Saturday, January 20, 2024

You Are Always a Bad Man

If she hits you, you must have done something wrong, she hit you for a reason.
If you hit her back, you are wrong as you should never hit a woman.
If you divorce her, you did the wrong thing
If she divorces you, she did it for a reason, you were bad.
If she divorces you, takes your children away and takes you through the family court system for all your money, house, alimony and child support, then you really did her wrong.
If she accuses you of rape, domestic violence or sexual harassment, you must be a bad man why would she lie about something like that.
If she cries, “inequality”, the world cries for and with her. When you cry foul, you get told to, “Man up” as if you are a crying whining boy.
According to the US Justice Department, every single crime has a false allegation rate of about 1 – 2% except for rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment and child abuse. Those have an up to 30% false allegation rate.
Face it, you are a bad man always.

Published: January 20, 2024 at 12:30PM

Friday, January 19, 2024

TheXYGhost 088

I’m not afraid of a woman. I’m afraid of 10,000 simps and a society that is willing to take action on a one sided false accusation.


You Divorced Her Because She Was Crazy.

She tells everyone that she left you because you were abusive.
Now you found a new one that tells you that her ex was abusive and her ex said that she is crazy.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Solution: MGTOW

Published: January 19, 2024 at 12:30PM

Thursday, January 18, 2024

TheXYGhost 087

Your biological clock is ticking and you want me to rush out and buy you a ring? Buy me a Corvette.


Top 10 Cruel Things Women Do To Men – TheXYGhost way

There was this article sent to me back in 2009.
I read it and thought it was weak. Then I looked at the author and found out a woman wrote this. So I decided to write my own article. I started writing it back then, but for some reason, I had to stop. This week, 8 years later, I finished my version of the article, finishing items #1 & #2 just now.
Top 10: Cruel Things Women Do to Men and How to Avoid Them.
10: They Don’t Pick Up The Phone.
Girls relinquish their responsibilities when it comes to the initiation of relationships. They feel any action on their part is an act of desperation. Lets face it, when was the last time a girl took you out, asked for your contact information or even bought you a drink to get to know you? Even after the courtship is over and the wedding ring has been on for many years, girls will still complain that their husbands will not take them out as if they had no ability to go out on their own or even set up something for the man they claim to love. Some girls feel that returning a call is too much work putting towards the relationship start up. Barring the fact that you are some notable, wealthy individual, she will never initiate a conversation with you let alone ask you for your number. Although girls require men to take the initiative in the courtship process, they will label unwanted men desperate for taking the same action they expect from a man they desire. Girls have a much stronger need to be in a relationship than men because their principle need for security. A man around to protect her, is a major step up to her security needs. Chances are that her grandmother, in the 1960’s, burned her bra and raised her fists in solidarity along with Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Billy Jean King to prove they are equal to men. There is no equality. Men are men and women are women and they will never be equal. With that in mind, If you happen to get a phone number from a girl, and that number happens to be real, treat all women equally. When you do call and get to the point of leaving a voice mail, leave only one message and one message only. At the end of that message, in a nice way, state that if she doesn’t call back that it was good meeting her. After that call, never call her again! If you do call her again, she will then know that she means more to you than you mean to her. She may even label you a “Puppy dog” if you call a third and fourth time. Either case, it’s a bad place to be if she thinks you need her more. You never ever give away a valuable prize cheaply. If she wants to earn the type of security that a man is capable of giving, she has to earn that prize. A man has the innate ability of sacrificing his own life to protect others. A long time ago, I was told that if you ask more than once, you are begging. Don’t beg for the chance of giving away a million dollar prize that is innate in you.
9: They Use Men for Free Drinks, Dinners and Nights Out.
This has been true always. Girls do this and you need to understand that. Girls use men to pay for this petty vice more blatantly than ever before. Some girls deliberately leave their homes without any cash in their pockets as insurance that they will not buy their own drinks. Never put yourself in the position that you have to buy a girl something she has yet to earn. Do not be her personal automatic teller machine. Do not be her sucker. Girls hate suckers yet they are great in making men their sucker for a day. Don’t prove to her how big of a sucker you can be. You are not so desperate for a conversation that you have to pay someone to listen to you. In a bar situation, only approach girls with a drink in their hand when you have a drink in yours. If she finishes her drink quickly in order for you to pay for another one, ask her, “Is that the cost of talking to you?”, and walk away. She may slap you, but read on how to deal with that. Maybe it would be better to just walk away without saying a word. I usually leave with this quote; “Now I see why you are a magnet to wimpy and desperate boys”. My line of thought is that someone desperate for conversation will pay for someone to listen to them.
8. They Use Men As Placeholders
A placeholder needs to be explained. Since a girl’s first priority is her self security, she needs a man around her until she finds, “the right one for her”. Put simply, a placeholder is a man that she is with until she finds the man she wants. Girls usually do not leave their man until they have someone to go to. In some cases, that go to place is their parents’ place. You can avoid being a placeholder by making sure that she earns the abilities you possess that she needs. Show that you are not tolerant of nonsense. Even though she wrongly earmarks you for a placeholder, she will eventually see that she has to earn you as a prize and then she will respect you. More about that coming up.
7: They Emotionally Manipulate Men
This is as straight forward as I can get without a prescription; Immune yourself from the most powerful weapon a woman has against you. Superman has his Kryptonite but unlike Superman, you can remove this deadly, weapon from your life. Crying is emotional blackmail and girls can cry on command as easy as your uncle could fart on command when he told you as a child, “Pull my finger”. Girls get a lot of mileage from crying and they use it whenever and however they can against you. Unless your girl is physically hurt and injured, ignore all tears and get to the point at hand or excuse yourself away from her as fast as possible until the tears are gone. When she sees that you are not putting up with her nonsense, you win. Crying and other emotional tactics in her arsenal are a way that she regresses her behavior to resemble a helpless child. If a child gave you that look, pouted and cried, you are still going to say no to more candy.
6: They Use Violence
Men know that physical violence is the last resort of any confrontation. Girls on the other hand have never experienced the physical ramifications of their violent attack. Men wont hit back. Being a woman does not give you special rights to assault anyone whenever you want without repercussions. Men are told never to hit women under any circumstances but what is a man to do if his child is being attacked by a crazed woman? If you are hit by a girl that you know, stop everything and make a really big deal about her hitting you. Do not hit back but make it a really big deal and verbally reprimand her for doing that. There is no excuse for hitting and you have to show her that you are not playing games in this serious matter. Raise your voice and keep focused on the fact that she hit you and you are not taking it laying down. When a girlfriend of mine hit me a second time, I told her right then and there it was over. There is no excuse for hitting unless she is being attacked.
5: The Criticize Men in Public
This is one of the things girls do best. If you are in a public argument with a girl you date, she will air out all of your most intimate secrets not related to the argument without any warning. She will attempt to make you feel as small and insecure as she possibly can. What she doesn’t know is how she is showing all within earshot that she can’t keep secrets and she can’t be trusted. Let her know that she is no longer trustworthy and treat her as such. I would just walk away as if she didn’t exist. Girls hate that you will not give them any attention.
4: They Don’t Disclose Their Relationship Status
There are two reasons that a girl will not disclose their relationship status; One, its non of your business and she just enjoys the conversation. If she accepts drinks from you and still does not disclose her status, that is a problem but you now know, after reading this article, that you are not so desperate for someone to listen to you that you have to pay someone in drinks at a bar. The second reason is that they are playing the “available” card in the hopes that you are interested then you buy them a drink. Refer to item #9. The real problem resides when a girl that easily tells everyone she meets that she is attached, everyone except you. Is she lying to others to get rid of them or is she telling the truth and not revealing the truth to you? Does she have a placeholder that she labels a boyfriend to ward off unwanted men at her command and earmarks you as her next upgrade? This is a judgement call you have to make. A girl that will upgrade her placeholder to you, will replace you too.
3: They Withhold Sex To Make A Point.
There is only one word for someone who uses sex for a personal gain. Take it from there. There is nothing much you can do when you are financially obligated to her in the form of a marriage. If you get some for elsewhere, that is grounds for her to take everything you own. There are other ways to discourage a wife’s behavior. Since she married you, she found something valuable about you, take that away from her. Two can play at that game. Take credit cards, jewelry, cars, whatever you bought her in the past. If your girlfriend does this to you, then you can take a walk and not tell her anything when you return. Let her imagination get the best of her.
2: They Test Men
Women will test men on a constant and never ending bases until you put a stop to it right away. Tests come into play in a variety of different ways.
A – She accuses you of something so that you can be on the defensive as you explain to her what she will not take time to figure on her own. She will accuse you of not loving her, loving someone other than her, lying, cheating, etc. If you get one or more of these on a daily bases, you simply say, “If you think that I don’t love you, then you must be doing something wrong, and now you must leave. Women hate when their man is defensive. To her it looks like you fear her.
B – She will flirt or talk about another man as if you should be jealous of this guy. Again, let her know that if she pointed out that you are not good enough, tell her to find a perfect man and leave you.
C – They start petty arguments to see how you deal with conflict. Again, kill cancer before it kills you.
Women can conjure up tests on the fly without rhyme or reason. Their feeble tests and outcomes are not scientific in nature and you are not a lab rat to be tested by an immature amateur scientist.
1: They Flirt To Inspire Jealousy
If there is one emotion that women obsess over all others is the one of jealousy. From my days in grade school, middle school, high school, college and into my 50’s, the talks that women cackle to their gaggle of friends is of jealousy. They speak of jealousy as if jealousy from a man equates to love when, in fact, they hate when they are jealous.
For decades I have listened to women as they have professed how they want to “make him jealous” but I never heard them saying how much they want to make a man feel loved, comfortable, happy or proud. Jealousy is the feeling woman prefer to invoke their men overall.
Jealousy is nothing but insecurity, anger and frustration and a woman loves when she has the power to invoke such emotions from the man she so calls the one she loves. She will manipulate this emotion out of a man as if that man is her personal play toy. She will flirt and talk about other men until she gets what she wants. Like all things in this article, cut it off before it grows and consumes you. When you see her working overtime to force you to have the emotion, she demands of you, dismiss her and tell her it’s over.
Remember, never ever threaten or hit anyone that hasn’t hit you first, especially not a woman, but always let the girl know that you are prepared to go to jail over her foolishness.

Published: January 18, 2024 at 12:30PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

TheXYGhost 086

Within days, a woman will know every single one of your faults.

Within her lifetime, she will never see any of her own.


They Ask Me Why I’m A MGTOW

I am a 53 year old man that was divorced in 2000 and considered myself luckier than most men in my position.
There is this one very important issue about false rape allegations that I can’t get to the younger men quick enough.
I was a product of a “broken home” when my father went on his way and left my mother with two kids, my sister (age 5) and I (age 4). This is when the abuse began. In retrospect I saw that my mother manipulated men to do her will, this abuse from her was the reason my father left. It would be now harder for her with 2 kids in tow so we were in her way and she had to get rid of us. The beatings were severe to the point that a broomstick was broken over my back at age 5.
Side note: When I tell females about my mother breaking a broomstick over my back, the female collective responds every time that I must have been a very bad kid to be hit with a broomstick. I would stop and ask what would a 5 year old child have to do for you to break a broomstick over their back.
By age 7 or so, I remember a morning news show warned of a rapist in the area. My mother slapped me hard and told me, “If you ever rape a woman I will disown you.” Her instruction to my sister was to scream “Rape” if she was in trouble with a man in the future.
Imagine, I do not even know the word “rape” and she is warning me against committing such a violent act. One day we were all sitting down to watch our favorite show, “Star Trek” (1968). In this one episode, “Shore Leave”, a female member of the landing party was raped then it was revealed that the planet they landed on was fulfilling all of their fantasies. I questioned my mother asking why was the girl beaten and the others were given their fantasy. My mother told me that that woman wanted to be raped by Don Juan as my mother giggled. Now I was confused.
A number of months or maybe years went by when my mother was called into jury duty. Her case was an admitted prostitute claiming to be raped by some man, I remember my mother’s talk on the phone with her friends stating that she did not believe the woman because she claimed that the man ripped her jeans and that jeans were not easily ripped from someone’s body.
As I got older, about 16 – 17 years old, I remember having an very heated argument with my mother. When I was winning my argument on a logical level, I could see that my mother was getting more and more frustrated to the point she yelled, “Rape! Rape! Rape!”, from the living room of our project apartment. I wasted no time to run out and not come back for a few days. Hell, I even spent the summer night in Central Park, in NYC.
As I was about 19 years old one of my friends called me to inform me that a girl, of who I had common friends, was spreading rumors that I broke into her apartment and raped her. My female friends, who never knew where I lived, were angry at me without even investigating the allegations. I left that group of friends as fast as I could.
In my early 20’s I discovered myself further and enjoyed meeting new girls and fucking them and they seem to like it too. I kept things going until one morning when I woke up to the girl I came home with looking at me in shock, as she told me that I raped her. When the night before was purely consensual. I kept a very strict policy of never telling anyone where I lived. I escaped with the skin of my teeth.
Over the years I have dated many girls that told me stories of a rapist attacking them. I can remember up to 5 girls of my past tell me that their step father molested them for many years. What surprised me in how they all mentioned their rape so casually and then they never called police. Yet these same girls that gave a pass for a violent criminal that raped them, would not forgive a person that said something that pissed them off.
I finally got married in my mid 30’s, and after 3 years of marriage, my wife told me one day out of the blue that the first time we had sex, that I raped her. “Where the hell did that come from?”, I thought to myself. Did she mean to say that I raped her then she married me? A week later, she presented me my divorce papers when she was working on for months before while being lovey dovey with me.
False rape allegations do exist and they are very serious. I have escaped 2 and experienced even more than my personal experience.
By the way, 7 years ago I reunited with my 80 year old father and we enjoy each others company, we even text each other on a regular basis.
P. S. I showed this letter to one of my friends and they told me that he never came across any girl that did any of that. Then he quickly remembered a time when he was driving in NYC in a brand new sports car waiting for the light to change green. A woman opened his door and sat in the car and told him, “If you don’t give me some money, I will scream, ‘Rape!!'” When he finished that story he recalled a time when his sister warned a boy on the phone that if he didn’t stop calling her, she will call the police and claimed that he raped her.

Published: January 17, 2024 at 12:30PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

TheXYGhost 085

Women use, POF, eHarmony and Tinder to get free meals and home repairs.


Husbands and Wives Calling Private Investigators

Husbands and Wives Calling Private Investigators

When it comes to the point where a spouse feels the need to call a private investigator, both husbands and wives call for different reasons and get different reactions.

The wife would call the investigator to find dirt on her husband and will be pissed off if there is none.

The husband will hire a PI to see if there is any infidelity on the wife's part. He will be devastated if there is and relieved if there is not.

And they say men and women are equal.

Monday, January 15, 2024

TheXYGhost 084

Her: You don’t think I’m worth a dinner?

TheXYGhost : You are definitely worth a dinner, and nothing more.

The Jealousy of Women Is Insane

The Jealousy of Women Is Insane

From time-to-time previous girlfriends of mine found their way to my photo album, back in the day when photos were paper and displayed in a book. Nowadays pictures are stored on phones). They would question every photo I had with another female, even if I wasn't in the photo with them. Back in those days my hobby was photography and I had many photos. I would sometimes find certain photos of girls missing as they would take and destroy them and deny they ever did. I remember one time a girlfriend took a look at a group of pictures of my first cousin that was in a beauty pageant. She made sure she looked at my facial expressions when she asked me who that was in the picture in the hope of catching me in a lie. Those pictures were gone one day, maybe while I was asleep. It was then I found out how deep a woman's jealousy really is. They are jealous to the point where they will not tolerate an image, thought or the spoken word of another girl in Her Majesty's Holy presence.

I hear the same thing in modern times when a girl sneaks a peek at her boyfriend's phone as he enters his password or conveniently asks for his password for his phone when she tells him her phone's battery died. This is all to gain access to your photos for her scrutiny.

When a woman learns that you are working in an office with another woman, they will go nuts even if they do not show it right away. She may tell you to quit that job and find another, and if you say "no" she will find a way to swing on the monkey branch again to find your replacement. But before she leaves you, she will make sure you pay for her jealousy by breaking something of yours.

It seems so hypocritical that the same woman will think nothing about pushing her kids (a living, breathing existence of her former lover) on you to accept unconditionally with the promise that you will have to see the man's face in the child and the man himself every other weekend when he comes for his scheduled visitation. You will be labeled a cheater if you ever talked to your ex while you are with her but you are to tolerate her talking to the father of her kids.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

TheXYGhost 083

You want me to get down on one knee, present you with an expensive ring, and beg to be your personal slave-provider?


Who is Laughing Now?

Who is Laughing Now?

In the mid 1990's a psychiatrist friend of mine called me a misogynist for pointing out how violent women are. He also pointed out that I was the problem in searching out women like the ones I have been involved with. In addition, he told me that I sought out men that were like me that had the same attraction to problematic women. He no longer wanted to be my friend and told mutual friends of ours a whole host of lies about me from telling people that I beat my wife to, I told him to buy stocks that went under to me hitting on his hideous live-in woman he refused to marry. Yet he was the one, I found out after the fact that was hitting on my wife when I was married. He even told friends that I wrote a bad review on his book when only sold books. He said that I needed medication for my neurotic ideas. Then he terminated our friendship right there.

Fuck You George Viddler

The Principles of Seduction: How to Get Another Person to Fall in Love With You by G. Clayton Viddler

Saturday, January 13, 2024

TheXYGhost 082

The hardest thing for a woman to do is to admit she done anything wrong. She can point out everyone’s problems except her own.


Gender Duality

Gender Duality

1. When a man hits a woman, he is a bad man and he needs to pay the price for his actions.

2. When a woman hits a man, there must have been a reason she hit him. He is a bad man.

3. When a man cheats on a woman, he is a bad man, a dog.

4. When a woman cheats on a man, it is his fault for not initiating sex when she wants, how she wants, and as often as she wants.

5. If a woman gives birth to a child and it's not her boyfriend's or husband's, it's the man's fault because he didn't keep tabs on her, he didn't control her and he allowed it to happen. Also see #2

6. If a man divorces a woman and leaves his kids behind because she makes life difficult for him and the kids, he is the bad one, not only because he divorced her, it's because he picked the wrong person. Needless to say, he needs to pay her for life and he is mandated to pay child support for her use towards her luxury.

7. If a woman divorces a man, he is the bad one and he has to pay her for life and he is mandated to pay child support for her use towards her luxury.

8. If a woman takes a man's kids away from him, he must be the bad one. He has to pay. If he takes his kids away from her, he is a kidnapper and must be dealt with accordingly.

9. If a man opts out of a system that demonizes his every move, he is called a whiner, a crybaby and he need therapy. Society tells him that he must jump back in that same system to be 'happy' once again as if it was his personal duty and obligation to be responsible for another grown human being's every want, need and desire, when, where and how they desire.

Friday, January 12, 2024

TheXYGhost 081

Her : What kind of work do you do?

TheXYGhost : I don’t make enough money for you to love me.

If You Want to be Happy For the Rest of Your Life

There is this song, by the 1950’s R & B group called The Coasters, called “Get An Ugly Girl to Marry You”.

(Partial Lyrics below)
I asked a girl what did the song mean, and she told me that beautiful women are trouble and they tend to cheat. I then asked her if she was a cheater or is she ugly. She was in shock as she froze and had no clue how to answer.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
A pretty woman makes her husband look small
And very often causes his downfall
As soon as he married her and then she starts
To do the things that will break his heart
But if you make an ugly woman your wife
Ah you’ll be happy for the rest of your life
An ugly woman cooks meals on time
She’ll always give you peace of mind
Don’t let your friends say you have no taste
Go ahead and marry anyway
Though her face is ugly, her eyes don’t match
Take it from me, she’s a better catch
Say man! Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day!
Yeah? Yeah, an’ she’s ugly!
Yeah, she’s ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright!
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you.

Published: January 12, 2024 at 12:30PM

Thursday, January 11, 2024

TheXYGhost 080

Single moms; did you really wanted your mother to replace your dad when you were a child?


Reunion With a Girl I liked When I was 16 Years Old

A girl that I once dated when I was 16 years old found me on Facebook some 35 years later. We met up and had dinner. She told me that her two kids that she had with an alcoholic, drug addicted thug she married in high school were doing fine. She also wanted to know if I was married. When I told her I was divorced, she was unhappy to find out I would never marry again. She tried to encourage me saying that I can correct the errors I made in that marriage to make my next marriage better.
It’s always a man’s fault.

Published: January 11, 2024 at 12:30PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

TheXYGhost 079

TheXYGhost : I’m a feminist. now!

Now pay for our first date.


Did Women Kill Chivalry? (A YouTube Commentary)

First off this telegram that you mentioned was from a man that loved his wife dearly. She was probably his first love. Which means his wife must have stayed with him through thick and thin. She stayed with him and allowed love to develop. She didn’t go to the next guy because he didn’t have a better car or a better paying income as seen in todays’s modern “independent” woman that is always on the lookout for a higher earning guy. Love does not happen instantly as today’s modern woman demands. She wants instant love and instant security in the form of status and earnings while she pesters him for the “commitment”. The woman in this telegram earned his love with kindness and care.
Her Royal Highness Dr. Wendy Osefo PhD ( has all the sheepskin she could muster from student loans but has no idea that she is a little whining baby that demands way too much. She said that women evolved and men have to “Rise to the occasion to meet where we are”. Which means, “Rise to my ever increasing level, the level that is based on my ever increasing, overinflated sense of her self, misperceived worth”.
Today’s woman wants a man to buy her gifts, pay her way, wine, dine and entertain her under the understanding that if you don’t, she will divorce you and take it all. She wants you to spend, spend, spend on her all the while she is saving her money for the jerk she will love over you. She knows way too well that a man’s innate abilities are to help and provide for his woman, except she thinks that is every man’s job.
I wonder if she would tell her sons to rise to the levels of their girlfriends? Good luck.
By the way, holding a door open is not exclusively for men holding doors for women only. Holding a door open is, what used to be called, “politeness” and it means that the first one to the door holds it for the next. Men hold the door open for women and for men all the time and that is a sign of self respect and honor. Make no mistake, many times women will go through a door with no regard for anyone behind her, man or women.

Published: January 10, 2024 at 12:30PM

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

TheXYGhost 078

Her : When will you commit to me?

TheXYGhost : When will you show me you are worthy of a commitment?

The Gillette Ad and More

To all those not understanding why so many men and women are against the Gillette ad.
This is not just about the one ad. It is a combination of a strategically targeted attacks against men and boys in general. Here is a list of ONLY Australian events.
A Australian wide, government funded, feminist led DV awareness campaign targeting only male perpetrators.
Petitioning of men’s awareness films such as The Red Pill to shut down screenings and threats of violence made if failure to comply.
Push from feminist groups to rename fathers day ‘special persons day’.
Airline policy not allowing unsupervised children to sit next to men.
Duluth model of DV – only men can be perpetrators.
National campaign to end “violence against women”.
Women standing up for male issues being targeted by feminists.
Women being name called by feminists for acknowledging male issues. Terms such as “internalized misogyny” are used. Implying the women that supports men’s issues are trying to appeal sexually to men.
Women being labeled “gender traitors” for wanting to discuss men and women’s issues.
Minister for women. No minister for men.
Julia Gillard and women’s groups continuing to try to removed shared parenting laws.
The ludicrous idea of male privilege.
Lisa Wilkinson on The Project openly being able to say “Men are the problem”, without repercussion.
Advertising displaying men as the “dumb” dads.
Cafe’s having a “men’s” tax to offset an imaginary gender wage gap.
Australian Army male recruiting ban in 2017.
Women’s pink parking in shopping centers.
Feminists commentators being able to make statements of “kill all men”, and “I bathe in male tears”, whilst a male will loose his job for commenting on a woman’s dress.
Female only superannuation top up, paid for by men.
Men in universities having to take consent tests.
The fortnight gamer, who was attacked repeatedly by his partner (who has a history of violence) being painted as the abuser.
Men’s rights march to raise awareness into male suicide and family court issues being counter protested (by feminists) and misrepresented in the media.
Men being abused in social media ever raising male issues online.
Consistent fabricated statements to stifle discussion on male issues. Such as “derailing”, “mansplaining” etc etc.
#whataboutary – only applies to men.
Man spreading!
Boys having to compete with genitalia, regardless of merit due to gender quotas.
Zero discussions into male workplace deaths.
Men’s sheds being petitioned to be gender inclusive whilst female only gyms being protected.
Barbers being charged with discrimination on the grounds of gender.
Men being attacked and shamed for using “parents” rooms.
Fathers discrimination in family court.
Sunrise, studio 10 and numerous other media outlets consistently releasing segments about women having it harder. Do you think men need to do this? Should men do that?
Next to zero discussion into male suicide.
No services for male domestic violence victims. And no discussion in regards to it.
Zero male victims of DV funding.
No discussions into male health issues and 10% of the funding.
No media discussions on international men’s day.
Discrimination awareness training in the workplace, focusing solely on women.
Gender wage gap, ignoring men on average work longer hours.
Consistent discussions on toxic masculinity, without discussing the inherent issues within femininity.
Politicians being able to call all men “morons and pigs”, without ANY repercussions despite that same politician hypocritically going through a sexual discrimination case.
Domestic violence campaigns such as White Ribbon being able to go around to our schools telling boys to stand up in front of the class and swore an oath to the girls, however the opposite is not reciprocated. This gives the boys the idea that they are inherently dangerous because they are boys.
Boys failing in school and university with nil discussions into how to resolve this.
Male victims of DV (Such as the John Howard saga) being misrepresented as the perpetrator.
This continues every single day and Australia is tired of it.
If we cannot bring girls and boys up together, equally, and address each others faults, then we with further divide our country and create more tension.
This feminist attack is dangerous and toxic.
Consistent subtle attacks then being gas lighted telling us we are imagining it.

Published: January 09, 2024 at 12:30PM

Monday, January 8, 2024

TheXYGhost 077

Beyoncé : If you liked it then you should’ve put a ring on it.

TheXYGhost : No hymen, no diamond.

When I was 16 Years Old

When I was 16 years old I had a heated argument with my mom, I brushed past her to get away from her rage and she called the cops on me. She claimed that I beat her. With the help of my sister, by the next day all the kids in the neighborhood knew that I beat my mom.
When my sister and my mom fought and busted up the house, the television and all the dishes until those two were on the floor pulling each others hair while punching each other violently in the face repeatedly. When I got home to see this, my sister ran out. My mom cried about how confused my sister was. She felt sorry for my sister that beat her.
Not a word was said to the kids in my neighborhood.

Published: January 08, 2024 at 12:30PM

Sunday, January 7, 2024

TheXYGhost 076

TheXYGhost : Crying is emotional blackmail.

Her : We know. We fake that too.

The Many Powers That Men Have

Men have this unbelievably unique ability to ignore everything and anything to fully concentrate all of his focus on one thing and one thing only until the job is done. This is evident when men watch the game of their choice and ignore everything anyone says or does until the commercial comes on.
Men also have the ability to self sacrifice for the good of their teammates. “Take one for the team”, tragically, we see evidence of this during WWI and WWII, when men jumped on a live grenade to save members of his team.
Women constantly think anything an everything is connected to each other.
How they look is dependent on how others perceive her looks.
How they feel is dependent on how she looks
How successful she is depends on how she feels.
Furthermore, after 60 years of the feminist movement they still believe the best business decision they can make is to marry the right man. Dependency yet again.
Every time I read a story about why women cheat it almost always surrounds her dependencies on others. You can hear it clearly when she accuses, “He didn’t make me happy”, “He made me upset”, “He made me feel unwanted”, “He made me cry”, and so on. Then you can hear it again when she says, “He makes me feel good”, “He makes me feel confident”, “He makes me laugh”, “He makes me smile”.
There always is an outside dependency for her.

Published: January 07, 2024 at 12:30PM

Saturday, January 6, 2024

TheXYGhost 075

We are men! We burp, fart, scratch our balls and abuse our best friends.

Now Go Fuck Yourself. ..!.,


Women are Like Children

Women, just like children need constant and never ending attention when, where and how they want. When a child does not get what they want, a tantrum ensues, and the fully grown woman will throw her tantrum too. You can discipline a child with some harsh words and a punishment. But the adult female is more immune to those tactics and well above the law to hit you. She knows damn well you won’t hit her and is proud of that. She will never learn right from wrong when she can manipulate and command a group of nearby servant males to come to her aid anytime she wants, whether she is right or wrong. Police, judges and bystanders will come to her aid in no time at all. She feels vindicated because people running to her aid is proof that she is in the right.
A child needs toys and will not care where the money comes from as long as they get the toy that they will end up discarding in only a few days. The woman wants more expensive toys and will never work to get them. Her provider needs to get that.
The wedding day gives her all the attention they want on the silver platter they’ve desired. She is the center of attention. All eyes on her. Now, once you marry her, you need to, single handedly give her all the attention of the many that gave her before you got married.
But you can’t stop there. If you do not give her all she desires, she has another attention grabber up her sleeve.
Divorce gives a woman everything she missed out on that day you married and much more. She gets to be viewed as a victim of a very bad man. She is sure that man is bad because she sees every single imperfection in him, but she will never see the imperfections in herself. She gets police, judges and lawyers to defeat the bad man. She gets to temporarily feel that she is in control and empowered for getting other to serve her to destroy that bad man. She uses kids to get to see that man come back and beg for her, but he is only there to see his children. She has manipulated so many for so long that she manipulated herself to think that the man still wants her. She gets weekly payments for being married and to support his kids. But that money is going straight to her. His children is an ancillary thought in her mind.

Published: January 06, 2024 at 12:30PM

Friday, January 5, 2024

TheXYGhost 074


Women, become a real feminist, just join the military without asking for female privileges.


Flip the Script on Her

Flip the Script on Her

Have you ever noticed when you ask a girl her name, her first instinctual response is, "I have a boyfriend"?

After that, you are on the defensive trying to explain yourself. Not a pretty sight.

Well, I was talking to this female bartender today, when she asked me the inevitable question, "What sort of work do you do?"

I looked at her and said, "Sorry, I'm not looking for a girlfriend."

The look of surprise on her face was priceless. Now she was on the defensive. Now she was backpedaling trying to explain herself. What a sight to see. You should try it yourself one day.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

TheXYGhost 073


I’m now a feminist!
We need female construction workers.


Not ALL Women Are Like That

Not ALL Women Are Like That

If you talk about women, in front of women about how great they ALL are, not one woman will stop you. If you state that ALL women are beautiful, strong and intelligent, they will nod their heads in unison. If you state that ALL men are pigs, weak, cheaters and deadbeats, the women will not raise a voice to object.


If you state the fact that 80% of women are home wrecking their own family by initiating a divorce or breakup because they found a flaw in that man, you will watch the women jump out of hibernation and say these words.

"Not ALL women are like that!"

"You hate women."

"Who hurt you?"

"You just pick the wrong women."

"Where do you find these women?"

In an instant, the woman defends "The Female Collective" unceasingly at all costs to herself and others.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

TheXYGhost 072


Women can do anything a man can...
...too bad they choose not to.


So You Say Masculinity is Toxic

43% of boys are raised by single moms.
78% of teachers are female.
50% of boys have 100%!female influence and 80% female influence at school.
Toxic Masculinity is not the problem.
The lack of masculinity is.

Published: January 03, 2024 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

TheXYGhost 071

Her: You are just afraid of commitments!

TheXYGhost : No. You are not worth my commitment.

How and Why Women Pick Their Partners.

Women partner with those who will elevate their status; either by association or by contrast.
Elevating by association:
Most women of a certain strength reject men they perceive are weaker than they are.
If a woman is rich, she rejects men she perceives are less financially successful than she is.
If a woman has a college degree, she rejects men with no degree.
If a woman has 2 college degrees, she rejects men with less than two degrees.
If a woman is tall, she rejects men that are shorter than her.
A female bodybuilder will reject all men that are not at her level.
A woman with a 140 IQ will reject men with lower IQ than herself.
Women hate lesser men than herself. She will kick a man out of her life once she sees that she can overtake that man.
Whatever a woman thinks is her strength, she rejects men that are lesser than her strength.
In short, if a poor woman marries a billionaire, she becomes a billionaire by association.
Mind you, perception is the key here. If a man is smarter than a woman who perceives herself smarter, she will leave.
Elevating by contrast:
Imagine, if you will, all of the above scenarios with the woman deliberately picking men that were less than they were. When she does, she will hold those strengths over that man’s head every chance she gets. This is also why she partners with the gangster, thug, criminal, substance abuser, ex-convict, gambler, sweet talker, liar, cheater, woman beater, jerk, married men, con artist, lazy idiot, and abuser. They love the bad boy that is weaker than a man.
The problem is women. Women are the ones that pick men and women are the first to divorce them.

Published: January 02, 2024 at 11:59AM

Monday, January 1, 2024

TheXYGhost 070

Most Girls: “I’m not like other girls.”


A MGTOW Public Service Announcement.

Now a word from our members
A MGTOW Public Service Announcement.
It’s important to remember… MGTOW is not an organization or political movement… it’s a philosophy. Chief amongst it’s beliefs is that men do not need a woman or a gynocentric society to determine their value. MGTOW are men who determine their own value by their own yard stick of personal achievement based on their life…not anyone else’s.
MGTOW are Black, White, Asian, and Brown. They’re conservative and liberal. They’re of many different religions. Because of these cultural, racial and societal differences… MGTOW disagree on many things. However, at the core…all know that feminism and everything spawned from it is cancer.
An essential element of MGTOW is ghosting… that means…in its simplest form… being invisible. The best defense against narcissistic women who want to entrap you and abuse your emotions is to avoid them… period. Feminists cannot attack what they cannot see.
The best way to avoid society pressuring you into gynocentric woman worship is to be invisible while doing your own thing. Avoiding vagina worship is a core survival skill here. Just as important is to avoid associating with men who worship vaginas… whether they’re tradcons, liberal white knights, PUAs, or just thirsty simps.
We don’t need protests…we don’t need petitions… we don’t need advocacy… MGTOW only need to back away from commitment to narcissistic, abusive, and manipulative women and do our own thing. MGTOW understand that… often… natural consequences are far worse than any consequence that we would bring to the table.
MGTOW understand that time is a non-renewable resource… so we should focus it on ourselves and our individual happiness… rather than waste it arguing with a woman who will never get it… or who cannot accept truthful criticism of her own problems. MGTOW understand that political protests in the name of men’s rights… don’t work. It’s better to ghost and let nature take its course.
Educate yourself… read. Learn a new skill… or hone an old one. Teach your brothers about things you know… these things are the best way to strengthen our MGTOW community… be the example for others to follow.
MGTOW understand that because we’re smart enough to avoid the rigged game of marriage… commitment… and the politics surrounding it… gynocentric hypocrites will constantly attack us. MGTOW know the best response to this is to ghost away and disappear… one cannot attack what they cannot see.
MGTOW are not alone… the brothers who follow this philosophy grow daily…as more men are red pilled and realize that today’s women are unable to make the lifelong commitment of marriage and often cannot even commit to a monogamous dating relationship.
MGTOW is the natural consequence of feminist policies…as long as they continue to discriminate against men…MGTOW will grow.
So brothers…no matter where you are…what you do in life…support each other…make sure, in times of crisis, our brothers in need know they’re not alone and there’s life after gynocentrism and that it’s worth living…because at the end of the day…Ghosting…doing our own thing…and supporting each other…is the best defense against gynocentric hypocrisy. We’re men…as such…we’re strong enough to overcome any obstacle we set our minds to.

Published: January 01, 2024 at 11:59AM

Sunday, December 31, 2023

TheXYGhost 069

Feminists just need to find themselves a feminized guy and be happy to boss him around.


Feminism Taught Women to Partner With Bad Guys

Women love the gangster, thug, criminal, substance abuser, ex-convict, gambler, sweet talker, liar, cheater, woman beater, jerk, married men, con artist, lazy idiot, and abuser all in the name of feminism.
Feminism taught women that they were empowered and superior to men. Women took it so literally that they now pick a mate which they can be superior. Either that or women have this overwhelming urge to be rescued by some handsome prince with shining armor from the guy they chose. Either way, women will never get out from harm’s way on their own.
They call these guys fixer uppers. Women want to fix them in their own image through manipulation and drama.

Published: December 31, 2023 at 12:00PM

Saturday, December 30, 2023

TheXYGhost 068

You will never see a feminist rescuing people in a disaster.


Think About This

Do you want to spend your time, efforts and money buying expensive dinners, gifts and entertainment for an entity that feels entitled to your efforts, just for the chance that this entity approves you to be her personal servant and financial slave?
Or do you want someone that will be on her toes trying to pamper your life ensuring that you will protect her on the time of need.

Published: December 30, 2023 at 12:00PM

Friday, December 29, 2023

TheXYGhost 067

Her : I love you. I love you. I love you. I love him now.

TheXYGhost : Wash, Rinse Repeat.

Single Mothers – Living Proof That She is a Man Hater

Single Mothers – Living proof that she is a man hater and does not have a single forgiving bone in her body. It was always his fault, but it was never her fault for laying down with him. She hates the most important man in her child’s life as she looks for a strange man that likes touching kids to replace the real dad.
If she says he was abusive, an ass kicking didn’t fall from the sky for no reason or she likes bad boys.
If he was a substance abuser, chances are he was abusing in front of her all along and she likes the bad boys.
She should be shamed and ridiculed on every level, like they did once before. Now days they are praised and exulted and if she wants such praise, she will call a lawyer and divorce your ass without cause.

Published: December 29, 2023 at 11:59AM

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

TheXYGhost 065

Support Feminism! Take your car to a female mechanic, call a female plumber and hire a female electrician.


Women Defined in Literature

For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. Proverbs 5:3-5
For a prostitute can be had for a loaf of bread, but another man’s wife preys on your very life. Proverbs 6:21
Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.
Proverbs 21:19
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:3
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
1 Timothy 2:11
I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 1 Timothy 2:12
And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 1 Timothy 2:14
I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes. 1 Timothy 2:9
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Titus 2:3
There is a good principle which created order, light, and man, and an evil principle which created chaos, darkness, and woman.
Pythagoras (570-495 BC)
“Women and people of low birth are very hard to deal with. If you are friendly with them, they get out of hand, and if you keep your distance, they resent it.” Confucius (551-479 BC)
A firm bosom; sparkling eyes; a small mouth […] are characteristics of a woman which are always praised. But when we neglect the surface, we find that the internal characteristics corresponding to these are hardness of heart, shifty eyes, a deceitful face, insecurity and cunning. When we bear in mind both the superficial and inward characteristics of a woman, we must declare that the one who should possess them can be dear only to the beasts of the field. The Vairagya Sataka
A woman talks to one man, looks at a second, and thinks of a third.
The Sringa Sataka
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you will be happy. If you get a bad one, you will be a philosopher. Socrates (470-399 BC)
O botheration take you all! How you (women) cajole and flatter. A hell it is to live with you; to live without, a hell Aristophanes
There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed. Aristophanes
Woman is adept at getting money for herself and will not easily let herself be deceived; she understands deceit too well herself.
There is but one thing in the world worse than a shameless woman, and that’s another woman. Thesmorphoriazusae
Women are accustomed to creep into dark places, and when dragged out into the light they will exert their utmost powers of resistance … therefore, as I said before, in most places they will not endure to have the truth spoken without raising a tremendous outcry. Plato
One single thing I trust a woman saying. To other statements no attention paying: When I am dead, I won’t return to grieve you. Till death takes place, in naught else I’ll believe you. Antiphanes
What! When you court concealment, will you tell the matter to a woman? Just as well tell all the criers in the public squares! Tis hard to say which of them louder blares. Antiphanes
Cursed be the dart of love that works men pain! Cursed be the land where women rule supreme! And cursed the fool that bows to woman’s sway! Jataka
There’s no such thing as picking out the best woman: it’s only a question of comparative badness Titus Maccius Plautus
Amongst all the savage beasts none is found so harmful as woman.
St John Chrysostom
It does not profit a man to marry. For what is a woman but an enemy of friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a domestic danger, delectable mischief, a fault in nature, painted with beautiful colors? St John Chrysostom
“I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.” They said, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Because of their ingratitude.” It was said, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?” He said, “They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you. Muhammad
When the Prophet heard the news that the people of the Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen (ruler), he said, “Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler.” Muhammad
“A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her.” Oscar Wilde (The Portrait of Dorian Grey)
“The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?” Sigmund Freud
“You sometimes have to answer a woman according to her womanishness, just as you have to answer a fool according to his folly.” George Bernard Shaw
“Never ever ever, under any circumstances financially obligate yourself (marry) to an entity that will profit from exercising her natural born prerogative to change her mind.” TheXYGhost

Published: December 27, 2023 at 12:00PM

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

TheXYGhost 064

97% of ALL violent criminals were raised by a single mother.

80% of women initiate their divorce.

Do the math.


Monday, December 25, 2023

TheXYGhost 063

Men oppress women by not buying them things.


Merry Christmas

Peace on earth to all men of good will.
Masculinity is Never Toxic
TheXYGhost – The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

I Can’t Believe What Fabio Told Me

A number of years ago I was sitting at a bar in Caffe Roma in Beverly Hills, California ( waiting for my friends to arrive. They were late again. After a while of sitting there nursing my drink, this well-dressed man with long blonde hair stood next to me. As it turned out, this gentleman was Fabio, Fabio Lanzoni! ( Fabio, you know the Italian model that was on the cover of all those Harlequin Romance Novels ( and the famous “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” ads. That Fabio! The icon of female desire.
Well, he and I began to talk, it was so surreal, and after a while I asked him if he was married. A very serious look came on his face as he looked at me and said with a tone that I would never forget.
“Do I look stupid to you?” he said.
He continued with, “Women are crazy.”
Here I am sitting and talking with the one man that could attract any woman he wants by his looks and popularity yet he keeps women at arm’s length and no more.
As you can see from the Wikipedia page ( he was never married. If he won’t get married, why should you?
By the way, congratulations go out to Fabio for becoming a US Citizen as of March 16, 2016. Welcome to our country, we are proud to have you.

Published: December 25, 2023 at 12:00PM

Sunday, December 24, 2023

TheXYGhost 062

Unconditional love means that she will love you under the condition that you provide for her every want, need and desire, until she finds someone better.


Former Feminists Are Still Dictating

There are some antifeminist women out there claiming that they were old time feminists once before but now they see where feminism has gone wrong. They have seen what has become of feminism and they do not approve of its direction and accomplishments. These feminists rode the attention seeking highway promoting their vile spew and now they have switched sides. Now they are riding the attention seeking bandwagon of the antifeminist rant.
These nouveau antifeminists are denouncing their old feminist ways of the past 60 years, but see no real reason for societies reverting back to the old traditional archaic gender roles. In other words, women of the past didn’t like the way things were going and expected everyone to change to their way and now some of these women realize their way was wrong but they want everyone to go another untested way that they have not decided upon yet, but reverting back to a proven ideology of “Leave People Alone, The World Will Not Go Your Way” is not good enough for them.
Where do you want to go? Do you want to go down a road that someone plans for you and see where it goes 60 years down the line? As for me, I am going my own way; I will not follow your way nor dictate where another should go.

Published: December 24, 2023 at 11:59AM

Saturday, December 23, 2023

TheXYGhost 061

Ask a feminist if she wants to date a man that is her equal and watch her head explode.


You Can’t Compromise With Greedy and Selfish Women.

Feminism – A man freely gives an inch out of the kindness of his heart and she demands 10 miles or else she takes it all. If you give in, you are a sucker and if you don’t, you are cheap and stingy. Meanwhile your friends tell you to compromise and meet her in the middle.
Never ever ever under any circumstances offer anything to an ungrateful woman.

Published: December 23, 2023 at 12:00PM

Friday, December 22, 2023

TheXYGhost 060

Why should I provide for a person that refuses to provide for themselves?


A Married Woman and My Brother

I was visiting my dad’s place on Halloween night when I heard the doorbell ring. I thought it was a bunch of Trick-or-Treaters so I answered the door with a bowl full of candy. To my surprise, I opened the door to find a girl in her late 20’s to early 30’s standing outside waiting with an envelope in her hands.
She told me that she lived down the road from me and that she had a “peace offering” for my son. I corrected her and told her I had no son but I did have brothers. She then told me that she was dating my brother and that there was a break up, that their relationship ended on a sour note. She handed me an envelope and asked that I give the envelope to my brother as her personal “peace offering” and that she was leaving the country tonight.
I took the envelope and ensured that it would get to my brother as soon as he gets back.
She left and I texted my brother, “Some girl stopped by dad’s place to leave off a card as a piece offering. She is leaving town today and her mom lives down the block from dad. She thought that I was your father.”
He texted back, “It’s a married woman who is obsessed with me.
But thanks man”
I’m 32 years older than my younger brother and nobody in my family knows anything about my affiliation with MGTOW and alias as AKA John Stone. I guess he has the same troubles that I had.

Published: December 22, 2023 at 11:59AM

Thursday, December 21, 2023

TheXYGhost 059

You want a $150K ring to prove that I love you?

Where is your proof to me that you love me?


“That Girl Likes You”

So, after my divorce was over, and a number of months went by, I thought that going to a church for the first time was going to improve my odds in finding a decent girl with whom to share my life. I picked a church that was not near me; away from anyone I would ever know and attended services very quietly.
It wasn’t long until a few gentlemen approached and welcomed me. They gave me tremendous support and sound logical advice and not a sermon. They invited me to bible study on Wednesday nights, pre and post sermon groups and events and they even invited me into their homes for other studies. They really reached out and open their hearts to me. I will always thank them.
One day, while I was working on setting up snacks for an after-sermon lecture, an older woman approached me and asked me my name. She introduced me to her other two friends, also elderly women. The first woman took me aside and asked me, confidentially, what kind of work I did. My guard was down and I never would have thought that she was sizing me up. So, I told her occupation and as soon as I was done, she became very excited! Huffing and puffing she said, “Oh! Oh! Oh! You’re rich! This girl, Wilma, likes you.”
I politely told her that I was not here for that, yet I started to think who this Wilma was, as I’ve never talked or never been introduced to a Wilma before. I would have remembered that name as it was the name of Fred Flintstone’s wife in the cartoon series, we all know and love.
A few weeks past and the second of the two women pulled me aside to ask a few questions of me. Then she asked, “What kind of work do you do?” My guard was up a bit due to my experience before but I told her. Just like the first old woman, she exclaimed with excitement, “Ooow! You’re rich! Did you know that Wilma likes you?” I could not believe it. It was like I was in the Twilight Zone. I told this woman that I was not here to be set up with anyone, and that I was fine the way I was.
The following week, the first woman told me to pray during the sermon to meet someone right after services and GOD would answer my prayers. I told her that I was not here to be set up with anyone now. She insisted that I should pray anyway so that GOD’s will could be revealed to me.
I had to admit that during this whole time, I was wondering who this “Wilma” was. Over the weeks I sought her out without asking for her. I attended other groups and stood in the hallways seeking her out. Then I saw her. There she was! A very tall and elegant black woman that was very attractive.
I walked over to her to be near her in order to see if she would, at the very least, say something to me. After all, two ladies said that she liked me. Why would they lie? But nothing happened. Wilma had no idea who I was.
Later on, while I was preparing for a kids function at the church, the third old lady asked me what kind of work I did while others were listening. I thought to myself, “Oh no, here we go again.” So, I told her my occupation. Just like a precision time piece, she said, “Ooooh, you’re rich…” I cut her off before she could tell me about someone liking me, saying, “If I had 10 times the money of Bill Gates, I would not be as rich as Jesus Christ.” The three women looked at each other with a puzzled look on their face. Needless to say, I was fed up with this nonsense.
The following Sunday I attended services and sat on the opposite side than usual. At the end of services there was announcements being made and the last of which was the engagement announcement of Wilma and Jacob. I whipped my neck around to look at the 3 old ladies. All 3 of them had sour looks on their faces. My assumption is that the three women did not approve of the lily-white Jacob getting together with that woman that was not white. They wanted me to be placed between them. I could be wrong, but who knows for sure. They never bothered me about Wilma liking me again.

Published: December 21, 2023 at 11:59AM

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

TheXYGhost 058

If you are not checking the DNA of your child at birth, you are a fool.


Women and Tipping

I’ve spoken with waiters, waitresses and cab drivers. They have all told me that men tip way better than women. The overwhelming number of tips in the hospitality sector comes from men. I know many New York City cab drivers that will avoid a woman to pick up a man because of this fact. The only time I’ve ever seen a woman tip well is if that woman was, at one time or another, a waitress herself.
Which of the sexes are greedy, stingy and selfish? Remember that when a female calls you cheap for not buying her the most expensive meal and wine on your first date.

Published: December 20, 2023 at 11:59AM

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

TheXYGhost 057

If a woman’s prerogative is to change her mind, why ask her opinion in the first place?


Women in Prisons

Over my lifetime I have spoken to many corrections officers, male and female, from New York City, New York State, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Arizona and California. This much is very clear, the men in jail are vicious and violent (the more violent ones are on television shows) but the women are nasty, dirty and disgusting. All the officers I’ve spoken to tell me they would rather be in a men’s prison than a female one.

Published: December 19, 2023 at 11:59AM

Monday, December 18, 2023

TheXYGhost 056

MGTOW is about men choosing their freedom over being a servant “provider”.

Why do women hate that?


The Divorce Equation

There absolutely is a mathematical equation for understanding when a woman will separate from her man…
1) A woman will leave a man if there are no kids between them on or before 3 years.
2) A woman will break it off with a man when the youngest child between them is 4 – 5 years old.
If it goes beyond that, you got a good one.
If a woman divorced her husband after 7 or 8 years, you can almost calculate that there are, at least 2 kids that were involved.
This is one thing I have never seen written anywhere but I’ve seen it over and over again for many years.

Published: December 18, 2023 at 11:59AM

Sunday, December 17, 2023

TheXYGhost 055

Her : Buy me a ring or I’m leaving you.

TheXYGhost : Retract that demand or I’ll leave you.

Women of Today Think That Men Are the Problem

I hate when women of today say men are the problem but here’s something to think about.
Women today think that 90% of men are below average.
Women of today think that the following men are the problem
…men under 6 feet tall.
…men that earn under $200k per year.
…men that are not pleasing them all the time.
…men that are pleasing them all the time.
…men not pursuing them every day.
…men pursuing them every day.
…men not giving them everything they want.
…men giving them everything they want.
…men that are too masculine.
…men that are too feminine.
…men that are too strict.
…men that are too nice.
…men that work too much.
…men that don’t work enough.
…men that are too aggressive.
…men that are not aggressive enough.
…men that love them too much.
…men that don’t love them enough.
…men that give them too much attention.
…men that don’t give them enough attention.
Should I keep on?
Women of today think that men are the problem, always.
Have you ever met a woman that said that they were the fault of their last breakup?

Published: December 17, 2023 at 11:59AM

Saturday, December 16, 2023

TheXYGhost 054

5 kids, 21 DNA tests, 10 years and you still can’t find all your kid’s fathers. You blame men for this, right?


Women Love Abusive Men

Several times in my life I met women that said they were in abusive relationships. Some were married and others were living together. When I would tell them they should break it off, they would tell me that they couldn’t. When I asked them as to why they couldn’t, their response would be the same, “You just don’t understand”. Some of those girls would even say, “But I love him”.

Published: December 16, 2023 at 12:01PM

Friday, December 15, 2023

TheXYGhost 053

Her : I want a $25,000 ring because I’m worth it.

TheXYGhost : Is that the price of your love for me?

My Father Dealing With Me Being Single.

Today I had an argument with my 81-year-old father.
My father and mother separated when I was only 4. I lived with a psycho-mom up until the age of 10. Then I lived in Europe with my retired grandparents until age 14. When I returned to America, I was told that my father was found. Mother really hid us. I was taught to hate him and I did.
Years later, my mother’s psychotic ways made it impossible for me to stay. I moved in with my dad, when my hate for him still occupied my heart. I graduated high school and off to college. I quit college and found an apartment as I worked for my father who I still hated through no fault of his own.
My father later got married. He had two sons and, although I was never pushed aside by anyone, I felt as though I was not a part of this family.
So, I left and never turned back.
16 years later I saw my 2 brothers on Facebook and there was a very tearful reunion.
As I was divorced now, I understood my dad. The hatred for my father was gone, sometime after my mother passed away.
As the years went by, I visited my dad, my stepmom and newly found brothers on a regular basis. My father always asked me about me being single.
Every time for the next few years he would ask the same questions;
“How’s your love life?”
“Do you have any new romances in your life?”
“Do you have anyone new in your life?”
“Have you met anyone at your new job?”
“You know, I got married when I was 46. There’s still hope for you.”
“You know, your grandfather got married when he was 53. There’s still hope for you.”
“You know, my tenant upstairs thinks you are quite good looking.”
Every single time I went to visit my father, he cycles through one of the same statements above. It drove me insane. It got to the point where the older of my half-brother joined in. He started with lectures. I shrugged it off for years until a few days ago when I stopped him and started to yell at him while we went out to a nearby mall.
He asked the same question yet again. I returned with, “What’s with the questions? Do you think I’m a faggot or something? What is wrong with me? What should I do in my life to make you happy?” I yelled and yelled at my dad trying to get into his head that I was single and I’m not going to change that.
The next day, he asked again. I could not believe it. Didn’t he hear me say before?
I got home and the next day sent him about 7 of my Facebook posts. Then I texted him;
Me: I sent you a few articles I wrote. Show them to Billy (not real name). Maybe one day you and him will not call me a faggot any more.
My Dad: Don’t be ridiculous
Me: There is a lecture from Billy almost every time. And you constantly toss hints at me every single time. Don’t you know it hurts me every time you ask me about my “Love Life” or “Romantic Interests”?
My Dad: Ok
Me: I get this all the time from people that nag me constantly about me being and remaining single. I really don’t care that Mary (tenant) thinks I’m “good looking”. Does that mean she wants to leave her current man for me? Does that mean that I can now view myself as good looking because some Asian woman says so? You can’t keep poking at a tiger and expect it not to lash out after the 100th time.
I had enough psychopathic girlfriends that wanted me to be their own personal provider for everything they could ever imagine. It’s insane. You want me to return to that insanity?
Yes, I know, they always tell me, “Not all women are like that” and I’m at fault for picking them.
So, I will not pick them any longer.
I stopped talking to the people that nag me about being single. Who really wants to be around people that nag all the time?
I do not want to do that with you.
I’ve been with way too many women in my life.
I only wanted one
I’m not jumping into that fire of insanity again.
Women with kids from multiple men with a history of abortions and a few STDs are not for me.
I’ve had it up to my neck in entitled women that expect the world from me.
I was never put on this earth to be a woman’s sole meal ticket.
My Dad: kay there’s not much to say except to say I won’t mention it again
Me: Please.
I wrote this article then texted the following;
Me: I’m sorry I blew up like that. It’s a sensitive issue for me.
My Dad: No problem, John we all get to blow off once in a while no problem at all
Me: I’m very sorry I did. I’m very proud that we have these small amounts of time together. I don’t want it to end.
My Dad: It ends when I pass on. Then you have Bobby, Billy and Maria (his wife). No sweat
Me: There will be time.

Published: December 15, 2023 at 12:01PM