It’s August 31, 2023 at 11:59AM
It’s August 30, 2023 at 12:00PM
It’s August 29, 2023 at 12:01PM
From the beginning of time men have juggled their careers while providing and protecting their families. From prehistoric times where men woke up before sunrise to feed their livestock. Providing for and protecting their family, livestock and properties was his job. Men have done this for generations without fail.
Even in modern times before feminism, men provided and protected families even while attending college and beyond. Men did it all successfully.
In the past 50 years the modern woman boasts that she is better than the men of the past. While she avoids all the dangerous jobs that men still do she professes that she needs no man. She claims that she can multitask better than men as she puts her family on hold to the point that she freezes her eggs past her 40’s.
It’s amazing to see that modern women prove that they are incapable of creating, maintaining and supporting a family while creating their own careers. If they could, why would they freeze their own eggs while waiting on their success in their career?
I guess they cannot multitask as well as men can.
Did it ever occur to this one to meet someone, at least half way?
Women wait for things to happen to them, never taking a step in any direction towards making their own life happen. With everything, women think that they have limited,and nearly zero responsibility to get what they want. They feel that if they do anything to make things happen, “it’s not meant to be”.
After she dumped me to marry my best friend in high school back in 1980, she found me on Facebook 40 years later to see if I wanted to get back together with her.
I just don’t understand it. Why are women as old as 50 still looking for a Disney Prince to rescue them and sweep them off their feet? Grow up! You are not 13 anymore. Accept reality and stop believing in storybook fantasies.
She works hard to raise her financial status, as a result of her hard work, she finds fewer men that are above her level.
She works even harder to collect college diplomas only to find that even fewer men have the degrees that she has and the financial status as well.
The more she improves herself, the less likely she will find a man with a higher status.
She will never find a man with equal or lesser value than she perceives herself. She has no ideas of sharing of strengths. Her endless pursuits of her personal status and the obsession of others blinds her.
Most women have a problem with being seen as a sex object by men, or so they claim, but do not have a problem with benefitting from, or even exploiting, their being seen as a sex object by a man.
“Men get told every day where they rank, they get rejected all the time. Men known what they quote unquote ‘qualify’ for.
But women for the last 30 to 40 years have been told they can have it all whenever they want, no matter how they are. And they’ve been given an unrealistic expectation of their actual sexual marketplace value.”
“Ladies, when you go on a date you get one drink. If you’re not in a committed relationship, you don’t get two drinks. And in general you need to look at what the man is ordering and order less.
But how many women think “Well I’m going out on diner, Hell he asked me out so I’m gonna go and live it up.” Think about it. How many women approach the sheer fact of being a woman like it entitles them to get every man’s bag.
Y’all expect everything today. You wanna hit the clubs at 3AM, you wanna go on dates, you wanna do all kinda stuff. And then you’re simply asked “What are we gonna get in return? What do you bring to the table?”
“When a woman and male feminists, can’t present a cogent argument based in facts, statistics or logic they resort to Shame, Insult, Guilt and the Need to be right (S.I.G.N.Language)”
“Modern day women today want men to pay them to be feminine.”
“Do not give to anybody based upon your level of attraction or interest. Do or give based upon their level of investment.
If she gives 1 you give 1, if she gives 2 you give 2.
Making women not earn you time is a great way to get stuck in the friend zone or losing attraction.”
“Classy women don’t lie. Weave is a lie, make-up is a lie, waist trainers are a lie, spanks are a lie, girdles are a lie. Stop lying.
You must dress like a woman: skirts, skirts and more skirts. Skirts and dresses.
Get rid of the flip-flops. Get rid of the sandals and dress like a grown up woman.
Get rid of the yoga pants and anything that shows your natural *ss. Get rid of things that show your midriff or your stomach.
We don’t need to see all of that, that’s for your man.”
“So many modern women today cannot deliver the girlfriend experience. That’s why you don’t get the wife treatment. The girlfriend experience is respect, affection, support, peace and tranquility.”
“Ask a woman what she wants from a man and she’ll give you a thesaurus, a list, an encyclopedia.
Ask what she brings to the table and you can write it on the back of a postage stamp.”
“A woman that’s in high demand, her mindset is three main things: she’s cooperative, she’s smart, and she’s agreeable. All three of those things must be there.
She must be smart, but a woman that’s smart and disagreeable is not a woman that’s in high demand, she’s not a woman that’s really wanted.
A woman who’s smart and cooperative but not agreeable is kind of useless. Cause she’ll only cooperate when she agrees.
A woman who’s cooperative and agreeable but not smart is kinda like the blind leading the blind.
She must be smart, cooperative and agreeable.”
“A man wants a woman who is cooperative. fit, feminine, friendly, submissive, childless, and easy to get along”
It’s August 10, 2023 at 11:59AM
It’s August 09, 2023 at 12:00PM
“My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with my sheer indefatigability, combine to make me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“I can never think of a time where I had a problem and I called a woman and told her my problem and the problem went away. I’d call a girl I’d go, ‘I’ve got this issue, I need money, or someone is out to kill me or, I got stabbed’ or whatever. And the girl said something that wasn’t, just garbage. They cannot help your problems. Women are not combat ready.”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“Feminism is an ideology that can not be defended by feminists. The only people that can defend feminism are the men that subscribe to that garbage.”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“Women don’t need men in a physical sense because life is soft. But it’s Bullshit. And it’s bullshit because you still need men by proxy, one, and two, the second life gets difficult you very quickly learn how much you need men. But women will go, ‘I’m an independent woman. I don’t need no man because I have an OnlyFanss and men pay my OnlyFans and if anyone comes up to me, I’ll call a male police officer. I don’t need men/’ Shut up you’re a fucken idiot. Your whole life is based on men. Of course you need men. You just named your whole life is based on fucken men. The house you are living in was built by men. The car you are driving was designed by a man. Your whole life depends on men. And the second anything bad were to happen to you, the second you were physically threatened, or times would get hard, or a war would start, or famine, or riots. The first thing you do is find a big strongman, and shit yourself and throw the feminism out the window. Feminism goes out the window the minute the snow needs shoveling, or there’s a broken down car, or there’s a tire that needs changing. Then all that crap vanishes. It’s garbage!”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“Men who live without self control are the kind of men who cry when their girlfriend cheats on them, ‘cause she certainly does, because she doesn’t respect a little cry baby, and she’s only with you because she’s ugly as fuck and she has to settle for a little soy boy pussy like you.”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“If you name the biggest conquerors that you can possibly name from history, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, all of them, they all had100 wives, bunch of children, Big ‘G’, conquered the world. Normal! That is normal evolutionary biology. That’s how men are designed to be.”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
“There’s not been, in the history of humanity, across any culture, any book, any story, any fable, there has never been, across the history of humanity, any respect in the name of a promiscuous female. Ever! Ever! There has never been a single female that has been celebrated for her promiscuity, ever in history. It’s always been frowned upon. It’s disgusting. Not a single woman who was celebrated for having multiple husbands. Female promiscuity has always been disgusting and frowned upon.”
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”
1. Men have the divine imperative to become as capable, competent, and powerful as possible in this life.
2. I reserve my human right to hold my own beliefs, practice them as I see fit, and give people the same right to believe and act as they wish.
3. I prefer loving, rewarding, consensual relationships with beautiful, positive, virtuous, (feminine) women.
4. Men and women are different, each has their own unique and important strengths and abilities (skillsets).
5. Men have the sacred duty to protect and provide for the important people in their lives.
6. Men have the sacred duty to protect the innocence and sanctity of their children and reserve the right and responsibility to raise their children as they see best to ensure their long-term happiness, health and success.
7. Men have the sacred duty to raise strong, capable, and honorable sons.
8. Men have the sacred duty to raise kind, feminine, and virtuous daughters.
9. I utterly disprove violence within familiar and romantic relationships.
10. I support good and honest governments, and will obey their laws.
11. I prefer to conduct business dealings only with trusted and vetted brothers.
12. A man has the sacred duty to hold true to his word and do exactly what he says he will do.
13. A man’s life is difficult, so he has the sacred duty to become strong to handle such difficulty.
14. Men are personally responsible for their actions and for the results they achieve in their lives.
15. I believe in emotional control and the vital need to become disciplined and professional in all things.
16. Men have the sacred duty to approach everything in life from a position of strength.
17. All men have the sacred duty to become men of upright and virtuous character and live above all possible reproach.
18. I believe it is incumbent upon me to ruthlessly identify my own weaknesses and limitations and work to overcome them and become more capable in all realms.
19. I seek to improve my personal freedom to think, act and live true to my masculine imperative in all ways.
20. Each man has a sacred duty to mold the physical body into the strongest, most resilient, and most capable version of itself.
21. Men have the sacred duty to rigorously mold themselves, both physically and mentally every day.
22. I have the sacred duty to only eat the highest quality foods possible.
23. I reserve the right to protect the sanctity of my bloodstream and make my own decisions about my own medical care and procedures.
24. I affirm the importance of endlessly improving my mental faculties through diligent work, study, and practice.
25. I believe in acquiring wealth and abundance in order to improve my life and do good to those I care about.
26. I believe in the merits of healthy competition and constantly encourage men to seek out the competition to improve themselves.
27. I believe masculine brotherhood is essential to men’s mental health, happiness and success, and I relentlessly encourage men to meet together, work together, and train together.
28. I maintain the trust of my brothers through reverent silence regarding our most sacred and shared experiences.
29. I believe in honoring my ancestors and living in a way that would make most of them proud of me today.
30. I reserve the right to administer difficult rights of passage to our young men to allow them to earn the rank of manhood.
31. I affirm the importance and need of travel and adventure as men.
32. I seek to help men overcome poor mental health by embracing hard work, physical improvements, and shared masculine brotherhood.
33. I reserve the right to make the best choices I can at the time to protect myself and respect my mental health.
34. I do good in the world and seek to help those less fortunate.
35. I believe all men have the responsibility to lead and guide those they care about for greater prosperity, health, and happiness.
36. I choose to only interact with those who are respectful and civil to me, in return for my own respectfulness and civility.
37. I reserve the freedom to speak and refer to others as I believe is the best and most truthful.
38. I reserve the right to choose my company and include only those whom I believe is best for my health, happiness, and success.
39. I believe I have an imperative to only spend my time in a way that I determine is beneficial, uplifting, and empowering to myself and others.
40. I choose to only allow myself to be influenced by those whom I believe have my best interests in mind.
41. Each day I dedicate myself a new to creating the greatest possible positive impact on the world and doing the work necessary to achieve greater masculine excellence across all realms of human endeavor.
-Andrew Tate
Top “G”