of such crimes.
13 – The right for any and all men to come to her aid if and when she is in trouble even if she caused such troubles and she is in the wrong
14 – Free entry to any and all nightclubs complete with free paid drinks. Ladies Nights
15 – The right to demand socialism of governments, dates, marriages and employers because she is equal to men.
16 – The right to blame any and all men for her troubles and problems she has because she has no faults of her own.
17 – The right to be exempt from any and dangerous jobs while asserting her independence and equality for men that provide such service.
18 – The right to have employers institute affirmative action policies to allow women in all areas where men are safe, secure and well compensated even if she does not qualify for such a job. Dangerous and laborious jobs are excluded.
Show this list to any female and she will blurt out of that he in her face one or both of the following phrases;
Not ALL women are like that
and / or
You are a woman hater!
Thus proving the first of the 2 statements
The Best Turnaround of ALL Time
Women always lie about having a boyfriend even when they don’t. It’s like their imaginary security guard. The tougher their imaginary boyfriend, the more certain you can be that this broad is single. I’ve met women that told me that their boyfriends were cops, military, firemen, bouncers, etc.
One time I met this asian girl that told me that her boyfriend was a famous Thai Mixed Martial Artist fighter. When she proudly told me his name, It was a name that I think I’ve heard before. I quickly said, That guy is good. I’ve seen him fight. He has a few hot girls around him when he goes to the ring.
Her face changed. Because I knew that her imaginary protector had other interests. Little did she know, I was lying too. And why not? I love bursting her bubble.
Anyway, I told her that I was a partner in a huge string of NYC restaurants. Truth be told, I knew one of the general managers in the above lie. I told her so many lies about the business I didn’t own and told her that I wanted to take her out to one of ‘our’ most fancy restaurants for a meal she wouldn’t forget.
She was a bit hesitant to give me her number but she soon did. She started to get real excited at the notion that she will be at a great restaurant. When she wrote the last digit, I told her that I will call her for a double date with my girlfriend and her boyfriend. She began to backpedal about her boyfriend being in town and also that he was not friendly. She also said that she thought the date was with me and her alone. I told her, that wouldn’t be fair to take her out without her loved one.
Anyway, I left and told her I would call her. I didn’t. I saw her face as I walked away, it was like she lost a rich fish for an imaginary one.
Proof Positive That AWALT
Many years before MGTOW was even mentioned, I would talk to people about how I was perceiving women’s behavior. I would talk to men and some would agree and some wouldn’t. Some men would get defensive. Most mental health workers (psychiatrists, social workers, etc.) I talked to said I needed help, as if there was absolutely, no difference the way men and women behave. Women on the other hand would get mad and verbally lash out, while others became defensive and and tried to negate everything I said.
They would almost always say, Not all women are like that and You are the one that picked these women, as if to protect the female collective whole blaming me. It was almost like talking to a member of the mafia when they tell you there was no such thing as the mafia.
After seeing this same exact interaction, and rebuttal, time and time again, I would prepare myself by writing on a piece of paper the following, Not all women are that way and You are the one that picked them. Sometimes I would pause a conversation just to write those phrases, some days I would have 2 index cards in my pocket ready. When I heard them say either or both statements, I would show them their words on a piece of paper. I would tell them, If all women are not like what I explained, why do they all pick the same exact phrase every single time?
You see, NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That) is the knee jerk deflective statement that most women will say once you explain their behavior, thus proving AWALT (All Women Are Like That).
What to Do When She Asks Your Occupation
All of us men here know what it means when a girl asks us our occupation; it means, How much money do you have.
Here are some of my past replies:
• I’m not looking for a girlfriend now, sorry
• I don’t make enough money for you to love me… Hell, I don’t make enough for you to even like me.
• Would you date a man that worked at a McDonalds? When she says ‘No’, I’ll tell her, I work at a McDonalds
• My grandmother told me long ago, Never trust a girl that asks for your occupation before she knows your last name. then I ask her, What is my last name?
• I ask for her age and weight, when she says that those are inappropriate questions to ask a lady, I tell her that her questions were inappropriate as well.
• Are you writing a book?
• I’m a pimp
Feminist Would Hate Such Legislation
What would happen if there was a fixed child support monthly payment with a sliding scale due to age? What if the either parent were to live less than 60 miles from each other (in the same state) not depriving either one a chance to see and interact freely with their own flesh and blood? What if both parents had to pay heath and schooling costs equally?
Why does a woman feel the need to re-sue the father for $35,000 more a month for palates lessons for the child when the father increases his own personal wealth?
What if false allegations of all crimes were punishable by the maximum number of years in prisons for the crime that was alleged?
Do you think that feminist will agree to this?
Do you support an idea like this?
The Forbidden Fruit Simplified
The Forbidden Fruit Simplified
A woman wants what she can't have. Ibid, The Bible. Genesis.
Women want to be wanted.
Ergo, they become forbidden, so as to be wanted.
Never Hit A Woman, Test
I was talking to a girl and the subject came up about men hitting women. She said, A man should never ever hit a woman no matter what!
I asked her, If you and I were walking down the street and, out of the blue, a big strong woman starts beating you unmercifully without provocation, what should I do? Should I use my phone and call the cops or should I use my fists?
Her look and reaction was priceless as she didn’t really know what to say.
She said many things like, I didn’t do anything to her. and, You could convince her of stopping.
I looked at her and nodded in approval, That’s what I will do. I’ll stand back and tell her to stop. That will work.
Someone should make a series of videos asking random girls on the street if a man should ever hit a woman and when the woman says, ‘No’ present this scenario and see how they react.
Where are all the YouTubers in this group?
I just had to mention one of the very few decent girls I have dated in my life. We were together back in ’82 – ’83 then she went her way and I went mine. She was really cool.
I saw an article in Vibe magazine back in ’93 and I was so happy for her.
And they say MGTOW men are jaded because they can’t get girls to like them.
What I Think of “The View”
The View = A television talk show with a gaggle of cackling cunts talking over one another competing for the spotlight.
We Will Restore Family Order to The World
They say “A man that is stupid enough to believe he can change the world, will”
I am that stupid.
I want to break up, worldwide in 5 years or less what feminists created in 60 years.
All we need to do is share this ideas with our ‘brothers’, never offer free assistance to women while we offer our assistance to our fellow man.
Who wants to be as stupid as I am?
We need more men in this group.
We need more of your personal stories posted here.
Gentlemen! Start your engines! We are going to change the world.
The Lies She Tells You
I love you.
I don’t love you.
I don’t love you any more.
I hate you.
I have a boyfriend.
I don’t have a boyfriend.
I’m married.
I’m single.
I’m pregnant .
I’m not pregnant.
I miss you.
You are the father.
I would never do that.
I’m a virgin .
I didn’t know .
Can you think of more lies you were told?
Depend on Men Never On a Woman
There have been times in my life when I offered a man in need a bite to eat when they were down on their luck. They will thank me twenty years later.
When I was broke and a friend fed me, I remembered than thanked the man twenty years later.
Think of the times in your life when you had no means. Who came to your aid and who turned up their nose?
Buy a woman the best dinner, the best wine, the best entertainment and tell me where will she be when you are down on your luck and broke.
How She Manipulates You By Accusing.
There have been many times in your life that you found the woman you were talking to accuse you of everything under the sun so you can convince her of the opposite. That’s it in a nutshell but most men cant see that as a manipulation tactic.
That’s all she needs to do is accuse you by saying, “”You don’t love me any more.”” or “”You hate (All) women””. And just like uncle Pavlov’s favorite pet, you act on command and explain things that she refuses to see on her own.
This is a tactic of children, and the woman that does that needs to grow up. Partnering with this one will almost certainly guarantee you a tantrum thrower or a runaway.
Use this to your advantage. Every accusation you get from her, tell her that she needs to stop talking to people with faults.
Feminists will hate you for forcing her to grow her mind.
Sleeping beauty never took an active role in seeking a partner. Waited for a Prince to find her as she hid in the forest.
Something No Man Talks About
We all know, as a matter of fact, that a modern woman will break off any relationship with a man (divorce) when she perceives or imagines there will be a significant loss of revenue. In other words, you know she will leave you when you lose your job. That's how much love is in her heart for you.
If that is true, then you would think that she would feel more secure if the man's work would lead to a significant gain in revenue. But that is wrong. When she sees a significant rise in your income, she will think that you will leave her for a woman that asks for a higher price than she asked of you. So, to better hold on to you, she will sabotage any of your prospects of making a positive change in your financial future.
It’s time to be treated as royalty by the females that want you to protect them with your lives.
Her Dating Cycle of Greed
Seek me out.
Impress me.
Make me laugh.
Entertain me.
Sweep me off my feet (better than the 100's of men before you)
Pursue me even when I tell you to leave me alone.
Buy me fancy gifts.
Buy me nice jewelry.
Take me to lavish restaurants and pay for my company.
Buy fine wine.
Drive me in an expensive car.
Pay me attention.
Pay me compliments.
If I'm satisfied how well you serve my needs, I'll let you financially obligate yourself to me by marrying me.
But first...
I want a nice engagement ring and party.
I want a big wedding, and a huge wedding ring. White dress too.
Now you are obligated to give me everything I want need and desire. After all, I'm entitled to it.
Feed me.
Clothe me.
Make me happy.
Make me feel good about myself.
Make me feel beautiful and sexy.
Love me.
Cherish me.
I will test you soon. (You better pass my unscientific tests)
If we have kids, and I feel like leaving you for any reason, I'll have the state to back me up. They will help me take your children, money and home away from you.
Do it now because I'm worth it.
She Picked Him To Have An Excuse to Leave Him
I'm not saying that men don't cheat, they do. In fact, women pick the silver tongued married cheater over a single man any day. A woman has a financial gain to find a reason to leave the man she is with.
A relationship between a man and a woman begins to break down when the women wants the man to manage her emotions.
Her Justification for Cheating
If and when a woman leaves a man, that she deems "bad", she goes out to find another man to take the first man's place. She never considers that cheating.
Never Mention A Female Co-Worker to Your Wife or Girlfriend
So many times, when I was with a girlfriend, I was asked the question, "How was work?" and I answered with an interaction with a female co-worker, the drama comes out of the box sometime right before bed time.
TheXYGhost : I think not.
The Story of Chris' Divorce
Back in 2001, I met a man whose wife just walked out on him only days before. The man, Chris, worked as a food & beverage manager at a hotel in NYC. Chris lived in a 3 family house where his 81 year old mother lived alone in one apartment while Chris lived with his wife and 2 sons in another. The third apartment was rented out to another family.
Chris was heartbroken and cried often after his wife left. He ended up blaming himself for his wife's actions. She blamed him too. I met up with him every evening after work to help him through the troubles he was experiencing. He was hurt over his wife's departure. She took money and the kids. Later on, he was awarded 50/50 custody with his kids and they stayed over just about every weekend because the mother found a weekend job. The court said she couldn't take the home because it was in his mom's name. But she tried to take it.
His wife laughed at him, and told him she was going to find a better man than him. She teased and taunted him for years afterwards. She said that he will never change and that she left because he never loved her.
Chris told me there was a time when his wife nearly died after giving birth. He stood by her side non-stop for days without leaving the hospital for even a minute. He told me that he did everything in his power to be the best husband he knew how. He asked over and over again, "How could she do this to him after all that he'd done for her?"
The ex-wife found a new husband to marry. She rubbed it in Chris' face every chance she could but it had less effect on him the longer they were divorced. That only lasted 8 months as she took the new husband's money and left.
Years went by and Chris sold the house after his mom passed. He bought a very nice condominium and lived with his two sons and new girlfriend. His boys are both in college now.
Chris called me today, 17 years after we first met to tell me that he ran into his ex-wife. He told me how she hung her head in shame as the two passed each other on the street. He later found out through friends of his ex-wife's family that his ex-wife stole money from her second husband and moved to Florida. She spent all that money and she moved into a trailer park. Later, she was unable to afford the trailer park and moved back to NYC to move into a woman's homeless shelter.
Chris thanked me for helping him out in the beginning and to tell me that I was right in saying that she will get hers in the end.
Cheating Defined (By Her)
To a woman, the definition of cheating is so damn broad that it encompasses just about anything from the innocuous conversation with a female co-worker to a glance of another girl on the street. And why not? If she finds a reason to leave him for another, it clears her conscious, whether her accusations are real or imaginary. If that is a reason for divorce, she winds up with half the man's holdings.
Do you really think that you have the power, energy, knowledge, time and patience to make an insecure entity secure? Think again.
Wake Up Men.
If you pay a female for sex you get and make a whore. I'm not embarrassed at being treated like a king. Kings should be treated with respect. Men will risk their lives for their women and women will never reciprocate on that level. If a woman wants someone to protect them with their lives, there is a cost for that. Women need to pay always. Money or payment for sex is prostitution, while it legal to pay a body guard. I'm not looking the 93% that want to prostitute themselves. I'm looking for the rare 7%. Diamonds are rare. I want rare not what's common.
Women: do you want a king or a servant?
The Love Women Used to Have for Their Husbands
This morning I saw my neighbor pushing his wife in a wheelchair to get some air and have a bit of lunch. For more than 30 years I have watched and counted men pushing wives in wheelchairs and I only ever seen 1 woman push her husband in a wheelchair.
Back in 1990 I met a woman that bathed, fed and clothed her ailing husband until the day he died. She was 81 and still caring for the man that she loved since they married in their early teens.
When I hear women give the excuse "We married too young" as their personal excuse for divorcing, I think about this woman. When I see women divorcing the day their husband loses a job, I get sick to my stomach.
What benefits do men have getting married these days?