Friday, May 24, 2024

An Answer to, "He Don't Give Me Enough Attention!"

I remember watching a TV divorce court a long time ago. The girl, who initiated the divorce, (no surprise here) told the female judge, "he don't give me enough attention!" Just then, the judge turned to the kid (both of them were in their early 20's) and said, "Why wont you give this lovely woman all the attention she deserves?"

I nearly dropped on the floor with shock. The boy looked as though he was so perplexed. And rightly so. This kid was face to face with an irrational person and the judge that supported her insanity.

I know this is only a TV show of a real divorce case and they are pandering to the audience, but this incident is why I never bought a TV since the 1990's.

If I were a lawyer in this case, I would have ask the following questions;

• How much attention is enough?

• How much attention did he promise to give her on a daily basis?

• What forms of attention was she looking for?

• Is he giving you no attention at all?

• Is he giving you a little attention and that's not enough?

• Is he giving you a lot of attention and that's not enough?

• Is he giving you too much attention and that's not enough?

• How do you measure attention?

• What are the units of measure for attention?

• How much attention is he giving you now?

• How much attention is enough?

• How can we know if you are asking for too much attention?

• Did you disclose your attention needs before you were married?

• Did he agree to giving you the above attention you disclosed to him before you were married?

• Did you put, in writing, in a contract, your expectations of his attention duties?

• Did he agree to and sign said contract?

• What does he get in return?

• How much attention do you give him?

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