Saturday, March 8, 2025

TheXYGhost II 068

I always hear women say, "I might give him a chance." A chance at what? A chance to be her unpaid servant and provider?


A Question to Ponder #3

Do you think that a working wife will work hard to add extra money to her loving husband and family or is she hoarding that extra cash while spending her husband's money so she can break free from someone that openly helped her when she had nothing?

TheXYGhost 136

Men never leave their own kids. They leave women after finding out the kid is not theirs.


Friday, March 7, 2025

TheXYGhost II 067

The new trend for women is to toss aside a loving, caring, great man, all for some shallow excitement or selfish reason.


A Question to Ponder #2

What would anyone have to do for you, in order for you to protect them with your life, work hard all day to pay their bills?

TheXYGhost 135

Why do women want their husbands and sons in charge of taking out the trash?


Thursday, March 6, 2025

TheXYGhost II 066

She'd rather be a king's concubine than a loyal, average man's wife. Her worth is tied to status, not real commitment.


A Question to Ponder #1

How have women, in your past thanked you for wining, dining, entertaining, providing and protecting her with your life?

TheXYGhost 134

Men never leave their own kids. They leave women that make life impossible while they have the police, lawyers, judges and all the simps of the world supporting and encouraging her bad behavior.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

TheXYGhost II 065

If you marry a non-virgin, you're nothing more than her second choice. Her ideal man is a fantasy made up of the best traits from all the men she's slept with, yet that man will never exist.


A Pattern That I've Noticed

Women seem to start disliking their man they are with around the time their youngest child hits 4 - 5 years of age. They also start this trait after 3 years when there are no kids involved. Have you notice this in your lives? Let us look at this phenomenon to find the cause and cure.

TheXYGhost 133

I only take advice from people I wish to be like.

I do not want to be like a woman.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

TheXYGhost II 064

She claims to hate cheaters, yet she has no problem being the side piece for a married man.


The Aftermath of 2 Girls Hidden From Their Fathers

Today I ran into a friend of mine that retired to Florida. He came back to NYC to visit. He told me that his 44 year old daughter contacted him from out of the blue. You see, when my friend returned from duty in Vietnam, he settled down with a woman. When only 8 months pregnant, she ran away, never to be seen again. Well, the baby turned out to be a girl that he had never seen. She found her father through and wrote a letter, that ended up arriving at the man's old place of residence where his son lives.

It turned out that his newly found daughter lives 8 miles away from were her father retired. She has 2 kids, one 10 the other 13. He says that his daughter looks and even acts like him and they even ""complete each others sentences."" He is happy now that he has grandchildren to watch over.

As for the mother, when her kids grew up, that woman and 2 other boys from 2 other fathers, she got involved with a gang of criminals. They were shooting heroin and she died somehow or another. He didn't give much detail and I didn't press him for any.

Anyway, he is happy. This is the second daughter that came back to him. The other one, from a past wife, ran off just to get the child support. When this daughter came back to him 20 years ago to confront him on not paying child support, this man opened his desk drawer and gave his daughter a box of canceled checks proving otherwise.

TheXYGhost 132

Women want equallity for all yet they hate poor men. Never will they ever take a poor man out for a dinner.


Monday, March 3, 2025

TheXYGhost II 063

He got rid of his stalker by asking her out, then whining and complaining the entire time.


How Women Define Themselves

Women define themselves by how they perceive their partner's worth and status. They constantly compare their situations to the ones of the women in their sphere of influence.

With absolutely no regards as to his needs, a woman will place ALL of her needs, wants, and desires (real or imaginary) solely on that partner to fulfill. Without his knowledge or consent she puts him in charge of satisfying her in every way without giving him a single clue as to what she wants. He should know or else it is not meant to be. If he does not live up to unrealistic expectations, she will then start look at him as if he betrayed her and she will act accordingly.

TheXYGhost 131

Women loudly yell, "My body, my choice!" But a woman will never abort a child of a millionaire.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

TheXYGhost II 062

She actually claims she's still a virgin because the sex she had on video was "professional" and doesn't count.


Here is What I Do Not Understand

Why are there so many females heading up the Fathers' Rights movement? That makes no GOD damn sense. I started up this account to empower men and to shatter the angelic images of females in the heads of men. I post stuff all day, more than any Mens' or Fathers' rights group. I never asked for money and I am only one person they are groups of male followers lead by Judas Goat females leading men to slaughter. I have my own group (Men Only) and I only friend with men, no females. I have complimented women on their comments and even posted videos of great women of today. I do not hate strong, powerful, intelligent, creative women. I wish they could all be that way. Instead I see bossy, vicious, vindictive, money grubbing whores and women that enjoy leading men.

There was this female who put her kid's face on her profile. No doubt a single mom that walked out on the father yet she feels sorry for the new man in her life whose wife walked out on him. Now she is the admin that deleted one of my posts.

TheXYGhost 130

If you earn more than her, she loves you until she earns more tha you or she finds another that earns more than you. In any case she never knows who she loves until she knows whats in you wallet.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

TheXYGhost II 061

Even the loudest, most hardcore feminists always end up with some rugged biker. Funny how they never touch the soft, spineless feminist men they claim to idolize.



We have sold ourselves way too short to women for far too long. These women are not the women of the 1950's that will raise our kids, make our homes and beds when we go out in the foxholes and risk our necks for the family. Those women made sure we came back to a clean home, clean clothes and warm food when we come home.

Today's women want slaves that will provide for their every want, need and desire, real or imaginary. They wont do anything loving for us, we have to provide the hot meals for them after a hard days work and we have to provide $10,000 handbags, maid service and a gourmet chef at their disposal. They demand new cars and a fancy home with all the furnishings. They demand that we provide them happiness and shower them with attention, jewelry and roses all on a silver platter. They demand constant and never ending compliments and accolades.This is far more than any 10 men could ever give one female.

She will abort and kidnap our children and make us pay through the nose just for the possibility of seeing our kids 4 days a month if you dont pamper the queen like a good servant.

And what does she give back that is worth all that?

I think the time is right to say to women, "If you want to live under my protection and to enjoy my provisions, you need to prove your worth to me." What can you offer a man that will risk his life to defend, feed and clothe you?

Share This if You Think I am Correct.

I mean it!

TheXYGhost 129

Women are praised for securing a new man that will fully provide for her while under the care of another man she designated for the same purpose. When she leaves the first man, he is constantly asked, "What did you do wrong?", as if the woman did no wrong.
